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teh retraded thred herppppp slober fuk glum editshin

  1. Malice Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by reject Holy shit I just walked through the park on my way to pick up and saw a kid try to ride through a big ass puddle on some grass and totally stacked it and went head over handle bars into it. I lost my shit. He was soaked from head to toe.

    Children tend to be annoying as fuck. Just today saw the neighbor's little kid walk up to the 2 bowls I had left out for little guy (I think it's actually a girl, just has a tough/mean face that made it look masculine. Guess it seems sorta tomboyish anyway, but it is feral and was never socialized during the critical period.), pick them up, and pour them out, then toss them.

    Of course if you do anything to them their parents will flip the fuck out, so I just waited until that fucking retard wandered off and then took the bowls back inside. I swear to fucking god, human beings are inherently evil, it's societal forces, culture and institutions that make them bearable, and even then it literally takes most of them over 2 decades to not become massive fuckups and be able to support themselves.

    It brings to mind the book "Lord of the Flies". Particularly the section where the boy, who was described as always having been unusually clever and perceptive, was in his hiding spot away from everyone and was having an epileptic seizure, with hallucinations.

    The critical line of the book, the most revealing part was, when he hallucinated the pig head on a stick (I used to have that as my avatar) saying something along the lines of "Fancy thinking the beast was something you could hunt and kill."

    The beast they all feared never existed. The beast was in the heart of man. That's what the book was about at its core, human nature and what moderates it, prevents us from becoming savages. If you've ever read the book and remember the key parts of it, or reread it/ever read it, it's just so obvious that this is what it was about, when you view it from that perspective. And when you realize this, you realize how brilliant it is, that it deserves to be considered a classic.

    I'm not saying it's the best or deepest novel on the subject, but it is quite good, particularly as a teenager. Even as an adult it may be worth reading through again at a fast pace.

    I absolutely refuse to contribute to the plague known as mankind.
  2. Originally posted by mmQ It's out of your league bro. :)

    Looks like it's more out their leg
  3. Originally posted by 1337 To put it bluntly I'm a drug addict. I've done some stupid, dangerous, shady shit to get high.

    Yea after I said it I realised it kinda applies to us all, even if I'm not half as smart as most of you.

    I still half remember the story of you plugging it and then just shitting gluey gloop for ages (that was you, wasn't it?). Man I love degenerates
  4. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by Captain Falcon Looks like it's more out their leg

  5. Malice Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by 1337 To put it bluntly I'm a drug addict. I've done some stupid, dangerous, shady shit to get high.

    I still remember that saga. I warned you about it, recall digging up information about how IV'ing it with polyethylene glycol was likely the safest route, IIRC found something about how it reduced (or increased? I don't remember) the PH.

    Anyway, it was an absolutely retarded thing to do and I fucking called it. At first it seemed like it may have been the binders/fillers in the pills that were causing problems with people who abused it in Eastern Europe, but then, somehow, through my autism power, I figured out that it was likely inherent to the properties of T-PAIN.

    I'm a massive fucking fuckup and major retard in multiple ways as well, though. I've definitely done a few things that were incredibly stupid and suffered the consequences. And of course I'm completely dependant on drugs to be able to barely function at this point. I mean, even if you've gotten way closer to actually killing yourself multiple times, at least you've lived far more and have gotten way farther in life than I have.
  6. Man some chick let her dog attack a girl (she has to have an op) and kill and EAT a cat in a town near me, and she had no remorse, just said her dog has problems cos it's a rescue and it was scared by the cars (lol)
  7. Originally posted by Malice I still remember that saga. I warned you about it, recall digging up information about how IV'ing it with polyethylene glycol was likely the safest route, IIRC found something about how it reduced (or increased? I don't remember) the PH.

    Anyway, it was an absolutely retarded thing to do and I fucking called it. At first it seemed like it may have been the binders/fillers in the pills that were causing problems with people who abused it in Eastern Europe, but then, somehow, through my autism power, I figured out that it was likely inherent to the properties of T-PAIN.

