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Can someone link Wariat's 2013 Child Sex case from Oakdale California where he asked two police officers if they had seen any twelve year olds?

  1. #61
    RIPtotse victim of incest [my adversative decurved garbo]
    Originally posted by Pete Green I'm listening to Primus right now and dancing in Gigi's pad, drinking shit wine and getting a little buzzed off of CBD. at least my back doesn't hurt. fucking hell. painted that shower yesterday with this special paint and it turned out good but my back aches like fuck

    next song Smashing Pumpkinds 1979. good year. that was a fun summer for me. thats when a friend of mine from Oakland area taught me how to ride a dirt bike and we would pull hills out in Castro Valley with a bunch of other crazy fucks. the dank fog made the clay extra muddy and the object was to get to the top of the hill without sliding backwards and having a 350 pound bike land on you.

    primus is my favorite band

    my band covered quite a few songs, Jerry was a racecar driver, groundhogs day, and I used to eat mushrooms In high-school and fucking dissect all their albums so I can play like 90% of their shit on bass...Tommy the cat and is it luck took me a while
  2. #62
    RIPtotse victim of incest [my adversative decurved garbo]
    Originally posted by Speedy Parker

    Looks more like gigi to me…

    be careful animals make wariat horny
  3. #63
    Speedy Parker Black Hole
    350 lb dirt bike in the 70s? What did you do strap bricks on it?
  4. #64
    OP is a pedo trying to divert pedottension away from his own pedophillia.
  5. #65
    Speedy Parker Black Hole
    Said the little yellow pedo
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  6. #66
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
  7. #67
    Speedy Parker Black Hole
    English you nub
  8. #68
    Haxxor Space Nigga
    Originally posted by ☆$P₳C3🐏🌟👍👌🏻꒰⌐■ω■꒱👍🏿🪐$H33P🐑🌛 I am a meth addicted pedophile that fucks kids

  9. #69
    Originally posted by Speedy Parker Said the little yellow pedo

    projects the pedo with dubbious herritage.
  10. #70
    Speedy Parker Black Hole
    ⬆️Thinks the wide expanse if things unknown to him are all dubious.
  11. #71
    cigreting Dark Matter
    Originally posted by Bradley Can someone link Wariat's 2013 Child Sex case from Oakdale California where he asked two police officers if they had seen any twelve year olds?

    This, tachosomoza's Dr. Phil interview, jenkem being on the news, and Paul Wozny's molestation case, have to be the funniest fucking relics of our community. I also like the video of FuBi doing the ice bucket challenge with piss, shit, and vomit in his mom's oppoulent mansion's outdoor bathroom (no bullshit, it had like an open top, that nigga had it so good before he overdosed just living off his mom, showing his dick on tinychat, doing heroin, and criticizing the Lil Boosie freestyles I played on tinychat everytime it was my turn to go next.

    if u were there for the Lil Boosie freestyle u still remember the words nigga, i was like 18 and sellin drugs and wanted to watch this and Loyal to the Game by Tupac 90% of the time, and i jacked off to HTS we had cyber sex kinda, i jerked off a lot on tinychat tinybltc crew

    so anyway

    big shout out to all 15 of us who haven't died and paul wozny tinychat tinybltc crew member with the 4 chins and Mcdonalds bags in the backround

    if anyone can find that pic of him where i told him to see how many chins he could make and he did it and bro like 2/3 of the camera space, the size of this niggas head were just layers of chin fat like hot dogs hiding his throat

    and i screen caped it and that's my best memory of Paul Wozny aka 16 alts cuz i keep telling everyone his real name and how he's a pedophile from Wisconsin i met in prison

    discuss my roommate hasn't slept in 4 days and im like damn that must be some fire ass fucking meth he has (I can't imagine staying up at 30 years old for 4 days and expect him to die like from this one day soon) and then i'm gonna make more shitty, long winded posts about nothing.

    o and when viper shot himself and we all pulled out our dicks on cam so his mom walks into her drug addict sons room (I wasn't there for this but i will always regret not being there) and there's like 5/8 cameras on as chatroom with their dicks out and here's her son Viper I think his name was Jason or something gay like that bleeding out of his chest with a rifle wound and she looks at the screen and sees a bunch of dudes swinging their dicks listening to heavy metal and like 3 faces of white people and her sons camera connected. it was an accident but mostly because someone (who I don't remember i'm pretty sure it was green plastic/diet piano) send him "bad dmt" but that might also havef been one user being a dick and saying the dmt that he had received was bad so he shot himself (While cleaning the gun for two hours before hand lol)

    so yeah oh and then the cops came in and they pulled his webcam (old computer) off the monitor onto the floor and Tortilla closed the cam when he couldn't hear anything good enough to make him happy and u have to manually cam yourself back up and that was the end of viper.

