2022-10-11 at 4:05 PM UTC
I got 4chan arrested. 3 days in /pol and 30 days for /x
I never knew that if you get banned in one forum you could attend another. I just left on 4chan.
Reddit however I could just make a new account but just like 4chan now reddit blocked my ip for posting a banned listed website. I'm really taken back on this because others have not.
Is Reddit and 4Chan government contract or NSA? Not being paranoid, it could happen.
2022-10-11 at 4:07 PM UTC
Durrrr use incognito mode and reset your modem for a new IP, does Reddit even verify your email address?
2022-10-11 at 4:29 PM UTC
Isn't the big 3 cable internet providers in USA Cox, Road Runner and Comcast? Viacom was pretty cool. Never had issues until Comcast bought them out and buttfucked everyone's shit. I hate this company
2022-10-11 at 5:51 PM UTC
When I moved to New Bedford these kids asked me if I was a Nazi and I said certainly not, in which they said " too bad, you would have been kind of cool instead of a geek" and then I got punched by 4 guys at once. I tried to explain how illegal it would be for my father to be a Nazi in both Germany as well as the USA because he would lose his citizenship. And one of them had tha look on his face and smiled and I got called to the principle office and was asked if my father was really a Nazi.
I said no way and he said your last name seems German is your father from Germany and I felt like I was being set up.and I said yes, and he asked if my father was old enough to have fought in WWII and I said barely. This was taken as sarcasm and he stormed out. My father had to appologize to him and the boys and made me do so as well stating. Had bragged he was an SS when all he did is serve in the general army at 15-17. And my father beat me so bad I had a bruised lung the following weeks.
My principle was jedi and his father was in a polish internment camp. My father home schooled me the rest of the year with my aunt as my instructor. I fucking hated my youth so fucking much I want to redo it all over again and run away at age 13
2022-10-11 at 5:54 PM UTC
Why does jedi say Jedi? I know I didn't have an auto correct this time