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When is killing in self defense okay?

  1. #1
    Steven African Astronaut
  2. #2
    Bradley Florida Man
    Great question. I have been the victim of several brutal attacks that I in no way deserved. I have used the self defense clause of Wisconsin to defend myself with great results there are a few things that you should note (from a legal standpoint):

    Do they have a weapon? If Yes, You may use a weapon to kill them.

    Have they caused substancial injury to you already? If yes, understand you will need to get documentation immediately, so being a pussy with a bloody nose isn't recommended, having your head split open or a slash will suffice.

    Are they attempting to cut off your breathing? If you state you felt like you were blacking out from them removing your ability to breath or you had been hit so repeatedly that you were losing consciousness, you are allowed to use lethal force.

    Are you a member of the LGBTQ community or other protected group? If they were targeting you calling you a faggot or a nigger (respectively, and you being one of those groups of people) even if they deny saying such things, you will have a great case.

    Remember these questions will be posed to the District Attorney and perhaps worst case scenerio a jury, so it has to be TRUE and CANNOT be made up on the spot.

    As for morally, you're on your own. If you fight me I'm fighting for my fucking life, god bless the nigga who thinks it's a matter of fisticuffs outside the liquor store. If I'mma lose that motherfucker I'mma fight until I'm broken and when I'm assured I cannot win and have sustained a great amount of injury, I'm sorry but I need to live and this person is killing me and I didn't want to die.

    Your Mileage May Vary depending on your state, I can confirm both Wisconsin and Florida are STAND YER GROUND states.

    Remember you only get to use lethal power against them until you're able to escape the situation and must attempt to disengage once they are dying. Make sure you call the police first and explain you had to find someone with a phone and being covered in blood and sweating, no one would help you (allowing the other person to bleed out).

    DONT get a retarded tear drop on your face everytime you body someone. It will hurt your ability to repeat this behavior. Good luck, remember to post with whatever happens to you.

    P.S. if you're attacked by multiple people with fists, you're good to stab them too.
  3. #3
    Always if it's in defense of your own life.
  4. #4
    Ghost Black Hole
    The ultimate goal of every sentient being is self-preservation and reproduction. Unfortunately, attainment of this goal presently necessitates my dislodgement of your entrails
  5. #5
    Bradley Florida Man
    also dont use some gigantic faggoty rambo knife, a 3-4inch pocket knife that folds out and has good grip and an extremely sharp blade is your best friend. Get good and comfortable with holding it, buy one with a tanto blade too. Quality of steel is incredibly important or you'll lose the blade inside them often, good high carbon steel = a bone crusher SWIM said.
  6. #6
    Steven African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Always if it's in defense of your own life.

    Is someone breaking into your home threatening your life?
  7. #7
    Bradley Florida Man
    Who are you, Sophie Defense (Inventor of Soph Defense)?
  8. #8
    Ghost Black Hole
    Originally posted by Steven Is someone breaking into your home threatening your life?

    It doesn't matter if they are or not, if someone even touches my window I am fully justified in ending their life and the police and courts can go fuck themselves

    might = right

    if someone gets the drop on you it's your fault for not being aware and staying frosty. Always peek the corner.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  9. #9
    Originally posted by Steven Is someone breaking into your home threatening your life?

    Well the question was about "self defense"...not burglary...that would be a different subject.
  10. #10
    Bradley Florida Man
    Originally posted by Steven Is someone breaking into your home threatening your life?

    Yes, always. Remember to have a hammer or screw driver on hand so that you can place it in the dead man's hands, roll it around in his prints, even if yours are on it say that you removed it from his hands after stopping him.

    Remember not to use the phrase Kill, Hurt, Eliminated, ETC. You "STOPPED" the person who was going to KILL you. Very important verbage.

    Also don't make zombie facebook accounts of the dead guy and post about how you hate faggots and are now a ghost (I did this until my lawyer told me they could sue me for libel and perhaps give me charges despite being in the RIGHT)
  11. #11
    Bradley Florida Man
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Well the question was about "self defense"…not burglary…that would be a different subject.

    if someone has a hammer or screwdriver (very common burglary tools) in their possession and you kill them inside your home, you are guaranteed to win because they were armed with a weapon and in the commission of a felony when you prevented them.

