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Alex Jones owes a Billion Dollars in Damage

  1. Speedy Parker Black Hole [my absentmindedly lachrymatory gazania]
    Originally posted by slide22 All you did was choose another section of the post. You clearly believed the Federal Reserve was created at a different time and saw you were wrong so you go right to a different paragraph and just word salad the shit out of a statement which is so vague and retarded compared to your Oddly Specific Sister gone missing. She isn't a blood sister but a Step Sister and I find this way too oddly specific.

    I italicized the portion of your quote I was ridiculing. That went right over your head and you ranted against an argument that was never made. Now, realizing what an obtuse fool you were, you shift to an entirely different post.
  2. Originally posted by Speedy Parker That is fiction. Even the links that supposedly support this rubbish are broken.

    you dont even need the link.

    all you need to know is the history of greenback mountain.

    if you know the history of greenback mountain as much as you do about the history of brokeback mountain, then you wouldnt be making such retarded argument.
  3. slide22 African Astronaut

    that proves the other part of the statement is also factual.

    What are you trying to prove? You're all over the fucking place trying to cover your ass when you make a false claim. and you have been caught doing it multiple times.

    I posted the contradictions on a different account regarding this behavior of yours. just admit you're wrong and Im right. Lincoln passed the bill to create the Secret Service the very day he was assassinated to combat what the south had done.

    You're always scrambling to look as if you were talking about something else and in this case, Again, I was correct. the south was counterfeiting money to collapse the North's economy
  4. Speedy Parker Black Hole [my absentmindedly lachrymatory gazania]
    Originally posted by slide22

    that proves the other part of the statement is also factual.

    What are you trying to prove? You're all over the fucking place trying to cover your ass when you make a false claim. and you have been caught doing it multiple times.

    I posted the contradictions on a different account regarding this behavior of yours. just admit you're wrong and Im right. Lincoln passed the bill to create the Secret Service the very day he was assassinated to combat what the south had done.

    You're always scrambling to look as if you were talking about something else and in this case, Again, I was correct. the south was counterfeiting money to collapse the North's economy

    That's not what you said.

    Originally posted by slide22 the Federal Reserves occured in 1913

    Lincoln was trying to keep the South from printing money by the confederates which oddly enough is exactly what is being done today by the Modern Day Left in power. raise the ceiling, print money with no gold backing.

    The word counterfeit does not appear in your post.

    As usual you are backpeddaling.
  5. Incessant African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Speedy Parker That's not what you said.

    The word counterfeit does not appear in your post.

    As usual you are backpeddaling.

    You're so dumb . Why would you ever debate or engage T2K. Lol.
  6. Speedy Parker Black Hole [my absentmindedly lachrymatory gazania]
    Originally posted by Incessant You're so dumb . Why would you ever debate or engage T2K. Lol.

    I like to wind him up and watch him bang his cymbals.

  7. slide22 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Speedy Parker That's not what you said.

    The word counterfeit does not appear in your post.

    As usual you are backpeddaling.

    FORGING same fuckingf thing MOTHER FUCKER
  8. Speedy Parker Black Hole [my absentmindedly lachrymatory gazania]
    Originally posted by slide22 FORGING same fuckingf thing MOTHER FUCKER

    Originally posted by slide22 the Federal Reserves occured in 1913

    Lincoln was trying to keep the South from printing money by the confederates which oddly enough is exactly what is being done today by the Modern Day Left in power. raise the ceiling, print money with no gold backing.

    You said printing money by the confederates not forging. The confederates printed confederate dollars. They counterfeited US dollars. You never once said forge, counterfeit, or US dollars.

    Give it up butthurt buttercup.
  9. FYI

    Germany’s Chancellor Otto Von Bismarck claimed the European bankers were responsible for the American Civil War, stating “The division of the United States was decided by the high financial powers of Europe”, and van Helsing wrote “The reasons leading to this civil war were almost completely due to the Rothschild agents”, one of whom was George Bickly who persuaded the Confederate States of the advantages of secession from the Union, thereby precipitating the American civil war. All American history texts attribute the civil war to slavery disputes, constituting one of the greatest lies and historical revisions existing in any nation.

    In any case, the bankers did succeed in their incitement to violence, and the Civil War was unleashed on the US, with the London bankers backing the Union and the French bankers backing the South. Everyone made a fortune and by 1861 the US was $100 million in debt. At this time, Abraham Lincoln became the new President and snubbed the bankers by issuing US government currency popularly known as Greenbacks to pay Union Army bills without incurring debt to the Rothschilds.

    At the time, the Rothschild-controlled Times of London wrote: “If that mischievous policy, which had its origins in the North American Republic, should become indurated down to a fixture, then that Government will furnish its own money without cost. It will pay off its debts and be without debt. It will have all the money necessary to carry on its commerce. It will become prosperous beyond precedent in the history of the civilized governments of the world. The brains and the wealth of all countries will go to North America. That government must be destroyed, or it will destroy every monarchy on the globe.”
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  10. slide22 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Speedy Parker You said printing money by the confederates not forging. The confederates printed confederate dollars. They counterfeited US dollars. You never once said forge, counterfeit, or US dollars.

    Give it up butthurt buttercup.

    It was obvious without going into specifics that they tried to collapse the fucking US dollar by flooding forged money into the north.
  11. Anyone remember the North Korea "superdollars" thing? Apparently back a few years ago the Kim's got some professional kit in and started knocking out Benjamins that were indistinguishable from the real thing. Don't know what happened with that, I assume the Yanks told them to knock it off or something.
  12. slide22 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Donald Trump Anyone remember the North Korea "superdollars" thing? Apparently back a few years ago the Kim's got some professional kit in and started knocking out Benjamins that were indistinguishable from the real thing. Don't know what happened with that, I assume the Yanks told them to knock it off or something.

    I remember the Uncle or brother getting taken out at an Airport.

    I bet they still make them and sneak them out with spies who spend them or bring them into currency exchange
    I heard the paper is difficult to replicate by how it's threaded and meshed in layers. it's not one paper but layers which is how the watermarks are made. those magic pens actually are chemical reactions. I think it's invisible if the paper is real and if it doesn't have that certain secret chemical in it they turn black or brown. then the ink along is difficult to replicate. this shit is advancing all the time.

    Off topic, I heard Anna May Wong (1920s Actress) will be on a US Quarter (flip side, obvious)
  13. Haxxor Space Nigga
    Alex has really come a long way 😵‍💫

  14. Originally posted by Haxxor Alex has really come a long way 😵‍💫

    All of that is 100% true, though. He was way ahead of the game.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  15. Haxxor Space Nigga
    Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
  16. slide22 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Haxxor

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