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teh retraded thred herppppp slober fuk glum editshin

  1. i want to DIE
  2. Originally posted by Oasis i want to DIE

    Lanny says he can kill you by writing your name on a piece of paper, you should ask him
  3. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by 1337 Has anyone kept in touch with CASPER, jheit8, mr.blunt, GG4, Hydroponichronic, or daran? I had CASPER and GG4's numbers at one point but I guess they got new ones.

    Every one of them is in TC right now.
  4. Originally posted by Kolokol-1 Lanny says he can kill you by writing your name on a piece of paper, you should ask him

    It only works if you are moral. If you are immoral you are immune to his powers.
  5. Originally posted by mmQ Every one of them is in TC right now.

    Hydro is like 50 years old, there's no way he's putting up with those fucking idiots.
  6. cerakote African Astronaut
    nobody in htown here?

    i miss dealing
  7. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by 1337 Hydro is like 50 years old, there's no way he's putting up with those fucking idiots.

    Pan is there. He might know something but I doubt it. Friendly ghost is the only one I know and last week seen him was on chat like 2 months ago. He makes rare blackout drunk appearances often subtly suggesting suicide. Lol
  8. I assume you mean Panthrax. If so, fuck him. I'm surprised and disappointed his alcoholism hasn't caused a painful untimely death. I would tell him to die in a fire, but that would be too humane.

    Have I mentioned that I hate him?
  9. Malice Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by Oasis did he seem retarded

    I think I may come off as unnervingly or surprisingly childlike, and unnerving in general. I did make Lanny wait for 15 minutes, which was bound to raise tension and suspense because a popup on my phone suddenly appeared saying he was near a Starbucks Northeast of where he actually was, which unsettled me slightly.

    Lanny seemed surprisingly demure, soft spoken, shy, and somewhat reserved. I would have expected him to dominate the conversation with me being guided along. Then again, I would have been nervous as hell meeting me and just being in physical proximity to me.

    Seems all I needed was a good dose of benzos to be able to converse. More and it would have flowed even smoother. Nardil is bound to have incredible effects, it's effect profile is just perfect for my brain.

    Lanny, I recall you saying you found benzos to be considerably enjoyable. There's actually an inverse correlation between GABA levels and certain types of mental performance and memory. Make a social butterfly out of yourself with the right cocktail. Phenibut, 4-FA, and etizolam are a pretty solid stack.
  10. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Lol, no combination of drugs on god's green earth is going to turn me into a social butterfly.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  11. What is tripphrase?
  12. RestStop Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Lanny Lol, no combination of drugs on god's green earth is going to turn me into a social butterfly.

    I actually respect that. I honestly wish I could speak very little when in close proximity to literally anyone. I lips flap on and on about what is probably complete nonsense but in my own mind I'm the most interesting man on earth/also a top tier comedian...well I suppose lot's of people are like that but aren't aware I suppose the least I can say is I know I look a moron in public.
  13. Originally posted by 1337 What is tripphrase?

    the weird phrases next to our user titles
  14. Malice Naturally Camouflaged
    Also, there's something I didn't mention out of concern that Lanny could call off the meeting, and rightfully so, in a way. I had my first mild epileptic seizure, and it was both visual and auditory.

    I was lying in bed. It starts with this sort of buzzing/humming/static, not so much as a sound, although there may be some overlap, but a feeling in your brain. This is excessive neurological activity beginning to trigger a seizure. I would notice it would ramp up when I closed my eyes, like my imagination was running out of control or I was rapidly descending into pre-sleep dreaming. I noticed that when I opened my eyes and looked at the light on the ceiling and it was out of focus, as if my eyes were cross eyed or unadjusted. I had noticed some minor visual disturbances, particularly tracers, some time after the ER visit, but memantine seemed to take care of them. Then came these auditory hallucinations, which were, once again, like losing control of your imagination, emanating from one corner of the wall and going down a segment, possibly with mild visuals, I'm not sure. Then came the full on visual hallucination of my hand or something near it turning into this shifting black metallic object. After that the full seizure began and I began seizing, my body spasming, but relatively mildly, and reality seemed to be replaced with another room that had just been created. There didn't seem to be anything meaningful about it, or particularly beautiful, just a different unknown room, a fairly small place. I thought I was standing up and walking to the living room to grab some meds and thought for a moment that it was shifting back to normal, but felt a mild sense of panic when I was in what I thought was my living room and the hallucination didn't go away. That would've been pretty horrifying, a seizure that leaves you in a state where reality is permanently replaced by a hallucinated, oddly coherent, alternate world. After that I cam to and was still in bed, so it was all in my mind.

    It was like a mild DMT-esque trip and lucid dream.

    The particularly interesting thing is, and the first thing that came to mind, was that I recalled reading that electro convulsion therapy was developed due to the observation that after (major?) seizures sometime afterward, once they settled down, their mind seemed unusually clearer and their mood brighter.

    And this is exactly what happened! Just while I was feeling lousy, and right before I might Lanny. The sort of hard reset effect may have allowed me to function far more normally than I would have otherwise.

