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teh retraded thred herppppp slober fuk glum editshin

  1. Originally posted by RisiR † Check out the Dr.Octagon album.

    Hey RisiR, with just a little bit more effort I think you can make scronaldo have full on psychosis, he's already pretty close to losing it.

    I believe in you buddy, aim for the stars
  2. Malice Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by Lanny lol, chill blood, no need to be upset.

    Isn't it nice how as men we can say the most awful shit to each other, even get into serious fights and beat the shit out of each other, and then just go right back to being friends, or at least on friendly terms? It vaguely reminds me of Fight Club (Overrated and best suited for teenagers, of course). It's a nice warm fuzzy feeling of camaraderie.

    I was considering doing some terrible things just to fuck with you when we met up. From showing up as The Klansman with a loudspeaker and some pamphlets announcing you as the rising star of the KKK bound to be the next Grand Wizard, iiintroduucing Ryyyyyan Jeeeeenkins!!!

    I was also tempted to stick a sign onto your back that said "Ayn Rand is the only God I worship".

    Oh god I'm such a fucked up person. Why am I like this?

    You should really read Schopenhauer just so you can fully grasp just how terrible the nature of existence, life, and the human condition is.

    I mean, jesus christ, the thought that I may have to wait this out for up to 60 more years is just so horrifying my mind refuses to delve into it, and I've grappled with some of the worst concepts that induce existential horror there are.

    Lanny, meeting with people IRL is really disillusioning, isn't it? There's a reason I never wanted to do it, but unfortunately I was forced to, which is proven because I literally had a mild seizure the same day beforehand. It's so much better to just maintain this idealized image you've created of people in your mind.

    But, surprisingly, it's like it made absolutely no difference to me and may as well have never met you at all. Overall for some reason I still perceive you exactly the same way and didn't really have any significant expectations, except I didn't expect you to seem so introverted.

    I clearly have superior moral character than you. That meeting just taught me nothing substantial. It's this weird type of thinking people on the autism tend to have where it's just purely rational and detached from normal human emotion and bias. It reminds me of the time you said that talking to me was like speaking to a robot and that it was refreshing.

    It's flattering, really, when you consider how much I abhor humanity.

    Fuck I hate being alive, this world is just so unbelievably awful. Goddamn my fucking parents, thanks a lot! I never asked for this!
  3. Malice Naturally Camouflaged
    Oh, and I still don't genuinely want friends or any other form of social relation, I've just begrudgingly accepted the necessity of it due to biological limitations. If there's ever a pill or possibly something akin to transcranial stimulation that produces the same neurological cascade as positive social interaction/experiences, I'm going to pop those motherfuckers until the day I die and never go outside again, just stay in virtual reality until the sunset of humanity.

    It's so unfair that I can't just live like this and be happy. Reading all the time, my manga, anime, music, films, series, etc. There's so much to do alone. The need for others is genuinely my most hated indignation of the human condition there is.

    When I found the paper Towards a Neurology of Loneliness, and the book the author wrote, I was honestly hoping I would be able to find some chemical cocktail or other mechanism to achieve what I described above.
  4. Malice Naturally Camouflaged
    Man, I just remembered why I descended into alcoholism in the first place. Reality experienced at an unaltered consciousness is fucking terrible, or at least gets boring as shit. I would have rather gone through life in a drunken stupor with a constant alcohol buzz than deal with this for the rest of my life, even if I develop severe health problems and die early (just exit bag when the time is right, maybe have your head cryogenically preserved by ALCOR). This feeling, this is the real reason people become drug addicts.

    Lanny, I completely understand your alcoholism. It's a shitty drug to me, but for the first time in a week or whatever it was I've got a strong craving for a drink. I know it doesn't end well, and unfortunately it doesn't affect me normally. A normal drink actually has a paradoxical effect of making me considerably more anxious. I have to drink absurd amounts, just flood my GABA and NMDA receptors, for it to actually be worth it. Unfortunately the rebound anxiety is horrendous and the effects are pretty short lived.

    Being born is the worst thing that could ever happen to you. If I ever die and it turns out there is a god, as Hydro's father once said, I'll shoot that motherfucker right in the face.
  5. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Malice Lanny, shut up. You don't know my history and quite honestly you're incredibly condescending and annoying when you post things like this. I am not going to discuss with you ever again.

    And by the way, you come off as incredibly soft spoken, introverted, boring and uninteresting, unremarkable, callous, cold, and distant, and I didn't particularly like you either.

    So there. I don't love you either, jerk face!

