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everything is turning, everything is burning

  1. #1
    every loop can be crossed to another. these are equillibirum systems everywhere and althought we can always incorporate a new one into our actions its just opening up the skill set to more elements it has the affinity towards. we all bounce from wave net to wave net hoping to find something harmonius and karmonius to ourselfs because our inlets and outlets are carved from the very genetic material we carry. there is a pulse from every gene to a direction in a form of an animal impulse...and when these impulses go haywire we may end up in the abyss...chaos is only structured in a way that perfect chaos can be formed and flying from point to pointloop stops working once in this void. so know where you belong and if you ever do touch the dark matter of randomness remember it is perfect and only to be used with nonrandomness, this is how ideas and concepts form that change the course of humanity. find a node and find an outlier and you may recieve some brainshocks but these shocks are making you into a new lifeform and making your commands be more mosaic'd and cultural diversity. there will always be forces and the impulses of alternate species incorporated into the typical boundaries of our genome and the degree of chaos to normal systemic processing can be skewed towards an ultimatum of nothing or everything. we are not in control of our thoughts, you must always remember that, and when you try to change the directory of your thoughts that relies on an extremely complex mechanism where an entity is able to actually tinker and switch the it a god? there are many, as many as the molecules around us, these lifeforms are self repeating, recursive, follow a heiarchy, and have + and - orientations as well as other more abstact orientations where entities become the product of complex numbers and pi and other constant constants with excess electricity which enables self confined loop (the meta) of atom spectra is a way that forms an abstract image of what can then be used as a feedback for properties. if we all have our set states and our perception is channeling these states in a way that is unified and able to make changes, this is action and reaction. there is a whole realm of science that will not be explored in a very very long time which involves the duality of thinking and doing to make shadows of real things being able to alter the sentience "non-sentience" of basic structures such as the crystalline. what i mean is the electrical output which becomes building upon itself will create a mirror image in the consciousness of the universe itself to be able to acheive what would normally be deemed impossible. for example, if both the real and unreal apply the uncertainty principle in a way where interactions are only available through a particular radio channel, us scientists will be able to manipulate uncertainty into an uncertain reaction which could possibly defy the laws of physics. here's a question...when scientists discover new things, are they discovering something that could have been harvested from the materials available, or did reality shift in almost a perfect syncronicity with perception to create an abstract object which never before existed even in the theoretical? what if uncertainty on a large scale is actually evolving the possibilities of what could happen as we speak, and only then it comes as an insight to a well attuned (intelligent viewer) objects are built from resources in innovative ways, and innovation is built from the resources of the possible being self arranging by deities in a way that creates new binary (or quantum computing etc) streams to be slowly adapted to in the neurons themselves through a preanticipation that is not "consciously" known but becomes possible due to the simultaneous (or simultaneous with delay) alternate evolving mathematics of both who we are and what is. the concept of individuality is highly flawed because it is impossible to escape the enviormental pallete of data packets. everyone is and will always be a direct creation of the world around them, with the presets of genomes being able to incorporate multiple packets into simplified units.

