only bad people hate the fat literally tons of good people are fat and know how to have fun
also i believe women should have big legs and strong arms but what do i know im just a welterweight. opey you owe it to youreself to try to get the hate out of your heart good luck to you congratulations on youre metabolism and big ego
Originally posted by Ghost
its whut ur fake gay british grandad voice shoves up his arse you cuckhold loser fake rich larper mental case retard, now shut up and bend over so I can turn your esophagus into a hand puppet muppet
Originally posted by Ghost
Your body doesn't know or care that you are a vegan eating a plant burger or a triple big quarter mac with extra bacon, it's all just protein
Oh, your body knows.
Fat people do make me feel better about myself. ACP is right, they help boost my ego and that keeps me moving.
Originally posted by Ghost
Your body doesn't know or care that you are a vegan eating a plant burger or a triple big quarter mac with extra bacon, it's all just protein