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Military Genius Zelensky wants Ukrainians to throw molotovs at Russian tanks

  1. Speedy Parker Black Hole [my absentmindedly lachrymatory gazania]
    Originally posted by aldra Ukraine no longer has any functional thermal power stations.

    Electric train lines are shut down, and strikes have hit many of the major rail junctions and workshops. There are few operational diesel trains, and now little chance of repairing the surviving ones should they fail.

    Sounds like terrorism on Russia's part.
  2. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by Speedy Parker Sounds like terrorism on Russia's part.


    because 'terrorism' is entirely subjective and a meaningless accusation
  3. MOSCOW, 11 October. /TASS/. Meta Corporation (recognized as extremist in the Russian Federation and banned) is included in the register of extremists and terrorists of Росфинмониторинга/Rosfinmonitoring, according to the website of the department on Tuesday .

    The corporation is listed as Meta Platforms Inc.

    Facebook are terrorists.
  4. Speedy Parker Black Hole [my absentmindedly lachrymatory gazania]
    Originally posted by aldra sure

    because 'terrorism' is entirely subjective and a meaningless accusation

    Wrong, but your smarter than this. I sense you are butthurt over being corrected.
  5. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by Speedy Parker Wrong, but your smarter than this. I sense you are butthurt over being corrected.

    how much terrorism did you do serving in illegal wars of aggression?
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  6. Speedy Parker Black Hole [my absentmindedly lachrymatory gazania]
    Originally posted by aldra how much terrorism did you do serving in illegal wars of aggression?

    Defending your allies is not terrorism you stupid fuckwit.
  7. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by Speedy Parker Defending your allies is not terrorism you stupid fuckwit.

    LOL. the goalposts are all over the place!
  8. Originally posted by Speedy Parker Defending your allies is not terrorism you stupid fuckwit.

    What if your allies are Al Qaeda and ISIS.
  9. Speedy Parker Black Hole [my absentmindedly lachrymatory gazania]
    Originally posted by aldra LOL. the goalposts are all over the place!

    The goal post is planted, up your ass right next to your head.
  10. Speedy Parker Black Hole [my absentmindedly lachrymatory gazania]
    Originally posted by Donald Trump What if your allies are Al Qaeda and ISIS.

    Those are not legitimate lawful nation states. Just stop kid. You don't know what terrorism is. Admit it and learn from it. As for my part I'm done with you on this.
  11. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by Speedy Parker Those are not legitimate lawful nation states. Just stop kid. You don't know what terrorism is. Admit it and learn from it. As for my part I'm done with you on this.

    but I thought terrorism had nothing to do with state backing, it was just 'illegal'

    like every war the US has started in the last 20 years or so
  12. Originally posted by Speedy Parker Those are not legitimate lawful nation states.

    ISIS literally stands for Islamic State
  13. Speedy Parker Black Hole [my absentmindedly lachrymatory gazania]
    Originally posted by Donald Trump ISIS literally stands for Islamic State

    You can call your yard a nation. Doesn't mean it is so just shutup. Your arguing like a fake Chinese account.
  14. Originally posted by Speedy Parker Defending your allies is not terrorism you stupid fuckwit.

    there you have it again guys; from the granada horse vets mouth again:


    putin is defending his LDNR ALLIES, therefore he, according to shlomo parkers own understanding and dogma, is NOT a terrorist and what he does ISNT terrorism.

  15. Speedy Parker Black Hole [my absentmindedly lachrymatory gazania]
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny there you have it again guys; from the granada horse vets mouth again:


    putin is defending his LDNR ALLIES, therefore he, according to shlomo parkers own understanding and dogma, is NOT a terrorist and what he does ISNT terrorism.

    Invading a sovereign nation is not defending you silly little fuckwit. Give it a break kid.
  16. Originally posted by Speedy Parker Invading a sovereign nation is not defending you silly little fuckwit. Give it a break kid.

    r u denying election results again ?
  17. Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist

    For months, the federal government has been promising Ukraine a modern air defense system. According to SPIEGEL information, the German Iris-T anti-aircraft weapon has now been handed over to the Ukrainian military.

    Germany has handed over the first of four promised Iris-T SLM air defense systems to Ukraine . According to SPIEGEL information, the handover took place on Tuesday near the Polish-Ukrainian border.....
  18. Originally posted by Wariat

    For months, the federal government has been promising Ukraine a modern air defense system. According to SPIEGEL information, the German Iris-T anti-aircraft weapon has now been handed over to the Ukrainian military.

    Germany has handed over the first of four promised Iris-T SLM air defense systems to Ukraine . According to SPIEGEL information, the handover took place on Tuesday near the Polish-Ukrainian border…..

    how do you say one in german.
  19. troon African Astronaut
    The 'emergency' G7 response seems so weak it reads like a fuck-you to zelensky. As the meeting was being held, Russia was continuing to attack infrastructure. Germany seems to have sent a truck so far, and 'military' in their list of assistance is basically last on the list.

    Maybe the TERRORIST attack on the bridge was done without permission? Also, the US basically got what it wanted, which was the end of NS pipes, I'm thinking there's not much left for them to give a fuck about.

    Leaders of the G7 group of rich nations have said they will back Ukraine for "as long as it takes" in the wake of Monday's major Russian missile strikes.

    The group, which met for emergency virtual talks, said it would keep on giving military and humanitarian aid.

    Nato also said it would stand with Ukraine for as long as necessary.

    "We will continue to provide financial, humanitarian, military, diplomatic and legal support and will stand firmly with Ukraine for as long as it takes," the group said in a statement.

    Following indirect threats from Mr Putin, Mr Stoltenberg said the alliance was closely monitoring Russia's nuclear forces, but had not seen any changes in their posture.


    Note the BBC try to push 'military' support higher up the list than the actual statement. Such feeble little cunts.
  20. Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
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