2022-09-26 at 8:16 PM UTC
It's still illegal dummy, transporting a minor across state lines (or to a foreign country) for sex .
2022-09-26 at 8:24 PM UTC
Marine/Preteen Biologist
thats not what i said moron. i dont tansport anyone. and us laws dont apply in the eu or poland moron. they wont extradite someone in poland or eu for a crime in usa that is not illegal here ormdouble jeopardy.
2022-09-26 at 8:25 PM UTC
Marine/Preteen Biologist
what way did i say transporting her anywhere? even if she came on her own accord it would be legal or if i bought her a plane tivket unless poland granted usa extradition rights which it probablynwouldnt seek fue to th double jeopardy issue. or double crime issue whatever its called where something legal in one plac eisnt in another.
2022-09-26 at 8:25 PM UTC
Marine/Preteen Biologist
notice how they were only able to get the regpay guys by bluffing them to a neautralmcountry where usa agents kidnapped them and took them to do usa. why werent they able to get them strsight out of belarus?
2022-09-26 at 8:26 PM UTC
Marine/Preteen Biologist
no they wouldnt moron. poland wouldnt. as long as shes above the age of consent and csme willingly like actuwlly themselves to poland. moron.
2022-09-26 at 8:27 PM UTC
Marine/Preteen Biologist
in order to extradite me poland would have to agree and us would have to spend millions tyring to do what they fsiled to polanski in switzerland retard.
2022-09-26 at 8:28 PM UTC
Marine/Preteen Biologist
ive read diff interpol documents and polish estradition cases which only occurred to the usa of murder cases done on usa soil. there is no single case ever occuring out of poland to the usa what you describe or something oegal in polqnd but illegal in the usa. not even one case.
2022-09-26 at 8:30 PM UTC
Marine/Preteen Biologist
only in the uk something similar ofcured to a high level celebrity ornthwt privne andrew dude with thwt 17 yr old hooker from the usa and even there he only had a civil case for money by her moron and prostitution is a diff game than mutual sex with a 15 yr old on polish soil.
2022-09-26 at 8:32 PM UTC
Marine/Preteen Biologist
its not kidnapping by polish standards or any non usa country really if a chick goes to ur pad on her own will esp if you csn prove it in gext messages or whatever shes doing it on her behalf moron. and shes above the age of vonsent.
2022-09-26 at 8:33 PM UTC
Marine/Preteen Biologist
google extradition trestynpoland usa or cases of poland to usa extrwdition what sort or cases those were. none were sex cases and none for a single over the age or consent girl bro.
2022-09-26 at 8:35 PM UTC
Marine/Preteen Biologist
lol show me a single case moron. poland would say fuck you somwould my lawyers.
2022-09-26 at 8:35 PM UTC
Marine/Preteen Biologist
again you say see what happens again show me a single case in anywhere ine urope lol.
2022-09-26 at 8:36 PM UTC
Marine/Preteen Biologist
nomeu countrynwilk estradite someone in fact usa wouldnt even try it that doesnt break its laws but breaks usa laws to one of its citizens or usa citizens. it has to break both laws.