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Narcaning strangers.

  1. #21
    Bradley Dogsbane
    call any hospital say your father and brother that you live with are on drugs and had to be revived a couple weeks ago and say you're worried about them, they'll have you come in, watch a 2 minute video, and give you 4. If you call them back in a week and tell them you want another 4 because you're keeping one in both their cars, your car, and the house and you kinda don't feel like comfortable not having more of them available, they'll give you another 4. It's all free too.
  2. #22
    Bradley Dogsbane
    florida has a major crack and meth problem, the niggas walking around miami at night don't use H so if you see them sleeping, they're probably just out of tweak or crack or exhausted, when I started this game I was in pheonix where the most popular drug is fentanyl pills (.50$ each for homeless, 2$ for tourists, I would have paid a little bit less than a dollar each since I was neither tourist nor homeless) so i'd see people at bus stops or in corners still holding the tinfoil and straw and say "Hey" like 4 times as I walk up. No response = I narcan them and they wake up to me (In total withdrawal) standing over them looking really pretend scared and then I smile and say "Oh my god you're breathing again" and like expect them to be happy.

    Sometimes I run away after doing it (2 times) but the other 3 I stood around and watched them start sweating and vomiting and shit and as they'd get angry I'd tell them "AT least you're fucking breathing again dude you'd be in heaven right now if it weren't for me fucking carrying narcan after my father overdosed last year." (3 times)

    fuckin funny bro.

    They don't believe they were dying, but they don't really remember me saying hey, much less their respitory rate while nodding, but how you gonna get mad at a do gooder wearing a button up shirt that says he doesn't want your family to experience what his family did.
  3. #23
    jerryb African Astronaut
    Retarded cops here narcanned my wife after a car accident that knocked her out. They thought she was on drugs because she didn't respond properly, yeah that happens when you roll your car and get knocked the fuck out.
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