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teh retraded thred herppppp slober fuk glum editshin

  1. Malice Naturally Camouflaged
    If somehow I could have intervened in my own past, with the knowledge I had now, I probably could have attained autistic savant level abilities by this point. Dug up some information on savant syndrome, working memory, and how there's good evidence that it's essentially a form of "moderated autism" a while back. The benefits of autism, without the multitude of crippling deficits.

    Allegedly some of my standardized test scores may have been among the highest in the state during elementary.

    Well, I don't really give a fuck anymore. At least having accepted the vanity of life gives me some comfort:

    Maybe I'll manage to get deep brain stimulation at some point and literally become the closest thing to a wirehead we currently have available. My quality of life has been horrendously poor. You have no idea how bad being autistic really is.
  2. Originally posted by Malice Oh, give it a rest. I completely understand why you're so butthurt, and honestly, I had the thought: If I could choose between everyone's problems being resolved and attaining happiness, the cessation of suffering, or people being punished and dying out of a sense of penality, regardless of what they had done, I would choose the former at this point.

    May study secular Buddhism if I make it past this. It was Schopenhauer that led me to it, he was onto something, had a good reason for his affinity toward it, study of it. Being constantly angry and resentful toward the world sure as hell didn't do me any good.

    Post last edited by Malice at 2017-05-19T23:55:06.264294+00:00

    Please, enlightene, why am I so butthurt? Is it my 8 inch dick? Maybe it's my large circle of acquaintances. Or perhaps the solid long term friendships I've forged with others who are now as my brothers. Wait, I know, it has to be the fact that I'm not retarded. Yup, that's it I'm butthurt because I'm not a fucking retard like you who sits at a keyboard and details his mental deficits as if they are badges of honor.
  3. RisiR † 29 Autism
    I am a savant. Do you think I communicate with you on a singular level? Don't be silly.
  4. Malice Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by Dargo I think part of your breakdown Malice, is that you see yourself as fundamentally flawed and incapable of getting better. According to you, it's all out of your control.

    While that may be true to come extent, I don't think you give yourself enough credit in combating whatever it is that ails (?) you. You assume it's hopeless, unchangeable, and get all fatalistic, further adding to your downward spiral.

    I agree. Thing is, I am fundamentally flawed. If you had seen my behavior in the past, even as a child, had built a mental image based off of everything I had posted, there would be no doubt in your mind there was something (multiple things) profoundly wrong with me.

    It's not hopeless, but no one has a 100% success rate. The neurological basis is incredibly complex and hard to treat.

    What if you had literally been born autistic? Or if you had a child that was. We currently don't have particularly good treatments for that, drugs aimed specifically at treating it are literally just in the pipeline right now, barely about to come out in the next few years, and the efficacy may not be that great (Just look at SSRIs and how shitty they've been at treating depression and other disorders for decades.).

    I'm not the only person here with a serious neurological disorder that's difficult to treat, currently has no cure, and for which most of the treatments have pretty poor efficacy and come with side effects.
  5. Malice Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by Darth Beaver Please, enlightene, why am I so butthurt? Is it my 8 inch dick? Maybe it's my large circle of acquaintances. Or perhaps the solid long term friendships I've forged with others who are now as my brothers. Wait, I know, it has to be the fact that I'm not retarded. Yup, that's it I'm butthurt because I'm not a fucking retard like you who sits at a keyboard and details his mental deficits as if they are badges of honor.

    Why the hell are you posting here if your life is so great then? There are far better ways to spend your time if you're genuinely enjoying life.
  6. Originally posted by Malice Why the hell are you posting here if your life is so great then? There are far better ways to spend your time if you're genuinely enjoying life.

    Just because your only recourse is posting here does not automatically make anyone else who posts here a pathetic attention seeking retard.
  7. RisiR † 29 Autism

    This is how communication works. Kinda
  8. Originally posted by RisiR †

    This is how communication works. Kinda

    'Splain Lucy...
  9. snab_snib African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Malice I am fundamentally flawed […] there would be no doubt in your mind there was something (multiple things) profoundly wrong with me.

    this is the most accurate thing you have ever typed
  10. RisiR † 29 Autism
    Originally posted by Darth Beaver 'Splain Lucy…

    Lucy could show it to you but it's pretty hard to explain.

    Your "subconsciouness" already got it, though. Isn't that weird? It reaches beyond words and text.
  11. Malice Naturally Camouflaged

    Oh that ever quotable Nietzsche, perfect for the budding pseudo-intellectual. Someone needs to unify their work. Buddha, Schopenhauer, Nietzsche, Benatar. Not quite, or at least solely, a progression, but critical parts of the puzzle.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  12. snab_snib African Astronaut
    Originally posted by RisiR † Lucy could show it to you but it's pretty hard to explain.

    Your "subconsciouness" already got it, though. Isn't that weird? It reaches beyond words and text.

    there's really no such thing as the subconscious, you know that, right?
  13. Originally posted by RisiR † Are you acting like Bill Krozby now because mmQ 's joke was funnier than yours?


    I just know that you've been purchased by Big mmQ, for many shekels no doubt.
  14. Originally posted by RisiR † You have to become braver. Unleash the beast!

    >Goes on a homicidal rampage.
  15. RisiR † 29 Autism
    Originally posted by Malice

    Oh that ever quotable Nietzsche, perfect for the budding pseudo-intellectual. Someone needs to unify their work. Buddha, Schopenhauer, Nietzsche, Benatar. Not quite, or at least solely, a progression, but critical parts of the puzzle.

    Fucking word, bro.

  16. RisiR † 29 Autism
    Originally posted by snab_snib there's really no such thing as the subconscious, you know that, right?

  17. Malice Naturally Camouflaged
    Lanny, I suppose you could say philosophers just Kant get it together.

    It's such an overplayed and corny joke, I almost feel ashamed.
  18. snab_snib African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Malice

    Oh that ever quotable Nietzsche, perfect for the budding pseudo-intellectual. Someone needs to unify their work. Buddha, Schopenhauer, Nietzsche, Benatar. Not quite, or at least solely, a progression, but critical parts of the puzzle.

    """Some do much to show the similarity of different religions; certainly by it I prove the possibility of a fundamental illusion, but that they never realise-or this Ukase they are the mockery, for how much they regret! They suffer more conflict than the unenlightened. With what they can identify their own delusion of fear they call truth. They never see this similarity and the quintessence of religions, their own poverty of imagination and religion's palliation. Better is it to show the essential difference of religions. It is as well to know that various means; is not their object to deceive and govern? Surely then, for the attainment of the transcendental, God and religion should have no place.""" -AOS

    'finding how they're all the same' is literally the kind of task a mentally retarded person would embark upon.
  19. snab_snib African Astronaut
    Originally posted by RisiR † "comprehend".

    that's a mighty big word riser
  20. Malice Naturally Camouflaged
    The fundamental reason we use and become dependant on drugs:

    Honestly, we should have a thread where some of us just post pessimistic quotes, primarily by Schopenhauer and Nietzsche, whenever we feel a need to vent our unresolved teenage angst.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!

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