    Who's fubi, I looked him up and no such user
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  12. #72
    Pete Green African Astronaut
    Originally posted by RIPtotse primus is my favorite band

    my band covered quite a few songs, Jerry was a racecar driver, groundhogs day, and I used to eat mushrooms In high-school and fucking dissect all their albums so I can play like 90% of their shit on bass…Tommy the cat and is it luck took me a while

    yeah they were a new sound in the day. I used to go to De-Anza High richmond/el sobrante where both Clay and Kirt Hammett attended but they graduated or left months before I started in Sep 1981. but lots of people spoke of them at school. El Sob#1

    I spoke to waluigi of climbing the hill across from our home on San Pablo Dam Road with my brother and friends and you could see all of El Cerrito and Berkeley and SF Bay from the top on a clear day, there was a NIKE radar tower we drank beer and or sum smoked weeeeed, Rock Triumph area, that was one of the few things to do in El Sob but maybe Kennedy Grove to throw Frisbee or a football, bike around the San Pablo Reservoir (easy 20-30 mile run), because it was so fucking boring. or go to the Arcade in downtown when video games were in their infancy . small country like town back then. It's mostly Sikh now. there were lots of them back then but they're cool people but it has a high concentration of sikh now.
  13. #73
    Pete Green African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Speedy Parker 350 lb dirt bike in the 70s? What did you do strap bricks on it?

    Are you fucking kidding me? Bikes were heavier then than today. I didn't fucking weigh the got damn thing but a TT or YT 500 were pretty fucking heavy. at least 275-300? i fucking have no clue. I wasn't the big moto cross rider like most of my friends were.

    I grew up in the oakland area but not the hills. so I didn't get to ride in my youth like most kids who lived in the hills. back then it was legal. now the Lefty cunts outlawed it. but its because shit is so dry, clip a rock and start a fire. but in the winter-time it should be seasonal riding

    the planet got too hot and overgrowth created to much fuel to be legal now. 70s and 80s were the last of the free decades to do shit.
  14. #74
    Speedy Parker Black Hole
    Originally posted by Pete Green Are you fucking kidding me? Bikes were heavier then than today. I didn't fucking weigh the got damn thing but a TT or YT 500 were pretty fucking heavy. at least 275-300? i fucking have no clue. I wasn't the big moto cross rider like most of my friends were.

    I grew up in the oakland area but not the hills. so I didn't get to ride in my youth like most kids who lived in the hills. back then it was legal. now the Lefty cunts outlawed it. but its because shit is so dry, clip a rock and start a fire. but in the winter-time it should be seasonal riding

    the planet got too hot and overgrowth created to much fuel to be legal now. 70s and 80s were the last of the free decades to do shit.

