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Updating our laundry room
2023-06-30 at 8:21 PM UTCits ugly like you
2023-06-30 at 9:41 PM UTCSee Brad
^Fona went from living in his Moms back laundry room to marrying, getting a truck driver job that probably pays at least 28 an hour and married a woman who takes care of his hubby needs. he didn't have to have a kid with her (dont do it Fona.. it's expensive) and they'll be adults soon and move out.
You.. you'll do you, boo. you do you.The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire! -
2023-06-30 at 9:41 PM UTCThe following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
2023-06-30 at 9:44 PM UTCI got kicked off welfare over a year ago actually while you are still stuck in mentality from before that just like fonaplats is, no wonder you love him. YOu are both losers obsessed with the past that will never do anything, and all your posts/ threads suck. Too low IQ to hang in the temple so you spend all your time in the secular society brainwash so you can brag to real awoke englihtened people how brainashed you are
nobody cares
you are all faggots. If you were cool you would post more interesting threads than fucking shitty laundry DIY bitching about your day like women, fucking losers. Totse used to be about making eplosives and biohacking and coool shit now its just brainwaashed fagggggggts like you -
2023-06-30 at 9:49 PM UTC
Originally posted by Fonaplats I've got a lot to do because I don't really know much about doing floors.
Today I hope to make my way to the hardware store and pick up some new shut off valves for the copper pipes as they are all fucked.
Hopefully I can get the toilet pulled today and remove the rest of the carpet too.
And the baseboard. Fuck the baseboard.
your bathroom looks like shit crack house ugly your redneck wife raising another mans cum lolololol loser white trash -
2023-06-30 at 9:55 PM UTC
2023-06-30 at 9:59 PM UTCwaste my time with your dumb alts PLEASE yeah he is fuckin dead and I hope he never comes back and you stay forever, fuck that loser
im gonna troll him. Lanny read all your PMs btw . I don't care! I never say shit I don't regret nothing
im gonna pretend like I think it's candyrein because I am just a psycho that doesn't give a FUCK fuck shim, hes a loser, don't waste your time on losers like me that argues with retards on the computer and gets trolled by shitty unfunnny alts piloted by losers that need to neck
your also probably him and either way i dont care i think you are all faggots and I hate everyone ❤️ may God save your souls
get better jokes if your gonna loyalty test me and be gay or whatever idk 2gay4me
faggots -
2023-06-30 at 10:58 PM UTC
2023-06-30 at 11:05 PM UTC
2023-06-30 at 11:08 PM UTC
Originally posted by Fonaplats
Originally posted by Pete Green Welfare Recipient nothing burger you are.
a skitzo and a white trash faggot thanking eachothers posts that feel the need to gangstalk a WELFARE CANADAIN yikes why do you need two faggot losers vs one retard me???? and why are you both still unable to do anything other than cry and bleat like the sheep you are ahhahahahahahhaa -
2023-06-30 at 11:10 PM UTC
Originally posted by BeeReBuddy
Wife wants something I can stretch through the kitchen too…
middle class hell at it's finest. Don't be shocked if one of your wifes cum babies hangs themself or takes your gun to school and kills a bunch of kids because they hate life and have to come home and watch their mom get railed by some retard she met at the dollar tree in their shitty redneck who gives a fuk two horse town of losers that do nothing and nowhere
except to that shitty lake/beach "resort" lmrao -
2023-06-30 at 11:16 PM UTC
Originally posted by A middle class hell at it's finest. Don't be shocked if one of your wifes cum babies hangs themself or takes your gun to school and kills a bunch of kids because they hate life and have to come home and watch their mom get railed by some retard she met at the dollar tree in their shitty redneck who gives a fuk two horse town of losers that do nothing and nowhere
except to that shitty lake/beach "resort" lmrao
where is that picture of your place and the shitty cut remenents of carpeting with cat piss stains all over it you poorboy hogie
YOU GOT SOME NERVE. Clearly he's modernizing it as you hammer off with your pathetic stupidity and Jealous rage. -
2023-06-30 at 11:18 PM UTCnot even cut pieces. literally strips of carpet layed on the floor like I lay down papertowels after spilling grape juice on the floor.
smh and LMFAO -
2023-06-30 at 11:26 PM UTC
Originally posted by Pete Green ^ This gives HTS a hard-"clit" for "her" man.