    It's like free ECT! As long as it didn't cause any damage, if this happened about once a week while lying in bed that would be great, especially now that I know what to expect.

    Could be a side effect of the phenobarbital being fully out of my system, or just lasting effects from that prolonged bout of heavy drinking.

    As to why I didn't go the ER, well, on Friday night I made the incredibly stupid mistake of taking half a cup of poppy seed tea after a long break because I wanted to ease some of the depressive symptoms, the sense of pain that can develop (they actually are quite potent acute antidepressants). The first brew of 200g of seeds. I noticed I may have been experiencing respiratory depression, based on breaths per minute and how shallow they were, along with a desire to sleep. Due to the longer time to peak of poppy seed tea and the duration I was definitely worried that if I fell asleep I wouldn't wake up, so I used my Narcan nasal spray, got it without a prescription for free with my insurance at a CVS pharmacy and walgreens is planning to expand it this year. Then the other one in the pack, 4mg each. Well, I woke up alive and fine, but I sure as hell learned my lesson. At least I was responsible enough to buy the Narcan beforehand. Poured the rest of the tea down the toilet and won't use it anymore.

    So I don't want to risk having them test my urine and finding opioids in them, which could fuck things up for the rest of my life. Gonna have to wait a few days for it to leave my system.

    Brief seizures, especially mild ones, don't cause brain damage, although you can hurt yourself if you fall, but there are clear signs well before it fully occurs, so just lay down. Have 200g of large crystal phenibut which I'll be using at 250mg 3x, then possibly moving down to as low as 200mg 2x as the effects incrementally become stronger. Should add another layer of protection. The memantine and lithium carbonate are great, though, for their effects on the NMDA receptor, limiting excessive levels of glutamate, the primary excitatory neurotransmitter and most common one, IIRC. T-PAIN would likely help as well, as it's mechanism is largely based on glutamatergic modulation.

    The neurobiological properties of T-PAIN (Stablon): from monoamine hypothesis to glutamatergic modulation

    Prevents and reverses negative changes caused by stress (anxiety counts) and depression. Describes the following effects: Increases/restores neuroplasticity, anxiolytic, cytoprotective (Cytoprotection is a process by which chemical compounds provide protection to cells against harmful agents), procognitive,
    "A modification of glutamatergic mechanisms by T-PAIN may therefore be implicated in its ability to oppose the negative influence of chronic stress upon hippocampal neurogenesis, cell proliferation, and dendritic remodeling, processes profoundly disrupted in depressive states (21,44,63). The emerging pharmacological profile of T-PAIN suggests that this antidepressant may serve to ‘normalize’ synaptic function, thereby allowing the chemical signal to reinstate the optimal functioning of critical circuits necessary for normal affective functioning."
  15. Malice Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by Lanny Lol, no combination of drugs on god's green earth is going to turn me into a social butterfly.

    Oh, also, I wondered if you felt vicarious experiment due to the ridiculous wig I had on to disguise my identity...which I;ve already posted multiple times, but I feel much more comfortable behind a mask.

    "Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face."

    I've always been fully aware of how it looked. If I wasn't shameless and confident enough to don it I wouldn't have become the klansman (that was another idea I had, along with a rolled up ski mask under my hat that I rapidly pull down. I was planning on donning it right before you were in site, but google led me astray for 10 minutes and I had to walk around like that. I heard once gruff voiced middle aged suite say, "That's like 90's Beatles to his friend.

    It's a sort of exercise for the development of the self. Letting go of your shame, insecurity, fear of the comments of others and the way they perceive you. And, ultimately, it was just a joke, one of many I could have played. I actually thought off showing up dressed as the Klansman, or after receiving my drugs announcing loudly that you were a rising start in the Bay Area chapter of the KKK and shouting "Ryan Jenkins for Grand Wizard!" Possibly handing out fliers and telling people to visit to learn the truth.

    Or course I knew that wold have been to far, he wouldn't have reacted well, and that would break any trust and show ingratitude. I was also tempted to tell grab you by the shoulders from behind and tell you that you had made the most foolish mistake of your life, reminding you of the grand final game I promised to go out with. Or at least sticking a sign on your back that said, "Ayn Rand is the only God I believe in!"
  16. Malice Naturally Camouflaged
    Oh, and heheh, I suppose you were right to worry after the near opioid overdose and blowing off the seizure as insignificant, or even having a net positive effect.
  17. Malice Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by Lanny Lol, no combination of drugs on god's green earth is going to turn me into a social butterfly.

    Does the thought that you may actually be more autistic than me terrify you?
  18. Originally posted by Malice Does the thought that you may actually be more autistic than me terrify you?

    LOL, don't flatter yourself, bud.

    Originally posted by Kolokol-1 the weird phrases next to our user titles

    Why do they exist?
  19. Originally posted by Malice Does the thought that you may actually be more autistic than me terrify you?

    Nobody is more autistic than you.
  20. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Originally posted by Malice Does the thought that you may actually be more autistic than me terrify you?

    Does my relative position in the ranking of autism power levels concern me? No, not really.

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