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  1. Instigator Naturally Camouflaged [the staring tame crusher]
    Wondering how I can lie my way out of getting an alcohol tagged fitted by probation today

    F×ck my life with a sheared rebar pole
  2. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    alcohol tag?
  3. troon African Astronaut
    Originally posted by aldra alcohol tag?

    I had to look this up, the wonders of the shittish empire:

    March 31, 2021 - Probation officers will be alerted if the sobriety tags detect alcohol in the sweat and the offender could then face fines or other sentences in court. The tags can tell the difference between drinks and other alcohol, such as hand sanitiser or perfume, and they can also tell if someone tries
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  4. Instigator Naturally Camouflaged [the staring tame crusher]
    The world's gone nuts.
  5. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    lol, I guess that means you're drinking hand sanitiser
  6. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    is this court-mandated rehab or something?
  7. Kafka sweaty
    I’m on the motorway and right in front of us this van does a 360 it looked like the driver was passed out. I thought it was the end but it stopped.
  8. Kafka sweaty
    The bumper was on the road so maybe there will be a crash
  9. Instigator Naturally Camouflaged [the staring tame crusher]
    No it's just part of my license conditions

    I think I've messed my throat up from drinking hand sanitizer
  10. troon African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Instigator I think I've messed my throat up from drinking hand sanitizer

    lol, is that because post-covid cheap deals? I've seen places with crates of the stuff and "Free - help yourself!" signs.
  11. Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
  12. Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
  13. Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
  14. Kafka sweaty
    Idk what to do for my last night here
  15. WellHung Black Hole
    how Difficult it has become to obtain conventional motor oil.
  16. slide22 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Kafka I hate the way people dress nowadays

    Kafka its like you're a whole different person. you've gone from a shy tone to some crazy traveling globe trotter. what's happening? who's funding these ventures and why.
  17. slide22 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by WellHung how Difficult it has become to obtain conventional motor oil.

    did you check the weight on your car? or are you just winging it
  18. troon African Astronaut
    kanye west is what elon musk would have been if he was a chinky knock-off bought off amazon

    that's you kanye and u no it
  19. Haxxor Space Nigga
    Originally posted by slide22 Kafka its like you're a whole different person. you've gone from a shy tone to some crazy traveling globe trotter. what's happening? who's funding these ventures and why.

    Funded by imagination

  20. Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
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