Originally posted by Ghost
Jigaboo johnsons is afraid and scared like a real child/manchild/baby of games or media entertainment with a "wide appeal" and if it's not rated M FOR MATURE he is extremely hesitant to play it. He fears being seen as a manchild by women or others for enjoying such things.
Sometimes people will pretend not to like something or actually dislike it just because they don't want to be seen in a negative way for enjoying something that's seen as "childish" or whatever. It's a coward mentality
and futhermore I would also like to mention that the anarchy minecrat community is made up people around or a bit younger than me into real games no babby trash real gamers that play RUST and eoka raid on wipe, if you know you know. This "community" of retards and racists on MC is made up of people that play minecraft and get banned from a server when everyone freaks out cuz you made a SWASTIKA omg omg omg !!!! YOU MADE A WHAT IM TELLING MOM like bro are you literally 12 years old YA I AM and then you say 'lol okay sorry' and log on later to blow up their house and NUKE THE SERVER DESTROY EVERYTHING MURDER THEM ALL USING HACKS JOIN ON ALT ACCOUNTS TO DO IT WITH BOT SCRIPTS LAVA CAST SPAWN REDSTONE DUPE SPAM TO CRASH THE SERVER AND PHYSICALLY FRY THEIR MOTHERBOARDS STARTING A FIRE THAT CONSUMES THEIR ENTIRE HOME AND KILLS THE SERVER OWNER AND HIS NEIGHBOR
These guys used social engineering and some kinda minecraft private join world robot hax to GRIEF THE FUCKING PRIVATE WORLD OF THE MAIN DEVELOPER OF MINECRAFT LOL
they are the most legendary griefing group in history of the game, nuff said
greifing some swedish family friendly redstone nerd catguy IMAGINE THESE DASTARDS THATS SO LOW BOTTOM EVEN I WOULD NOT PARTAKE IN SUCH TOMFOOLERY!!!!!