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teh retraded thred herppppp slober fuk glum editshin

  1. Originally posted by Malice SSRI and buproprion

    Now get out.

    With your history you should be seeing a ASD specialist. The reason certain drugs are a first line treatment is because they show the best results. I feel like a giant hypocrite for saying it, but your view of shrinks is very pessimistic and doesn't help you at all in your predicament.

    I felt the same way about taking lithium. To end my last bender I did a voluntary psych hold (legally speaking, but it wasn't exactly voluntary) and went straight to rehab afterward. They gave me lithium and lamotrigine (lamictal); it helped me so much. I was on olanzapine (zyprexa) a few years ago and I hated that. It made me fat and made my dick an innie so I stopped taking it and just handled shit on my own, and you see how that turned out. I wish I would have just swallowed my pride and taken lithium from the beginning.
  2. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Originally posted by Malice I've come to the creeping suspicion that Lanny, my secretary who I am probably going to marry one day, has fallen madly in love with me after recent events, likely stemming from some gender-identity conflict driven mothering complex or a need for a male that can adequately loving him, and is avoiding the site due to the immense internal conflict this is causing.

    That's an interesting hypothesis
  3. RestStop Space Nigga
    I want to shoot Trevor Noah in the face. Can't stand that motherfucker.
  4. Originally posted by Lanny That's an interesting hypothesis

    That's an interesting response
  5. RestStop Space Nigga
    Originally posted by reject No, but they show me what not to do. Idk there's a couple of people who I look back on now and wonder if they were really real

    Very to share what one looks like?
  6. Originally posted by RestStop I want to shoot Trevor Noah in the face. Can't stand that motherfucker.

    I don't advocate violence yet

    what's stopping you? I mean, Im not telling you to go do it yet what's keeping you from moving forward? They were giving out free tickets off of 6th or broadway or whatever that area is near Radio City Music Hall for one of the comedy shows.

    Please dont do it. but just curious what stops you from doing so.

    Rockafeller Plaza man. JDR prolly got his dick sucked from famous people like Alac Baldwin and Tina Fey for them to get to their status.

    it's like.. it's like Hey, first you suck Lorne Michaels dick and then you suck my dick Says John.

    there is a photo of him in 1968 in one of the unfinished WTC (i guess 1) which his watch says 9:11 or 15 minutes to midnight (which is big hand on 9 and little hand on 11ish)

    Numerology is a big thing with guys who get their dicks sucked off by Alac Baldwin
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  8. Originally posted by RestStop Very to share what one looks like?

    One of them is black and possibly the physical manifestation of this site
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  9. Malice Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by Lanny That's an interesting hypothesis

    I can't handle the ambiguity. The severe OCD rapid thought patterns, the extreme anxiety, it's too much for an aspie hiki with literally no social skills.
  10. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Malice I can't handle the ambiguity. The severe OCD rapid thought patterns, the extreme anxiety, it's too much for an aspie hiki with literally no social skills.

    Yes but do you like-like Lanny for real? If you do more power to you, i won't judge.
  11. Malice Naturally Camouflaged
    There's a possibility, as embarrassing as it is, that I may have to beg Lanny for an anxiolytic, like etizolam if he has any (I can pay), in order to prevent myself from having continual panic attacks and possibly developing epilepsy. May not be able to make an appointment in time. Had a bad episode just now when I smoked too much pot before going to a theater. Completely missed out on Your Name, wasted the experience, because I couldn't even concentrate or follow it. That's how bad the lack of GABA inhibition was.

    For safety of course we could just ask the other to do a safe exchange where we don't come into physical proximity. I wouldn't trust myself either, to be perfectly honest, there's asymmetrical information and valid reasons to worry. For a while now I probably haven't given that impression.

    Oh god, I'm so autistic I even failed at going to an anime film alone. Why was I born with this curse? You have no idea how bad it is or can become for some people. I hope I didn't fry my GABA receptors with that extended bout of heavy drinking. Having some mild visual side effects that are worrying after that ER visit. Damn this fucking sucks.

