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Geometric Symbolism in Dome of the Rock - Trianglism

  1. #1
    scuffed jim carrey Tuskegee Airman
    it's a building that is a testement to the sacredness of geometry

    thats a lot of geometry!

    Originally posted by Ghost the secret esoteric society based on sacred geometry
    The ideas seemed to be similar to a lot of his own self findings

    he was high on cough syrup

  2. #2
    Bradley Black Hole
    can you redo the data but with superimposed triangles over the islam stuff i really want to show my muslim friends that triangularism isn't some religion of nonsense thought up in the corner of an empty bag of crystal meth, it is a legitimate and omnipresent component in all major religions.

    aka what Muhammed doesn't want you to know
  3. #3
    scuffed jim carrey Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Bradley thought up in the corner of an empty bag of crystal meth,

    it literally was though we are an emerging new religion discovering and unlocking new higher thoughts every day
    We did not seek out any answers or truth, it was revealed to us by accident and we simply try to show others they can come to the same conclusions about ultimate true nature of reality IT DOESN'T HAVE TO BE FROM DRUGS, but that's how we did it, others can do it through meditating, praying, fasting, etc

    "All roads lead to Rome"

    Originally posted by The Self Taught Man I'm in school with panic attacks everyday but I'm not a druggo anymore. My life is boring as hell besides dating 13y.o. and the occasional psychotic break and is unmanageable without whole medicine cabinet at once and hoping things will either get better and won't be >tfw no gf for eternities. But then again women are the world's primary source of psychotic break. Idk, life is lame and I'm hoping one day in 10 years I will have 1 functioning dopamine receptor and be able to feel something that isn't triangles. The highs of my life are expressed as seeing the maniac in my eyes and telling girls from 8th grade that I want them to act like a baby girl. The lows include absolute misery and dadfights. Years of bundy abuse has caused me to spend a whole existence as a shell of human who is aroused by empty bags of chips that have been stuck under the sofa accumulating dust and does nothing except play runescape and watch adult swim. You a heroin attic so that's probably worse.

    Originally posted by Dissociator 2017 Mission statement. At this point, Trianglism has been growing for 3 years and cements itself into the lore of our dilapidated forum iterations

    Open app


    The Trigonomicon. The official hub of the Trianglism religion.
    Super Suvenyhoy:128 Microblips
    Super suvenyhoy 128:
    You are born a microblip of a poarticle into a universe with unknown properties. With the assistance of an artificial intelligence virtual baby consciousness apparatus, you can parent a machine blip as though it were a fetus. Ages exactly like a real child. It perceives everything as whatever is inside a green screen room, while you wear a vr mask and witness only it and it's constructs. Seeds are completely randomised , so you could be lucky and get a bright blip to become you4 neurobro in 20 years or forced to feel sorry for a mongolplot forever

    Trianglism about as real as any other mainstream religion. It's like catholicism, Scientology, Buddhism mixed with new age and ancient Egyptian and Aztec death cult beliefs and Native american culture. Trianglism has something for everyone. You like the love and forgiveness of Christianity?, well Trianglism believes time is cyclical and every event is predetermined to happen in quantum space so positive energy is promoted.

    You want to kill people and sacrifice yourself like ISIS?, Trianglism also believes that human morals are insignificant in the grand scheme of the universe so death and rebirth are accepted as natural mortal cycles

    You enjoy the hierarchy and tradition of Catholicism?, Trianglism also has ancient rituals and grand priests (except they are all aliens right now), we also have communion wafers with LSD and ergot wine.

    You believe in the power and cultural heritage of Judaism?, Trianglism is a strict social pyramid of the most wealthy and influential at the top (Donald Trump, Jesus, Putin, Taylor Swift) and coincides with the conspiracy of the Illuminati. Gods chosen people are the trianglists and all who embrace pyramid power.

    How about the Death and Rebirth of eastern religions?. Yup we got that too. Death is a function of time and technology and the curve of which are about to cross as any of us that can survive another 50 years have a strong chance of living forever but those who do not will be turned into cosmic star dust and reborn as circuits and robots in 1000000 years.