Referring to what I've got goin on down there with a word that's used for any part of the male or female genitalia makes me cringe (a bit, for one reason or another). My preference would honestly be for my genitals not to be discussed. Like... at all. In fact, if you could, it'd be best if you entirely stopped being aware of the existence of the ██████ I've got between my legs. Forget there's anything there. Forget me. Do not endeavor to perceive me, and especially do not endeavor to perceive that part of me in particular - not even in your mind's eye. -
2023-06-30 at 11:27 PM UTC
Originally posted by Pete Green where is that picture of your place and the shitty cut remenents of carpeting with cat piss stains all over it you poorboy hogie
YOU GOT SOME NERVE. Clearly he's modernizing it as you hammer off with your pathetic stupidity and Jealous rage.
you mean this lol? my cats pee outside
Originally posted by The Self Taught Man I dropped a shard of meth in October on the floor and I never found it. Im convinced its still here somewhere
Originally posted by Meikai Referring to what I've got goin on down there with a word that's used for any part of the male or female genitalia makes me cringe (a bit, for one reason or another). My preference would honestly be for my genitals not to be discussed. Like… at all. In fact, if you could, it'd be best if you entirely stopped being aware of the existence of the ██████ I've got between my legs. Forget there's anything there. Forget me. Do not endeavor to perceive me, and especially do not endeavor to perceive that part of me in particular - not even in your mind's eye.
nobody cares about your penis keep it on topic.. oh wait yes they do they are all phaggots lmrao! -
2023-06-30 at 11:28 PM UTCknows what the boxes are. they're FTP direct links so you can see my ISP Info
2023-06-30 at 11:30 PM UTC
Originally posted by A you mean this lol? my cats pee outside
nobody cares about your penis keep it on topic.. oh wait yes they do they are all phaggots lmrao!
No fuckhead. the one with your face in it and the green carpet shreds under the table.
also this wasn't your meth house. you didn't do this. wasn't it someone else on here? my memory is failed lately. I have to look up old screencaps and logs to find shit out -
2023-06-30 at 11:32 PM UTC
Originally posted by Pete Green No fuckhead. the one with your face in it and the green carpet shreds under the table.
also this wasn't your meth house. you didn't do this. wasn't it someone else on here? my memory is failed lately. I have to look up old screencaps and logs to find shit out
sounds like another one of your skitzo hallucination fake gayops -
2023-06-30 at 11:48 PM UTC
Originally posted by A sounds like another one of your skitzo hallucination fake gayops
Im pretty sure its on a HDD somewhere. it doesn't matter. you're not worth that much attention. I just save shit in case of retarded arguments like this. it may have been your fathers house
the carpet was an ugly teal green/blue color. i dont know if that was the original color of it. but it was pretty fucking sad.
and you there doing your drugs and beer cans and hard alcohol bottles eptied out laying about.
kill yourself Gringo -
2023-07-01 at 12:18 AM UTC
Originally posted by Pete Green Im pretty sure its on a HDD somewhere. it doesn't matter. you're not worth that much attention. I just save shit in case of retarded arguments like this. it may have been your fathers house
the carpet was an ugly teal green/blue color. i dont know if that was the original color of it. but it was pretty fucking sad.
and you there doing your drugs and beer cans and hard alcohol bottles eptied out laying about.
kill yourself Gringo
liar liar liar liar arliar apaul peter paul is a liar peter paul going to hell to be cast into the lake of fire ooooo