    I'm a massive fucking fuckup and major retard in multiple ways as well, though. I've definitely done a few things that were incredibly stupid and suffered the consequences. And of course I'm completely dependant on drugs to be able to barely function at this point. I mean, even if you've gotten way closer to actually killing yourself multiple times, at least you've lived far more and have gotten way farther in life than I have.

    Yes you were right, I was an idiot, this has already been established. Do you need me to put an ad in the New York Times saying that you were right and I was wrong? Too bad we didn't bet on it right, you might have made some cash at the cost of my health and dignity.
  8. Originally posted by reject Yea after I said it I realised it kinda applies to us all, even if I'm not half as smart as most of you.

    I still half remember the story of you plugging it and then just shitting gluey gloop for ages (that was you, wasn't it?). Man I love degenerates

    I don't know if this happens to anyone else, but T-PAIN makes my shit and piss smell way worser. I have definitely had some gooey shits when I plugged it.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  9. bling bling Dark Matter
    malive how can u say u have rejected the spirit wen u havent
  10. Originally posted by 1337 I never ate it. I would gag at the mere thought of tasting it. To shoot it, I would put about 400mg in a spoon and add 1.7mL of water. I would cook the shit out of it until it would fit in a 1mL syringe. It was a very thick sticky goo. Definitely not good to shoot. I ruined a dozen veins that I had been using for heroin for several years in just a couple days of using T-PAIN. I had to have an emergency fasciotomy* to save my leg from compartment syndrome from a blood clot. I have scars from shots where I missed and the T-PAIN "ate" my skin because it's caustic as fuck.

    *This is about the size of my fasciotomy scar.

    And you play with weapons... SMH
  11. RisiR † 29 Autism
    Can we make the fucking leg a banner already? Fucking...
  12. Originally posted by mmQ 5/10

    Hey fuck you buddy, how about you make up some jokes rather than just being snarky for a change
  13. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by Captain Falcon Hey fuck you buddy, how about you make up some jokes rather than just being snarky for a change

    It's out of your league. That was my joke. It was a 6/10. I win.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  14. jill the xcart
  15. Originally posted by mmQ It's out of your league. That was my joke. It was a 6/10. I win.

    It was a solid 3/10 and I declare you gay
  16. Originally posted by RisiR † Can we make the fucking leg a banner already? Fucking…

    There are way worser images on the Wikipedia page. I had to do three treatments a week for three months in a hyperbaric chamber at a wound care clinic and had a skin graft to get it closed.
  17. bill the tzar
  18. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by Captain Falcon It was a solid 3/10 and I declare you gay

    Let's be frank here. You not being able to hookup with a gaping leg wound is funnier than saying that very wound is 'out of its leg.' The word play was the entire 5 out of 10. I mean the wound isn't 'out of the leg' anyway. THANK YOU.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!

    a hooo hooo!








  20. Malice Naturally Camouflaged

    Not necessarily a fan of autism speaks, but they still present the data well.

    Abnormalities in amygdala activity (hyperactivity, a chronic response), lower connection to the prefontal cortex. Then there's the stress response, norepinephrine, and hypercortisolism (

    Well, this fucking sucks. It's so fucking complex and such a pain in the ass I doubt I'll be able to convince a neurologist to give me effective treatment.

    I actually did have my cortisol levels and sex hormones tested by Labcorp a few years back, and the results were pretty exactly what you would expect if I was right. The interventions I tried were not sufficient, although they did reduce the damage caused.

    Being under this much extreme chronic stress all my life has definitely fucked me up something fierce. My health has been rapidly declining these last few years.

    Of course a good anxiety medication (Nardil) would do wonders to lower this, but it may still not be enough to break the cycle. There are just so many factors, the neurological abnormalities are extremely complex.

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