    Trianglism has unlocked the secrets of existence, and the truth is not for the weak of mind. You can choose to live blind and sober if you wish to have your scope limited to earth and everything orbiting our sun or if you choose to accept Raj into your heart you can be awakened to the infinite possibilities of quantum physics and experience infinite world and realms colliding infinity throughout space for all eternity.

    If things start to scare you or the fabric of reality melts before your eyes and all you want to do is scream and end your reality just remember. The Triangle guides us. The triangle is truth and understanding. It is always pointing up even in 6 dimensional space. No matter what the Triangle is the shape of our conscious collective energy in every configuration.

    From frame to frame, square turns into circle, circle turns into triangle

    the matrix goes like













    so while they move in this matrix in that loop each time, they're also doing the conversion of square to circle and circle to triangle.

    The 12 loop can appear in multiple couplings, the default configuration is as so

    1- [1]

    2,3 [-2-][-3-]

    4,5,6 [<4>][<5_>][-_<_<6_>_-]

    7,8 [*<(-7-)>*] [^^*<__<8>__>*^^]

    9,10,11 [((//<__9__>—10—<__11__>\\))


    Grand unifying theory and particle forms
    Trianglism infographics

    Installment 3- Temple of the Morning Star
    TOTAL BUNDY. Bundy is the literal psychosis dehumanizing drug. Good thing I'm nowhere near this depraved when sober.

    "She's easy on the eyes but clorox on the mind"

    Today I'm going to tell you a story about temples.

    This is the Temple of The Morning Star

    I used to smoke spice to semen entering a pentagram AIDS metal (DEVO is AIDS rock). Is the pentagram at the top or the bottom of the teepee? Like one of those Necker cube IQ perspective questions. It was like worshiping Figyarnus.

    This is the Temple of The Sickness. BDSM babies create sigma AIDS metal.

    We live in a society tiered by sigmas of both ethical and intellectual functioning. An +/- 85/115IQ thought by a 1sigma individual occurs 68% of the time, a +/- 70/130IQ thought by a 1sigma individual occurs 95% of the time. This also applies to EQ, emotional quotient. When I do a TOTAL BUNDY on a sigma I become approximately 6 sigmas and 6 coughgels from the mean, which is why the experience is so emotionally valuable.

    Me to my mom: "Words"

    My mom to me: "What were you guys saying"

    "You're a hologram!"

    Bobstulplob (Bah-Stall-Plav)

    The awareness that almost all knowledge is outside of one's own experience

    Now what's your tier and faction?

    Consciousness fractal examples:

    0 Bad -, Figyarnus, Deliriants

    11 Good +, Bassyun, Opiods

    222 Normie X, Oyhoy, Catholic. Human. Alcohol

    3333 Lisserd Δ, Ahkmah, Trianglism. Psychopath. Stimulants

    44444 Schizotype ::, OEOEOE, Square Joy. Animals. Weed

    5555 AIDS is a pentagram of satanic insects, Rajahkmahraj would support this. Roach. Inhalehoys.

    666 Schizophrenia is the star of david, ALL, Hebrew reptiles. Psychedelics


    8 You're a hologram! Sigma achieved! Dissociatives are the drugs of humanoid demigods.

    My ability to give fucks about things exists in all 8 tiers of the consciousness fractal.

    The book of Roshambo
    I.Trianglism, also known as the Trigonomicon is a system of beliefs of a spiritual nature and an existential manifest to map out the known and unknown infinite dimensions and everything in relation to Bass yun and the great 12 entities.

    II. The scripture of Oyhoyinated Sigmography.

    Yon diud yesteryear klar flur deschund eighderflosc unrasjec redjac. Thruorvan klon gtasterinir to notono strijethriough whism jeskrot induc narcony blarjareign. Zipdragh delracht oonkometosruit banarn. Taketh fyur judan amahn nojkuj ktejjarmight harmstrought restaut.