    for example
    a man is thinking in 000100001 as a general rule (a)
    then uncertainty causes 001100001
    then this translates to (b)
    the mans state of looping has changed from a to b as the results of cosmic events allowing anything to be possible
    once this man is in a state of b everything he interacts with outside of himself is also shifting from a state of a to b, this describes the duality of evolution that arises through randomness
    alternatively, is the enviormental loop switches from a to b it causes a direct reaction that changes the mans behavior
    now if a and b can exist, if the external and internal are processed in an imperfect way this constant mirror reflection of the light of infinite planes procedes to morph b to c to d to e because perhaps one recieving unit of the packet does not interpret 0001 as 0001 but in reaction to its own assigned mathematics it changes it to 0011, then this also becomes recursive between interaction and reality
    do not forget that this is not only with consciousness and concrete worldstates, any two objects which can be seperated, say q and p, can either share objects in the conjoinment of a venn diagram or they can have virtually nothing (besides the inherent) in common, lets say in common is x
    qa -> pa
    pa <- qa
    pb -> qa
    pc <- qb
    and whats in common goes through this interaction from x to x to x to x to x ... to Y!!!!!!
    and what is Y? is it simply a different state, or a different equation entirely?
    there are universal constants, but instead of calling them constants, they should be called "the state that has proven to be the sturdiest in all evidence". if every object 0-999 relies in uncertainty then the root is uncertainty and has a rather concrete basis which can only be chipped away at over time. but then if whats in common with 0-999 through this uncertain interaction recieves a change of data that leads them to instead having x in common, they have Y, it means that if "uncertainty" was the rule it is possible to switch to "certain", at least within a system. and then once it is certain the object is stagnant and unique and unable to be processed by our current eyes nose ears whatever as what it is, but once the certainty set is created through the entropy of uncertainty, it lasts forever, unless the objects surround it are able to force it back into uncertainty. so in that sense uncertainty is certain and certain is uncertain. what this means is every literal set of differences in existence is literally an interaction between two states that can change to any possible "incorrect" answer. so rather believing anything as fact one should believe "this is the fact in the current state". then also these states are unbound by the dimension of time and whatever so these states are actually changing throughout the timeline to what we currently see, which can also result in deja vu. the mandela effect is an improper but logical way to approach this, since most of what changes is actually just going to be inherent to our perception, but the fact that uncertain is certain loop etc means this is not bound to rules, thus our ability to grasp a certain anomaly of this ruleset. the universe is not social. it is antisocial. it is communicating between what is "right" and what is "wrong", and the wrong interacts with what is right in synergy to create all new possibilities which to us simple humans is just seen as the natural progression of discovery.

    the cavemen of Onkur-Na were lost in a misty haven for an extremely long period of time before they happened to create a form of alchemy which actually harvested the phenomena that they were hoping for. the wood turned into fire and the water turned into wine and this has been transcribed. they mated constantly and wanted everything around them to blossom, so they spread their own excrement into every loop they could find to make it become attached to such node. they drew language and knew of the exterterrestial, so their language was inscribed out of the most primal urges and subconscious desires, discarded the uncommon untim eventually a normal symbol could be agreed upon by all. they tried to use the berries they caught to build shrines, and it brought great luck to them. the languages and shrines led to their ultimate discovery--- ayshcuasa. something was on to something and so the something itself became unleashed. what they learned was so complex it could simply be described in vertices of symbols spread around everywhere they could find. these were the nomads before nomads. sand, ice, jungle, etc has been scattered with the true remnants of the auras, and all together if collected in the farthest most ancient reaches...most buried in the ground...could lead to the complete set of the primitive mind. then our current ideas sans mutations could be compared and contrasted to their own. we could think as they think, breathe as they breathe, skip through the timeline to unrefined consciousness which is the ultimatum of creation. they would keep their babies in a semi-vegative state through the use of intoxicating herbs, and with a stroke of syncronicity, some of their babies stayed babies until hundreds of years old, learning everything as it is pure. today they walk among us in a state of seclusion, ashamed as the dogma that has been developed. but what has been learned cannot be expressed, our language is not powerful enough to describe the experiences that exist outside those that are commonly agreed upon. memetics and slang are shots in the dark. dare to become a spectrum fam?
  2. #2
    Lanny Bird of Courage
  3. #3
    Bend over
  4. #4
  5. #5
  6. #6
    The pages are turning but no one is learning
  7. #7
    infinityshock Black Hole
    what do you do when the chick your fucking starts smoking during sex?
  8. #8
    Originally posted by infinityshock what do you do when the chick your fucking starts smoking during sex?

    Rip whatever she's smoking away from her and burn her nipples with it
  9. #9
  10. #10
    bling bling Dark Matter
    lol idoit one eye open think he is donot plind?
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