    Post last edited by Malice at 2017-05-09T04:49:15.243235+00:00


  6. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by RestStop SAnyways Risir's tfw no gf thread reminded me of Stoya which in turn reminds me of Stephanie because my nigga Charles my ex kayla's cousin told me she looked like this pornstar named Stoya so I Tor that name on my Iphone and yep pretty damn close though Stoya is definitely sexier and pretty I think this repeated sighting and reminding of Stephanie is Nature's? way of telling me I should try to ake an effort at a serious thing with her idk I'm probably just overdue for a piece of ass and I remember the last time I went raw dog up in that it was literally so good I cried but like a baby would but silently with my eyes closed and tears of ecstasy so that's my mission within the next few weeks also need to cop a qp of shard just for the fun of it.

    Don't ever talk to me again.

    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  7. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Malice Lanny, meeting with people IRL is really disillusioning, isn't it? There's a reason I never wanted to do it, but unfortunately I was forced to, which is proven because I literally had a mild seizure the same day beforehand. It's so much better to just maintain this idealized image you've created of people in your mind.

    But, surprisingly, it's like it made absolutely no difference to me and may as well have never met you at all. Overall for some reason I still perceive you exactly the same way and didn't really have any significant expectations, except I didn't expect you to seem so introverted.

    I wonder what it would be like if i met Lonny eye are ell.
  8. Malice Naturally Camouflaged
    I just had a new idea for a potentially highly effective treatment for depression: Just read and think about Bill Krozby's life and berate him as much as possible until you laugh away the pain.

    Can you imagine if he was in a Truman Show scenario and we had highlights of his worst moments? I genuinely believe I could spontaneously orgasm from the schadenfreude.

    It would be so great if someone managed to bug his house and connect the cameras that were transmitting the feed wirelessly over the internet to the electrical system so they could run indefinitely. I'd probably piss myself from laughter for the first time in my life.

    Post last edited by Malice at 2017-05-09T10:56:11.658690+00:00
  9. Malice Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by Sophie I wonder what it would be like if i met Lonny eye are ell.

    You'd probably do a hell of a lot better than I did. Unless he's just naturally super introverted. I mean, he id literally state that he's never felt any particular longing for people and you do sort of get that impression. Although there is the whole church girl thing and people can be completely different in their private lives, around friends. I'd love to secretly spy on an record Lanny drunk at a club or something, preferably on 4-FA as well.

    Oh, and I still remember that time you gave 4-FA to a 16 year old girl and almost got jailbaited, Lanny.

    Post last edited by Malice at 2017-05-09T10:55:20.416805+00:00
  10. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Malice You'd probably do a hell of a lot better than I did. Unless he's just naturally super introverted. I mean, he id literally state that he's never felt any particular longing for people and you do sort of get that impression. Although there is the whole church girl thing and people can be completely different in their private lives, around friends. I'd love to secretly spy on an record Lanny drunk at a club or something, preferably on 4-FA as well.

    Oh, and I still remember that time you gave 4-FA to a 16 year old girl and almost got jailbaited, Lanny.

    Post last edited by Malice at 2017-05-09T10:55:20.416805+00:00

    Maybe Lanny is just sensitive and neutral indifference is the thin veneer he uses to encapsulate his heart. With strangers at least.
  11. RestStop Space Nigga
    This nigga go hard AF FAMS

  12. Yeah right you people are fucked go to work
  13. Originally posted by Malice Lanny, shut up. You don't know my history and quite honestly you're incredibly condescending and annoying when you post things like this. I am not going to discuss with you ever again.

    And by the way, you come off as incredibly soft spoken, introverted, boring and uninteresting, unremarkable, callous, cold, and distant, and I didn't particularly like you either.

    So there. I don't love you either, jerk face!

    Post last edited by Malice at 2017-05-09T04:49:15.243235+00:00

  14. Get a nob
  15. I wish I was a fish
  16. Originally posted by Captain Falcon I wish I was a fish

    Wish granted! You are now a faggot
  17. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Captain Falcon I wish I was a fish

    Your wish is granted, but you're a gold fish and live in a bowl.

    I wish Mana would rain from Heaven and give me super powers.
  18. cerakote African Astronaut
    ive just figured out malices autism

    you know how most autistic people live in their own fucky autism world??

    well malices world is centered around depression and other meme disorders and hes supposed to be champion of suicidal autisms everywhere
  19. Originally posted by Captain Falcon I wish I was a fish

    Do you like fish sticks?

  20. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Farting will sitting is funny when you don't angle your butt so your fart is TRAPPED.

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