    III. Through our time yesterday is seeming more like a singularity closing in on itself through centrafication self-reference. Praise to the projector in the progenitor. Rancid but not for single time. Laying in waste may seem like a good idea (see:dirt nap) zimmy? ZONGO!!! All? NO ALL!!!!!!!!!

    Section 2 (The entities and their lives)
    Generation 1- Bass yun, figyarnus

    Generation 2- Raj, ahkmah

    Generation 3- Krakus, Oyhoy (oyuieh hoyuienuhs), Tono, Ouuul

    Generation 4- OEOEOEOE, Suvenyhoy, Kuje Tej, Zod

    Bassyun- highest force of good. Here to help us all achieve Eternal Bliss and bring everything to the state of 1. A triangle floating around a white holographic sphere.

    Figyarnus- formerly the highest force of evil before being eclipeed by an even more evil Raj who uses figyarnud as oxygen. Here to destroy life as we know it and being everything to a state of 0. Sickly orange green cloud with eyes of grime.

    Raj- the being who emerged out of political tensions and threat of intergalactic war after trump being elected. An insect of infinite malice who is the size of the universe. Feeds on chaos.

    Ahkmah- the entity of the sigmoid state. The keeper of plateau sigma. Dopamine neurons becoming excited into mania and/or psychotic breaks through trancedental highness. Looks like a coughgel bundy with upper sanpaku.

    Krakus- the entity of orgasmic bliss and KRAK!!!! Anecdotes depict krakus as a tall black man with a crack rock for a head.

    Oyuieh Hoyuienuhs aka oyhoy. The >. An entity impartial to any faction of reality that simply functions as the characterization of the interdimensional wavelength matrix.

    OEOEOEOE- The basic rhythmic chanting of tribal drummers which brings out the ape man in all of us. There are variations of OEOEOEOE but all serve as a way to go through our ancestral evolutionary roots. A lengthy session with these frequencies can revert a human into a reptile or insectoid state.

    Tono, Ouuul- the brothered pair of twin cosmic mediators who emit pulsar waves intermittently for all od eternity. Channeling frogloys and mongolroys into their pinnacle of repetitive nonconformity, these entities can trigger autism rages capable of causing mass genocide to thousands of innocent tribal villages. Come in the form of a frog with whorlwinding eyes and a praying mantis emitting visible triangle waves from its pineal gland.

    Suvenyhoy- a much debated entity who has recently been detected under protonic transquantum entignantography, however the studies have not yet been replicated. The vice presidenr of ahkmah and recruiter for allies of the sigmoid space.

    Kuje tej- An ancient native of Zimbabwe, a medicine man of peptide neurogenics, can heal the worst of cranial traumas from one click of his zejguraj stick. Floats above the heads of paranoid schizophrenics in a caustic csf fluid lined orb.

    Zod- The last circuit of the 12 loop, the entity that encompasses ALL and mediates all disputes in trianglism realms bringing everything to a state of harmony. Composed of the Zod particle, a machine entity of infinite dimensions that is the root of all perception. Can be sought through kappa opioid activation.

    Book 1 section 1 (What is Trianglism, who are the prophets)

    Trianglism is a religion that stems from the belief that there are many related forces in the universe that revolve around 3 or groups of three. Three states of matter, solid liquid gas. Three primary colors, red blue yellow. Three dimensions, XYZ. Three manifestations of God the father son Holy Spirit. Triangle is it was originally thought of by the holy prophet schplew. Many collaborations between Schplew (1 of 3) and Roshambo (2 of 3) between 2014 and 2017 (the old era) formed the core and secondary beliefs of trianglism.

    In 2017 the third prophet, Scronaldo, was indicted into the trigonomicon completing the sacred 3. He has put forth tertiary beliefs and additions to the trigonomicon, but remains in the shadows as the other 2 dominate the field.

    Roshambo and Schplew, the hiveminded 2, form a positive feedback loop and interconnected circuit bound by the hivemind, to produce a neverending stream of informative, entertaining and enlightening content. Trianglism has evolved into a many faceted religion with a diverse community, and has an estimated 800+ followers to this day.