    There is a federal law called Defense of Home and Family. Don't listen to Jiggaboo he's very smart at some subjects, but only thinks he is very smart in others. He is NOT a violent career criminal, he's a manager of a sugar processing plant.
  12. #12
    Originally posted by Bradley if someone has a hammer or screwdriver (very common burglary tools) in their possession and you kill them inside your home, you are guaranteed to win because they were armed with a weapon and in the commission of a felony when you prevented them.

    I assume maybe wrongly the question was posed as one of morals rather than law.

    Is is morally right to kill someone who breaks into your greenhouse to steal a tomato etc.
  13. #13
    Ghost Black Hole
    Originally posted by Bradley Remember not to use the phrase Kill, Hurt, Eliminated, ETC. You "STOPPED" the person who was going to KILL you. Very important verbage.

    This is such faggotry bullshit. I remember when I was a kid I had a louisville slugger by the door to defend against crackheads and one time the cops were there and the cop got angry at me and said I was a bad person for having a bat, then they took my baseball bat even though I said it's for school and they said if there is a problem call 911, don't do violence

    fucking thief ass pieces of shit never helped me once ever, but they have harassed me my entire life.
  14. #14
    Steven African Astronaut
    i knew this thread would kick off
  15. #15
    Originally posted by Ghost This is such faggotry bullshit. I remember when I was a kid I had a louisville slugger by the door to defend against crackheads and one time the cops were there and the cop got angry at me and said I was a bad person for having a bat, then they took my baseball bat even though I said it's for school and they said if there is a problem call 911, don't do violence

    fucking thief ass pieces of shit never helped me once ever, but they have harassed me my entire life.

    If you were a free thinking enlightened person you'd see ownership and possession as the real crime.
  16. #16
    Steven African Astronaut
    im drinkin vodka
  17. #17
    Ghost Black Hole
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Is is morally right to kill someone who breaks into your greenhouse to steal a tomato etc.

    this is how I would respond.

    I have almost been shot by a farmer before lol, they don't fuck around. I met a black dude that got hit in the ass by a shotgun pellet because he was fucking around on da indian reservation
  18. #18
    Bradley Florida Man
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson I assume maybe wrongly the question was posed as one of morals rather than law.

    Is is morally right to kill someone who breaks into your greenhouse to steal a tomato etc.

    Aren't you an atheist? Morality in Men is something that I lol at. Let's be clear, if I trade my time for a resource and you decide to steal my resource, you have stolen part of my life. Thus if I return the sin by stealing part of your life and it turns out I am better at Life-Theft than you are and take all of yours. What does that make me?

    Bad? Don't steal a piece of my life and then act like you deserve clemency, you took part of their life and if they take your entire life maybe you shouldn't be a piece of shit doing things you aren't good at.
  19. #19
    Bradley Florida Man
    Originally posted by Ghost This is such faggotry bullshit. I remember when I was a kid I had a louisville slugger by the door to defend against crackheads and one time the cops were there and the cop got angry at me and said I was a bad person for having a bat, then they took my baseball bat even though I said it's for school and they said if there is a problem call 911, don't do violence

    fucking thief ass pieces of shit never helped me once ever, but they have harassed me my entire life.

    Well you live in Canada with Fidel Castro's illegitimate son as your Dear Leader. What do you expect?
  20. #20
    Steven African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Bradley Aren't you an atheist? Morality in Men is something that I lol at. Let's be clear, if I trade my time for a resource and you decide to steal my resource, you have stolen part of my life. Thus if I return the sin by stealing part of your life and it turns out I am better at Life-Theft than you are and take all of yours. What does that make me?

    Bad? Don't steal a piece of my life and then act like you deserve clemency, you took part of their life and if they take your entire life maybe you shouldn't be a piece of shit doing things you aren't good at.

    Atheism doesn't mean a lack of morality.

    Morality is inherent in all humans.

    Would you rape an infant? A little 1yr old baby boy or baby girl? Would you do that if I paid you $2,000,000??

    Kill yourself if the answer is yes.

    just look up studies on development of our sense of justice. Even toddlers know right from wrong. All group thriving animals probably have something like this ingrained in them or they'd eat each other alive.
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