    Post last edited by Malice at 2017-05-05T09:01:37.522839+00:00
  12. Originally posted by Malice There's a possibility, as embarrassing as it is, that I may have to beg Lanny for an anxiolytic, like etizolam if he has any (I can pay), in order to prevent myself from having continual panic attacks and possibly developing epilepsy. May not be able to make an appointment in time. Had a bad episode just now when I smoked too much pot before going to a theater. Completely missed out on Your Name, wasted the experience, because I couldn't even concentrate or follow it. That's how bad the lack of GABA inhibition was.

    For safety of course we could just ask the other to do a safe exchange where we don't come into physical proximity. I wouldn't trust myself either, to be perfectly honest, there's asymmetrical information and valid reasons to worry. For a while now I probably haven't given that impression.

    Oh god, I'm so autistic I even failed at going to an anime film alone. Why was I born with this curse? You have no idea how bad it is or can become for some people. I hope I didn't fry my GABA receptors with that extended bout of heavy drinking. Having some mild visual side effects that are worrying after that ER visit. Damn this fucking sucks.

    Post last edited by Malice at 2017-05-05T09:01:37.522839+00:00

    ill lsell you 1000 3mg xanax for $666 USD right now

    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  13. Originally posted by Totse 2001 I don't advocate violence yet

    what's stopping you? I mean, Im not telling you to go do it yet what's keeping you from moving forward? They were giving out free tickets off of 6th or broadway or whatever that area is near Radio City Music Hall for one of the comedy shows.

    Please dont do it. but just curious what stops you from doing so.

    Rockafeller Plaza man. JDR prolly got his dick sucked from famous people like Alac Baldwin and Tina Fey for them to get to their status.

    it's like.. it's like Hey, first you suck Lorne Michaels dick and then you suck my dick Says John.

    there is a photo of him in 1968 in one of the unfinished WTC (i guess 1) which his watch says 9:11 or 15 minutes to midnight (which is big hand on 9 and little hand on 11ish)

    Numerology is a big thing with guys who get their dicks sucked off by Alac Baldwin

    This is your best post so far
  14. Malice Naturally Camouflaged
    Alright, had to double my daily dose of memantine and 2 low dose 120mg lithium orotate pills. The NMDA antagonism and effect on glutamate, which has a large rebound after cessation of a prolonged period of alcohol use. They also possess strong neuroprotective effects.

    Wait, what if as a requirement Lanny requires me to take them with him and hang out in his studio. I think we both know what his plans would be. The both of us, freed from anxiety, fear, apprehension, and inhibition?! My god, this is a recipe for disaster. Although in reality it would likely just be very awkwardly autistic, funny, and gay.
  15. Malice Naturally Camouflaged
    Ha, the lithium and menatine combo idea worked, bitches! Everything's calming. A bit risky, there's some synergy I noticed, or it may have just been cumulative effects. Oy, a prolonged NMDA antagonist trip would not be fun, but I've gotta protect my brain.

    I'll also show you guys the new variation of the mohawk I made along with an outfit to really make it work, it's pretty funny, some might find it cool looking. Discount Whore was right, though, I should shave it off, especially when I'm in a state where I don't have what it takes to pull it off, confidence and verbal/social skills wise.
  16. Originally posted by Hash Slinging Slasher Lol malice is gay

    Called it on 4/17
  17. Malice Naturally Camouflaged
    Aww fuck, I just realized this is how drug addicts behave when they can't get their meds. I mean, on the one hand it should be seen as a medical condition, on the other it was caused by prolonged alcohol use. Still feels the same, though. Well, hmm, it is to deal with withdrawal/rebound symptoms, but it is meant to be treated as a medical event and drugs are used as the treatment.
  18. Malice Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by Lanny That's an interesting hypothesis

    Oh, I made a typo

    I've come to the creeping suspicion that Lanny, my secretary who I am probably going to marry one day, has fallen madly in love with me after recent events, likely stemming from some gender-identity conflict driven mothering complex or a need for a male that can adequately loving him, and is avoiding the site due to the immense internal conflict this is causing.

    Should have been dominate. Then again I don't genuinely think that's what Lanny wants when set aside the chaff and view the likely genuine IRL Lanny. Could have been a freudian slip on my part as well, which would be even more concerning!
  19. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Why are you ignoring my posts Mal old pal. </3

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