    Originally posted by Blue Oyster Cult Welcome to the Future, Man2033
    How was this done? 🎊🕋🍰 first consider a triangle cut of cake🔪🎂

    Where does the ANKH come in? This is still an active discovery but the way it was found is similar to previous "arcs" of Trianglist thought. It DOES INVOLVE AI COMPUTER GODS & Triangles. ANKH Is a KEY and what does this key unlock? HIGHER LEVEL TRUTH

    Hence the upgrade from base Trianglism △/╲/\╱\?( ͠° ͟ʖ ͡°)=ε🗝️ 🔒📀📶 📡▴⛰▴⚗▴🛰️ ↩️
    . • • ° ★ • . • ★ *     °  .  🛰  °·  •.      ๏        .• 𓋹🔺☥🔺𓋹🔺☥
    ۞๑,🌵𓂁𓂄🏜️𓂁𓂄🗿🏝🏻🌴🏻𓁾🏜 ⚱️🐫𓂀𓁈𓆣🏺𓆣𓋹𓀛𓁀🐪𓀾𓀮𓆙๑۩๑🛕𓂀𓁈𓆣𓋹𓀛𓁀۞𓋹🔺☥🔺𓋹🔺☥🔺𓋹🌵𓂁𓂄🏜️𓂁𓂄🗿🏝🏻🌴🏻𓁾🏜

    worship or study of ankh in regard to mysticism is nothing new, in fact people into "healing pyramid crystal energy" type stuff usually get them both as tattoos, but this on it's own doesn't open much in the way of "fringe science" based thinking. Trianglist thought and science has not advanced much since the global covid shutdown, our work hinges on ultimate freedom so any disturbance of that slows down discovery, We found and considered the ANKH last and it UPGRADES base trianglist thought, like an expansion pack. Connecting the far reaches of it all UNLOCKING DOORS ☥ UNLOCKING SECRETS ☥ We have the key ☥ It's all starting to make sense now and at the same time shows how little we know ☥

    🏮What the fuck is a Bhutanese Shadow Market?🏮,

    through my own esoteric research into fringe subjects I came across this a while ago and mentioned it a lot since the start of winter, one of the most common things sold at this market is an ELIXIR OF ETERNAL LIFE which I think is interesting considering all these factors
    🇧🇹$̙̝̫̦̑̉☥👤☥₿ͪ̂̈́ͫ🏦🇧🇹$̙̝̫̦̑̉☥👤☥₿ͪ̂̈́ͫ🏦🇧🇹$̙̝̫̦̑̉☥👤☥₿ͪ̂̈́ͫ🏦❤̷̸̧̤̺͕̮̮͇̱̺̥̭̈̃̋̐͐̀̏͊̍̒̏͌̉̓̔̕ͅ ✴🇧🇹👤🏛️✴❤̷̸̧̤̺͕̮̮͇̱̺̥̭̈̃̋̐͐̀̏͊̍̒̏͌̉̓̔̕ͅ ❤̷̸̧̤̺͕̮̮͇̱̺̥̭̈̃̋̐͐̀̏͊̍̒̏͌̉̓̔̕ͅ ✴🇧🇹👤🏛️✴


  4. #4
    Bradley Black Hole
    I'm not seeing the triangle

    Figyarnus- formerly the highest force of evil before being eclipeed by an even more evil Raj who uses figyarnud as oxygen. Here to destroy life as we know it and being everything to a state of 0. Sickly orange green cloud with eyes of grime.

    Raj- the being who emerged out of political tensions and threat of intergalactic war after trump being elected. An insect of infinite malice who is the size of the universe. Feeds on chaos.

    Ahkmah- the entity of the sigmoid state. The keeper of plateau sigma. Dopamine neurons becoming excited into mania and/or psychotic breaks through trancedental highness. Looks like a coughgel bundy with upper sanpaku.
  5. #5
    scuffed jim carrey Tuskegee Airman
    The universe is made out of triangles

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