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Carlee Russell's ex-bf disgusted by hoax

  1. #21
    Cowboy2013 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson If i was going to try and distract from what the gov is doing it would be something like Congress talking about UFO disclosure, not some random nog going missing and being found in a red roof in

    I talked about why in the other one. Based on the time I called 911 and was trying to get off the phone with the bitch to hide and destroy things. I ended up just telling taking the battery out and telling them it died later. But they just let her go to wait for the police after seeing a hitchhiking toddler on the interstate. Also no background noise either.

    True enough, it seems typical but why cause this big spectacle just because you're cheating on your boyfriend and having group sex all weekend at a motel?
  2. #22
    Cowboy2013 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by CandyRein I would give my input but I don’t keep up random distractions by the government to cover up what’s going on in office …

    So you agree that this is a possibility?

    I considered it to begin with.
  3. #23
    CandyRein Black Hole
    Originally posted by Cowboy2013 From what I gather, the red roof inn.

    I was wanting Candy's take on this at the time but she was MIA.

    Frala was really into it though

    Why would you want my take on this solely based on the fact that I’m black

    Black women are not a monolith…I don’t know her or why she does anything no more than you know why Jeffrey Epstein did what he did ….

    Grow up
  4. #24
    CandyRein Black Hole
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson ?

    quite the opposite…it's always amusing when shit like this goes down…even funnier when people try to make excuses for it.

    You have nothing to say about when your women do it ?

    You called her a nog…what name do you have for just one of the many white women who’s done the same?

    Since you’re not upset and all lol
  5. #25
    Cowboy2013 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by CandyRein Why would you want my take on this solely based on the fact that I’m black

    Black women are not a monolith…I don’t know her or why she does anything no more than you know why Jeffrey Epstein did what he did ….

    Grow up

    Originally posted by CandyRein I’m an advocate for all black women …
    If you got a problem wth it ..suck Michelle’s penis

    If you're saying it's a hoax and you're not including her and washing your hands of her because of that I will agree that things are strange.

    But it also seemed like another Michelle Obama kind of topic for you and Frala.
  6. #26
    CandyRein Black Hole
    If you put this much time in dissection of your own life you wouldn’t be a failure…ijs
  7. #27
    Cowboy2013 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by CandyRein If you put this much time in dissection of your own life you wouldn’t be a failure…ijs

    You're silly. And just want to argue about something even with somebody agreeing with you smh. But you already told on yourself with the Billy Bob thing.

    I was expecting you to stand tall for Carlee though but you let me down.
  8. #28
    CandyRein Black Hole
    Good..if I was doing something you thought was right I’d be going in the wrong direction ….
  9. #29
    Originally posted by CandyRein You have nothing to say about when your women do it ?

    You called her a nog…what name do you have for just one of the many white women who’s done the same?

    Since you’re not upset and all lol

    Well this thread is about a specific incident...not something from 7yrs ago..but sure if the current incident was by a white woman my response would be identical.

    And again why would I be upset by this story??

    Dumb bitches be dumb bitchin...of any color.
  10. #30
    btw candy...I googled the 7yr old incident you cited..yeah that's funny as fuck too...staged it so she could have time away from her husband to fuck her ex boyfriend

    Nogs come in all colors.
  11. #31
    Originally posted by Cowboy2013 You're silly. And just want to argue about something even with somebody agreeing with you smh. But you already told on yourself with the Billy Bob thing.

    I was expecting you to stand tall for Carlee though but you let me down.

    So really you’re just mad at her for laughing at Billy Bob lol

    You gonna be alright Tink Tink
  12. #32
    Originally posted by Cowboy2013 True enough, it seems typical but why cause this big spectacle just because you're cheating on your boyfriend and having group sex all weekend at a motel?

    The mind of a woman my nigga...who knows
  13. #33
    Cowboy2013 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by frala So really you’re just mad at her for laughing at Billy Bob lol

    You gonna be alright Tink Tink

    Your comment caught her attention because she has cock on the brain.

    But what about updates? You were on this.
  14. #34
    Originally posted by CandyRein Why would you want my take on this solely based on the fact that I’m black

    i thought it was becsuse your a human female.

    strong, empowered and loud human female.
  15. #35
    Originally posted by Cowboy2013 Your comment caught her attention because she has cock on the brain.

    But what about updates? You were on this.

    Uh ok.

    Her attorney has admitted she lied. What other update are you wanting?
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  16. #36
    Cowboy2013 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by frala Uh ok.

    Her attorney has admitted she lied. What other update are you wanting?

    Idk...your thoughts on this, punishment etc.

    You were kind of dismissive when I was saying I didn't necessarily take the story at face value. It wasn't a big deal but I felt like I was being ridiculed a little for suggesting it was a possibility with some things you said.
  17. #37
    Cowboy2013 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by frala Uh ok.

    Her attorney has admitted she lied. What other update are you wanting?

    What did you make for lunch BTW? Be honest.
  18. #38
    Originally posted by Cowboy2013 Idk…your thoughts on this, punishment etc.

    You were kind of dismissive when I was saying I didn't necessarily take the story at face value. It wasn't a big deal but I felt like I was being ridiculed a little for suggesting it was a possibility with some things you said.

    How do you feel I was dismissive? Are you paranoid schizophrenic? I listed out several things that Carlee did that suggested this was most likely a ruse and then stated this was either due to mental illness or a publicity stunt, which you didn’t seem to understand at the time and still don’t.
  19. #39
    Cowboy2013 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by frala How do you feel I was dismissive? Are you paranoid schizophrenic? I listed out several things that Carlee did that suggested this was most likely a ruse and then stated this was either due to mental illness or a publicity stunt, which you didn’t seem to understand at the time and still don’t.

    When I said I didn't take it at face value I meant the whole thing. Her story obviously but the police, news etc.

    I asked you how or why you knew so much and you made some snide remark about being a fed like I'm some nutter.

    You were dismissive of this. And what do you make of Candy's comments about white women doing this? I can see her point on this particular case, but as for white women doing this, it seems like black women want it both ways. They say they don't get the attention but now they are and Candy doesn't like it. That could be part of the idea of it idk but you will start being rude again if I make too many suggestions about this being some kind of conspiracy.
  20. #40
    Cowboy2013 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by frala How do you feel I was dismissive? Are you paranoid schizophrenic? I listed out several things that Carlee did that suggested this was most likely a ruse and then stated this was either due to mental illness or a publicity stunt, which you didn’t seem to understand at the time and still don’t.

    And why didn't you answer about lunch. What do you and Lanny sit around doing all day?
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