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Fresh list of dead members and what they have in common

  1. #61
    Originally posted by Bradley Didn't they die before the merge, we don't track DHs dead


    And we are not DH, just like you are not Toastie whatever it's called.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  2. #62
    Bradley Dogsbane
    eBagger & BITCH TITZ
  3. #63
    Sweet African Astronaut
    What a bunch of gays
  4. #64
    Sweet African Astronaut
    Dying is faggoted, self-killing doubly so. You should just WANT to kill yourself.
  5. #65
    This thread is why everyone here dies.

    Originally posted by Sudo We're all pretty lost too. Even Lanny and frala, as much as they might pretend otherwise, everyone here is 1 bad day away from making the paper

    I hope piss splashed everywhere when you sat down to pee >=[
  6. #66
    Bradley Dogsbane
    I Wonder who will be next! HOpe it's not me ;) ;) eeeeeeee'EEEEEEE!
  7. #67
    aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  8. #68
    aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by Bradley eeeeeeee'EEEEEEE!

    uh oh you said the magic word
  9. #69
    Bradley Dogsbane
    everyone says it, it doens't get you killed, i tried to die for awhile and like people wouldnt go for it i guess part of me kinda just accepted it wasn't my time and then i got really reckless, and im pretty confidant im right, since like i know me better than any of you would and got that vibe from what it do

    it'll probably be someone we expect that's kinda sickly already (Kafka, Wozny) i got a feeling one of them will be next.
  10. #70
    It's probably gonna be you, Bradley, no offense.
  11. #71
    Bradley Dogsbane
    or sophie, that thread kinda got me thinking, that pussy ass nigga could've gotten that strap and either got caught fuckin with it by the police (potential) but probably got really sad/high and shot himself with it on accident (more likely since he's a know it all who never handled guns before)
  12. #72
    aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    I wonder if wozny's already crashed his uber into a lake, I don't think he's ever stayed away this long
  13. #73
    aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by Bradley or sophie, that thread kinda got me thinking, that pussy ass nigga could've gotten that strap and either got caught fuckin with it by the police (potential) but probably got really sad/high and shot himself with it on accident (more likely since he's a know it all who never handled guns before)

    he did have a makarov or some shit, was hinting at getting involved with organised crime so it's entirely possible
  14. #74
    Beige might be committed.
  15. #75
    aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by frala Beige might be committed.

    falsely imprisoned by Jeff Hunter and Metaphysicist
  16. #76
    Lol, there are probably so many medical workers who have googled those names thinking what the actual fuck
  17. #77
    Bradley Dogsbane
    Originally posted by frala It's probably gonna be you, Bradley, no offense.

    No offense taken. I've thought that for awhile but I'm still here, I'm sure someone will kill me at some point probably close to the end of my life lol. I am super happy I never got any fentanyl in like my meth or cocaine cuz i could've been blind sided by some shit like that.

    That being saidI've been making more healthy choices, I haven't had a cigarette in about 8 days and I've been coughing up so much black shit, I never normally cough up like this much shit, and i find it kinda motivating to keep not smoking to clean up my lungs (I've been smoking for about 17 years since 13)

    I just wish my teeth were whiter but I drink so much coffee, it's one of the few things I really really genuinely enjoy. Im gonna get a gym membership tomorrow I think so I have something to do during the days thats constructive and will help me find new people to sodomize.
  18. #78
    Bradley Dogsbane
    paul wozny has asthma, nueropathy, high blood pressure, a sedintary lifestyle, morbid obesity and is 60 years old, he regularly abuses his body by doing 30 days worth of perscription benzos & amphetamenes in 8-10 days and bending his mind every month when he gets his scripts filled.

    He also eats fast food regularly.

    he will be the next one to die of natural causes
  19. #79
    You should get some Crest white strips and try to not sodomize people.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  20. #80
    aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    lol, inside a week of posting "I'm not going to bang dudes anymore" he's living with a Cuban school teacher or something
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