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Military Genius Zelensky wants Ukrainians to throw molotovs at Russian tanks

  1. Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    „ Poland won't go into open war without the US' blessing; they have no chance by themselves.”

    not sure i agree with you. ukriane is doinf pretty well alone based on arms and volunteers and now it would be two ukriwnes plus at least arms and volunteers and patriot missile defenses to test for russians.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  2. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by Wariat „ Poland won't go into open war without the US' blessing; they have no chance by themselves.”

    not sure i agree with you. ukriane is doinf pretty well alone based on arms and volunteers and now it would be two ukriwnes plus at least arms and volunteers and patriot missile defenses to test for russians.

    Russia's committed less than 20% of their military capability to the Ukraine so far. For all this talk of 'drafting' 300k reserves (who are due to arrive late November, early December), why do you think the bulk of the professional military (maybe 800k of the 1 million standing army) is being kept in Russia?

    Ukraine's military is completely hollowed out, and the only reason it stands at all is due to the constant influx of foreign weapons and fighters. How much real military capability do you think Poland has left given how much of it is being pumped into the Ukraine?

    Soemthing interesting to keep in mind - Russia is primarily evaluating the progress of the war in terms of (the depletion of) personnel and military capacity, where the west is mostly concerned with territories won and lost.
  3. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Oh, and Patriot batteries couldn't protect KSA's oil infrastructure from Yemen's knockoff Iranian gear, what do you think they're going to do against modern weapons, especially when they're not dug in and echeloned?

    Keep in mind that israel refused to transfer their own (improved) version of the Patriot system because they knew that it wasn't suited to the kind of weapons that Kiev is getting lobbed at it.
  4. Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    thats not what she daid foe. no one in the west or western media or poland is saying what you are saying. in fsct they are saying russians backing up in khersten is a clear sign theyre having issues or losing and their soldiers have like old equipment and shit by now.
  5. Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    Originally posted by aldra Russia's committed less than 20% of their military capability to the Ukraine so far. For all this talk of 'drafting' 300k reserves (who are due to arrive late November, early December), why do you think the bulk of the professional military (maybe 800k of the 1 million standing army) is being kept in Russia?

    Ukraine's military is completely hollowed out, and the only reason it stands at all is due to the constant influx of foreign weapons and fighters. How much real military capability do you think Poland has left given how much of it is being pumped into the Ukraine?

    Soemthing interesting to keep in mind - Russia is primarily evaluating the progress of the war in terms of (the depletion of) personnel and military capacity, where the west is mostly concerned with territories won and lost.

    why the drwft then and why run away in kresten region in a state of panic if theyre so strong?
  6. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by Wariat thats not what she daid foe. no one in the west or western media or poland is saying what you are saying. in fsct they are saying russians backing up in khersten is a clear sign theyre having issues or losing and their soldiers have like old equipment and shit by now.

    That's because they're retarded and/or being dishonest for propaganda purposes.

    The reason Russia left Kherson is because there's no endgame there; it's difficult territory to defend and they don't have the forces to hold the city indefinitely. The AFU attacking it was being resupplied from Nikolaev and there's no way to cut that supply line from the Kherson direction, as well as the looming threat of the dam being destroyed and flooding the city. It's definitely bad 'optics' that the Russians had to withdraw, but as I said:

    Originally posted by aldra Soemthing interesting to keep in mind - Russia is primarily evaluating the progress of the war in terms of (the depletion of) personnel and military capacity, where the west is mostly concerned with territories won and lost.

    They saw it as not worthwhile to try to hold the city indefinitely; even if they were able to continue to maintain favourable casualty ratios they would slowly bleed soldiers and equipment, and without the possibility of advancing it'd be for nothing.

    As it stands they're likely going to withdraw until reinforcements arrive, then move on Nikolaev, and once supply lines are broken move back into Kherson.
  7. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition


    Russia has been hitting ground targets in Ukraine with a surface-to-air missiles, reports have said, the latest sign of growing logistical issues faced by Moscow.

    The Soviet-era S-300 missile system, first deployed in 1979, was originally designed to defend against air raids and cruise missiles for the Soviet Air Defence Forces.

    But reports from Ukraine have said the system has been used by Russian forces to attack ground targets, with the British Defence Ministry saying this suggests Vladimir Putin's forces are experiencing 'critical shortages' of ground-attack weapons.


    I guess it wasn't supposed to come out that the missile that landed in Poland was an S-300 SAM, so this is their new cope - it was actually Russia that fired it. And we're back to 'Russia's running out of missiles again!'.

    Keep in mind that Russian/Soviet SAMs actually do have the capability to fire at ground targets and act like an MLRS for some reason, but for this to even be remotely plausible Russia would have to have deployed the complex within around 90km of the landing site because that's the advertised interception range of the 5V55R.
  8. Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    tel, thet to the polish forums bro its even worse on there on thwt thread. they think russia is using plastic guns or something. i wonder if theyll buy your theories man if you present good wrguments western mediw is lying?
  9. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by Wariat tel, thet to the polish forums bro its even worse on there on thwt thread. they think russia is using plastic guns or something. i wonder if theyll buy your theories man if you present good wrguments western mediw is lying?

    I don't really care about convincing people anymore, I just like trying to understand these things.

    I hope someone really does push the button
  10. Originally posted by aldra I hope someone really does push the button

    May as well stick around for world war three, eh? I mean, you've come this far...
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  11. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    not everyone gets to see the end of the world
  12. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by Wariat tel, thet to the polish forums bro its even worse on there on thwt thread. they think russia is using plastic guns or something. i wonder if theyll buy your theories man if you present good wrguments western mediw is lying?

    post this on there for lulz
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  13. Originally posted by aldra not everyone gets to see the end of the world

    It even says in the bible that the prophets regretted not being able to be present for what we are about to experience. We're a very special generation. But it's not the end of the world, it's the end of this stinking system. The original plan remains.
  14. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    sometimes I wish I believed in things

    in the past I considered throwing myself full-force into a religion but I don't believe in the 'fake it til you make it' thing and I'd doubt I could convince myself otherwise
  15. Number13 African Astronaut [dispute my snotty-nosed seagull]
    Welp already admitting it probably wasn't russia, usually it takes the world a long time to catch up to sense.
  16. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by Number13 Welp already admitting it probably wasn't russia, usually it takes the world a long time to catch up to sense.

    US doesn't want to article5 lol
  17. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition

    didn't even know there were raccoons in that part of the world
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  18. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition

    > bombs Poland
    > asks Poland to enforce no fly zone
  19. troon African Astronaut
    Originally posted by aldra sometimes I wish I believed in things

    in the past I considered throwing myself full-force into a religion but I don't believe in the 'fake it til you make it' thing and I'd doubt I could convince myself otherwise

    you did the right thing aldra. you'd have just ended up exploiting naive believers for your own enrichment and selfish gains.

    wait a minute. you did the wrong thing aldra!
  20. Bradley Black Hole
    what if putin just got on TV and said he was sorry would that be ok with everyone
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