    A Honda Elsinore in the 70s weighed between 175ish an 240ish tops. Depending on the year and CC displacement.
  15. #75
    RisiR † 29 Autism
    Bump for the ice bucket challenge story. Really cool. Would you have the nuts to do it? I think I'd go all in if I had the nuts. Maybe I'd even drop into the ice bucket to see if I was conditioned enough.
  16. #76
    the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    its actually kinda a interesting legal defense
    THE PEOPLE,原告和被告,訴 MACIEJ WIESLAW LATA,被告和上訴人。 C065582 加州上訴法院,第三區,格倫 2011 年 6 月 28 日
    不予發布極好的。 CT。編號 09NCR07158尼科爾森,代理 P. J.有消息稱,24 歲被告 透過網路上所謂的「MySpace」網站與一名 12 歲未成年人聯繫並安排會面,意圖實施某種行為的騷擾。根據協商一致的抗辯,檢察官修改了信息,納入一項騷擾兒童的輕罪罪名,被告認罪,以換取駁回第 288 條重罪的三項排列,並給予緩刑,條件是監禁少於180天。該罪行使被告被強制登記為性罪犯。 (《筆法典》第 290 條第 (c) 款[未指定的部分參考本法典]。)
    在量刑聽證會上(由於是在輕罪日曆上舉行,因此沒有記錄),被告反對登記要求,理由是法院記錄中未明確說明。法院依約定的處置准予緩刑,並實施登記要求。被告提交上訴通知,但未要求提供可能原因證明(CPC)。被告在上訴中的唯一論點是,對兒童騷擾行為的強制登記要求侵犯了他的平等保護權,因為第 290 條並未將招攬賣淫納入其範圍內,儘管被禁止的行為可能類似。我們確認准予緩刑的命令。我們解決該問題不需要考慮被告抗辯的事實基礎。因此我們省略它。討論
    人民黨最初辯稱,被告登記要求的合憲性不是上訴時可以識別的問題,因為他沒有獲得 CPC。他認罪的這種強制性後果並不是他認罪中可以協商的要素,因此對其提出質疑並不等於對其認罪有效性的攻擊,否則他的認罪有效性將受到 CPC 先決條件的約束。 (People v. Hernandez (2008) 166 Cal.App.4th 641, 647-648 [在People v. Picklesimer (2010) 48 Cal.4th 330, 338, fn. 4 中未獲批准,關於對註冊要求提出質疑可以通過判決後動議];參見 People v. McClellan (1993) 6 Cal.4th 367, 380 [實施註冊要求並不違反抗辯條款,因為它不是談判的主題];刑法(2011 年第3 版增補),刑事上訴,第16 段,第67 頁。
    受到法律平等保護的權利(美國憲法第 14 條修正案;加州憲法第 I 條第 7 條)是指與處境相似的人受到類似待遇的權利。 (People v. Jones (2002) 101 Cal.App.4th 220, 227;People v. Hofsheier (2006) 37 Cal.4th 1185, 1199 (Hofsheier)。)因此,主張這項權利受到侵犯的人必須具備必要具備的先決條件證明立法分類對兩個或多個處境相似的群體的影響不同。 (Hofsheier,同上,第 37 Cal.4th,第 1199 頁;In re Randy J. (1994) 22 Cal.App.4th 1497, 1506。)
    “立法分類是指定誰將和誰不會受到特定法律管轄的行為。” (Connerly v. State Personnel Bd. (2001) 92 Cal.App.4th 16, 32.)
    人民做出了誤導性的努力,認為霍夫謝爾(Hofsheier),上文,第37 Cal.4th 1185 中確定的類別及其衍生的關於涉及14 歲以上未成年人的各種非強制性行為的登記要求的判例法主體,並不類似定位於被告。這些案件實際上不適用於針對 14 歲以下兒童的性犯罪(People v. Alvarado (2010) 187 Cal.App.4th 72, 77;People v. Kennedy (2009) 180 Cal.App.4th 403, 410- 411),但除了引用平等保護的一般原則外,被告並未打算將其罪行與Hofsheier 及其後代進行比較。相反,他認為,根據第647.6 條(a) 款規定,對用言語騷擾未成年人進行強制登記違反了平等保護,因為如果他違反第647 條(a) 款的規定,招攬未成年人從事賣淫行為,則不會強制進行記。《人民報》稱,被告認定的兩組被告並不涉及處境相似的被告,因為第 647.6 條 (a) 款包含對兒童「異常或不自然」的性興趣的要素。然而,還有一個更根本的問題。被告所依賴的差別待遇群體並非因立法分類而存在。它們是被告線條畫的產物。第 647.6 條 (a) 款包括所有客觀且毫不猶豫地被視為對正常人造成刺激或不安的行為,而這些行為是出於對受害者的不自然或不正常的性興趣。 (People v. Lopez (1998) 19 Cal.4th 282, 289-290.)因此,第 647.6 條 (a) 款旨在針對涉及特別弱勢群體的一系列行為,而不僅僅是言語,它與焦點不同第647條(b)款規定,教唆賣淫,即以性行為換取報酬。我們發現,被告沒有任何權力(被告也沒有提供任何權力)可以根據自己案件的事實制定自己的分類,而這些分類不反映在主張侵犯平等保護權時的法定區別。 (參見Re J.P. (2009) 170 Cal.App.4th 1292, 1299 [對所涉犯罪的法定要素進行比較,而不是對被告案件的具體事實進行比較,這是平等保護分析的相關調查]。)立法機關並未排除將未成年人排除在嫖娼規約中並不違反憲法平等保護的原則,因為它並不要求數學上的完美分類。 (In re Kimbler (1979) 100 Cal.App.3d 453, 459.)因此,被告未能證明存在立法分類,以建立類似情況的群體受到不同的待遇。性格維持原判。我們同意:ROBIE、J. MAURO、J.
  17. #77
    Bradley Dogsbane
  18. #78
    Warcry Certified lover boy
  19. #79
    Warcry Certified lover boy
    oakdale is a much nicer of a city or palce thwn orland in ca.
  20. #80
    Speedy Parker Black Hole
    Originally posted by Bradley Hes like a scooby doo villain that would've got some pussy too if it werne't for you damn kids.

    Your thread title should have been, " Can someone else please do something for me that I'm to lazy and or inept to accomplish".
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