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Don't pay no mind to them ladybugs

  1. #21
    CandyRein Black Hole
    Originally posted by Pete Green she openly hates White men.

    except that treasonous cunt Bush. they like telling jokes at funerals and wakes at the cost of other people's feelings.

  2. #22
    Pete Green African Astronaut
    Originally posted by CandyRein That’s the problem with you political weirdos …you can’t handle someone not taking a side ..if I see something crazy on either side imma say something

    If Trump talking crazy I’ll say something
    If Biden got crack in his quarters imma say something

    None of them care about me nor you ..get a clue

    Its called Centrism which is what I am. I'll call bullshit as well. but Michael Obama is a racist against whitey
  3. #23
    Pete Green African Astronaut
    Originally posted by CandyRein I’m an advocate for all black women …
    If you got a problem wth it ..suck Michelle’s penis
    thanked for the laugh
  4. #24
    Cowboy2013 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by CandyRein That’s the problem with you political weirdos …you can’t handle someone not taking a side ..if I see something crazy on either side imma say something

    If Trump talking crazy I’ll say something
    If Biden got crack in his quarters imma say something

    None of them care about me nor you ..get a clue

    You're taking a side. I'm the one that's not. Obama may like boy pussy, but the OP was about Lindsey Graham's boy pussy. They're on different sides of the uniparty.

    You remind me of Tacho. He used to get triggered when I would talk about the Obama's. Especially the daughters.
  5. #25

    is it 1956?
  6. #26
    Pete Green African Astronaut
    Originally posted by CandyRein Source

    bing it. she jumped on board of the Whites all have privy and whites should be bred out of existance along with the fake jedi "jedis" aka Bolshevik taking over this country.

    fucking Communist which is what the Obama family are. they're members of the same elite class "New Leftist" out of the 1970s. but they don't live like communist. they're all rich.

    sounnds like classic Bolshevism to me. do as I say not as I live.

    like the Oligarch that Bolshevik created. Kill your own "Jewish People" and take everything for collectivism for the people while pocketing much of it into your account.

    Clinton, Obama, Gov Cuomo all used their Pardon powers to release ONE SPECIFIC GROUP. WUO and FALN (Extention) GROUP

  7. #27
    Cowboy2013 African Astronaut
    I never got into calling Michelle a tranny because it was mostly Alex Jones and Infowars retards doing it but she is 5'11. 4" into suspicious territory but you never responded to my threads about Megan the stallion being one.
  8. #28
    Pete Green African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Cowboy2013 I never got into calling Michelle a tranny because it was mostly Alex Jones and Infowars retards doing it but she is 5'11. 4" into suspicious territory but you never responded to my threads about Megan the stallion being one.

    I think she's a woman as well. i never jumped on board. like I said. Centrist and call bullshit on both sides. call it on all sides.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  9. #29
    CandyRein Black Hole
    Originally posted by Cowboy2013 You're taking a side. I'm the one that's not. Obama may like boy pussy, but the OP was about Lindsey Graham's boy pussy. They're on different sides of the uniparty.

    You remind me of Tacho. He used to get triggered when I would talk about the Obama's. Especially the daughters.

    Show me where I appeared to be passionate about anything in this thread besides Michelle …..
  10. #30
    Pete Green African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Cowboy2013 You're taking a side. I'm the one that's not. Obama may like boy pussy, but the OP was about Lindsey Graham's boy pussy. They're on different sides of the uniparty.

    You remind me of Tacho. He used to get triggered when I would talk about the Obama's. Especially the daughters.

    Now look at him. He's on Dr Phil's show as "Christopher from Ohio" and something something blowing up a swing set with other kids (dudes got to b e like close to 40 now living with his mom. he's also known as Black Red Guard or Red Black Guard or some shit on Youtube. pulled all of his videos the day someone came on here and posted the Dr Phil episode. which they had a reunion episode since. to see if the parents are friends now

    total ratings grab for Dr Phil. also he said he was ending his show but still is running into the next season. what set him off?
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  11. #31
    Pete Green African Astronaut
    Cowboy 2013 you're not Christopher aka Tacho, are you? you alt'n it son?
  12. #32
    Pete Green African Astronaut
    Originally posted by CandyRein Show me where I appeared to be passionate about anything in this thread besides Michelle …..

    I actually liked her until she jumped on board. She can't separate working class Whites from the other whites they claim have Privs? I never had privs. Not with Cops or Doctors or My Teachers growing up in GenX late Boomer years.

    This entire Kill white male's off is racist as fuck.
    She's on board with people like Kamala Harris. And no one likes that lady. her entire staff bolted because she treats them like shit

    Also Kamala Harris got into big trouble as D.A. for San Francisco when she kept Black men behind prison way past their release dates and was using them as 10 cents an hour slave work in prisons.

    Stamp those License plates out, BOY! It's OK "Im Black TOOOOOO"
  13. #33
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  14. #34
    Pete Green African Astronaut
    Originally posted by frala

    you will be fixed so you don't have kids while doing your time?
  15. #35
    CandyRein Black Hole
    Originally posted by frala

  16. #36
    Pete Green African Astronaut
    Reminds me of the old Taco Bell restaurants.

    I wonder what the other side of this giant street sign says.
  17. #37
    Pete Green African Astronaut
    "Worked as a Court Appointed Clerk"

    entire town under Federal Investigation. I love it. except those in power (hand picked) will leave out White Devil's as victims of corruption because well.. they're Privy.

    Just wait. when the old get elected out the new will get a chance to re-review.

    Fugazi that!
  18. #38
    Pete Green African Astronaut
    Originally posted by CandyRein 😂💖

    You seem to be buddies with her but the Drunken her and her deep hate for Black people especially in the south. I guess that's where your Centrist comes in. Right?

    but you love Michelle too.

    hmm.. you're one hell of an enigma. its more duo nature than centrist.
  19. #39
    Cowboy2013 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Pete Green Now look at him. He's on Dr Phil's show as "Christopher from Ohio" and something something blowing up a swing set with other kids (dudes got to b e like close to 40 now living with his mom. he's also known as Black Red Guard or Red Black Guard or some shit on Youtube. pulled all of his videos the day someone came on here and posted the Dr Phil episode. which they had a reunion episode since. to see if the parents are friends now

    total ratings grab for Dr Phil. also he said he was ending his show but still is running into the next season. what set him off?

    To be fair though Tacho is a Maoist. No self-respecting communist would come to the defense of Obama. Maoists and Trotskyists are just shitlibs in communist clothing. You have to learn the difference.
  20. #40
    Originally posted by Pete Green You seem to be buddies with her but the Drunken her and her deep hate for Black people especially in the south. I guess that's where your Centrist comes in. Right?

    but you love Michelle too.

    hmm.. you're one hell of an enigma. its more duo nature than centrist.

    And you’re one hell of a mad ass crackhead.

    No I’m not having kids and no I don’t hate black people. Have you talked to YOUR children lately? Have you taken your meds lately? Have you talked to a person of color lately and not gotten your funky ass breath all over them? I didn’t think so you foul mother fucker.
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