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What are you thinking about....

  1. Laying in a shallow river bed and letting the cool clean waters wash over my naked body.
  2. trippymindfuk African Astronaut
    That would be pretty amazing. It's been so hot lately I want to strip naked and sit on a huge ice block. It would be refreshing for my balls on a day like today.
  3. Originally posted by trippymindfuk That would be pretty amazing. It's been so hot lately I want to strip naked and sit on a huge ice block. It would be refreshing for my balls on a day like today.

    You could put ice cubes in your underwear.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  4. trippymindfuk African Astronaut
    Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ You could put ice cubes in your underwear.

    It wouldn't quite be the same though
  5. Originally posted by trippymindfuk It wouldn't quite be the same though

    Alright. Freeze your underwear in the freezer and then put them on.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  6. should i use the used fleshlight i bought.
  7. Pete Green African Astronaut
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny should i use the used fleshlight i bought.

    in place of your butthole? will your boyfriends notice the dif?
  8. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition

    chip chop


  9. WellHung Black Hole
    The acute awareness Aldra possesses of redback spiders.
  10. Pete Green African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Incessant Wow. If peedy was here he'd loose his shit.

    I came across this info already but not this site. I think someone posted this information on an older Forum BBS. I can't remember if it was forumhate or WTF (I believe out of San Diego)

    but it's funny because I had looked up Bridgewater at the time related to our enigma guy and Obama hired James Comey on who was an FBI accountant or money analyst professional hired on by the FBI prior to 2013, had been brought into a congress testimony about Bridgewater-Associate CEO-Ray Daleo and Daleo Hiring James Comey with his "Full Transparency Disclosure" (You have to talk about everything in your prior jobs regardless of NDA). shortly afterwards Obama Hired him back on and as one former FBI agent calling him a Waterboy for the agency. it made 0 Sense to hire him as head of FBI Operations. this oddly happened the day prior to reading up on him. He just got hired. after this. His "Finding no evidence on Hilary Clinton" TWICE regarding the 35,000 Emails she ran off of her own private server. everyone else went to prison for just 1 incident.

    Everything is clearly rigged. and George Bush Jr and Dick Cheney were never real Conservatives. they're all in on this. all of them.

    Also it turns out it was the same Jeff Hunter who worked with James Comey.

    Spectral is full of shit and the whole thing was design as a 3 Card Monty game.
  11. Originally posted by Pete Green …the whole thing was design as a 3 Card Monty game.

    I would consider it more of a shell game.
  12. Pete Green African Astronaut
    Jill Hunter is Jeff Hunter's mom. She was Mayor of Saratoga California (A Silicon Valley city)

    Toiletduk bragged about Jeff getting him a Job as a Game Tester at Maxis. Maxis was bought out by EA Games and Jeff Hunter worked for EA Sports as a COO. Maxis was originally out of Orinda

    Jeff often talked of his time working at Seagate which is on his resume as well.

    its the same dude. looks just like him and everything. those find-a-people like companies never get shit 100%. they tend to mix up other people. they're not reliable companies. i'v experience it looking up my own name and it's only about 80% accurate if that.
  13. The EA Sports Jeff Hunter is not the EnigmA Jeff Hunter.
  14. Pete Green African Astronaut
    Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ The EA Sports Jeff Hunter is not the EnigmA Jeff Hunter.

    It is asshole. He's sitting with Metaphysics in the fucking photo you glitch. keep telling your lies. You had nothing to do with TOTSE Nothing at all. You even told people it was originally out of Canada. I mean give me a fucking break. Not once did you attend a Dialup social meetup. you never went to any of the 2400bps hookups. You're just harping away with feeding BS to everyone
  15. Pete Green African Astronaut
    right here with his glasses off

  16. Pete Green African Astronaut
    thats the Jeff Hunter

  17. Bradley Florida Man
    I'm so fuckin high my friend came back with all these bad drugs like bad in terms of they're not good for me, and a bunch of weed, so I was a little unnerved when the shit was bright orange but then I saw the volleyball lookin orange tennis ball but volleyball size garbage bag and sure as shit he ripped me out an ounce

    and im thinkin u know bradley these are the moment you will be guilty for when you unexpectedly die a week before you turn 30.

    i am mildly self aware.

    So he asked me if I had papers and I said no cuz i smoke out of a pipe cuz i'ma middle age white man not him, so my boy pulls out the worlds biggest cigar and cuts off another like quarter ounce lol doens't even really break it up, rolls it, lights it, i swear to god that nigga should be a legend, 3 hits and half of it was poorly rolled and burne dup\, folks I smoked the rest of that cigar in 4 bowls and I am high as fuck and haven't even opened up the ounce of orange haired 80% of the surface area denseley packed nuggets.

    i think the third good thing I expected to me happened today, I paid 100$.
  18. Pete Green African Astronaut
    Man-Child ^
  19. Bradley Florida Man
    sorry i like buying an ounce of weed for cheap from the bahamas for cheap off my boy on my payday.
  20. Bradley Florida Man
    You old, fat unhappy fuck, keep that to yourself, it might be contagious.
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