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When is killing in self defense okay?

  1. #81
    mmQ Lisa Turtle
    It's almost as if every person is a hypocrite or something.
  2. #82
    Steven African Astronaut
    Originally posted by mmQ It's almost as if every person is a hypocrite or something.

    get back on track jack
  3. #83
    mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by Steven get back on track jack

    I am on track, Mac.

    Do you disagree? You think there are people out there that aren't hypocritical about anything ever? Tell me about them please.
  4. #84
    Originally posted by Donald Trump The whole self-defence thing is interesting as it's the only real litmus test that could possibly save the bullshit "left", "right" political bifurcation.

    "right wing" people think you have a right to defend yourself. If attacked by 1,000,0000 wild jahooties, you have a right to kill them all to defend yourself.

    "left wing" people think you need to give up your own life to spare your attackers. A monstrous belief system, but when "left wing" people have their religion tested they almost never believe their own bullshit.

    Look at how "left wing" "israelis" treat the Palestinians whose land and homes they have stolen, for instance. You will always see "left wing" Americans whinge about the genocide of the natives, but you will never see a "left wing" American actually give the land and houses they own back to the natives, or even paying rent.

    How many people do you have a right to kill to defend your own life? You don't have rights. You can kill as many people as you can get away with, no more, no less.

    they cried out human rights as they struck you
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  5. #85
    Steven African Astronaut
    Originally posted by mmQ I am on track, Mac.

    Do you disagree? You think there are people out there that aren't hypocritical about anything ever? Tell me about them please.

    No, I agree, I just don't really care.

    And don't call me Mac, Jack.
  6. #86
    Steven African Astronaut
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny they cried out human rights as they struck you

    insightful as fuck
  7. #87
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny they cried out human rights as they struck you

    "We are the most moral army in the world, why do you hate us so" they exclaim, as they steal your family's olive orchard.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  8. #88
    Originally posted by Donald Trump "We are the most moral army in the world" the exclaim, as they steal your family's olive orchard.

    more like bomb your entire block
  9. #89
    mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by Steven No, I agree, I just don't really care.

    And don't call me Mac, Jack.

    It's pertinent to the thread. Stop being rude or I'll kill myself right now.
  10. #90
    Steven African Astronaut
    Originally posted by mmQ It's pertinent to the thread. Stop being rude or I'll kill myself right now.

    are you truly and goodly sure its pertinent?

    Don't kill yourself, please.

    I can DM you my personal cell if you need someone to talkj to
  11. #91
    Steven African Astronaut
    talk to
  12. #92
    mmQ Lisa Turtle
    I'm talking to you right now. Now I'm being patronized.

    In killing myself it's Stevens fault everyone just want y'all to know that. Goodbye forever
  13. #93
    Bradley Florida Man
    Originally posted by Steven are you truly and goodly sure its pertinent?

    Don't kill yourself, please.

    I can DM you my personal cell if you need someone to talkj to

    Yea DM me, I'm not suicidal but I'll call you every now and then.
  14. #94
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny they cried out human rights as they struck you

    "We have a human right to defend ourselves"

    "We have a court decision from 1954 that affirms our ownership of this land"

    "Oy vey remember the holocaust when we all got gassed and none of us survived. That is why we deserve this land!"

    "I own this house in Warsaw even though my grand uncle sold it for cash in 1925, it's mine, give it back to me you filthy anti-semite. I also own that painting over there."

    "Why do you oppress me so. Why are you so full of hate."

    "Why do you hate democracy? Why do you hate majority rule? Denying a race exists is genocide. Apartheid is evil. No of course the Palestinians can't vote in their own elections. I believe in a two state solution with apartness being necessary. The Palestinians can have that overcrowded miserable tiny little corner over there. Also Palestinians don't really exist."

    "My fellow white man, we must confront our white privilege. Us jedis aren't white, we're Mediterranean."
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  15. #95
    mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by Donald Trump The whole self-defence thing is interesting as it's the only real litmus test that could possibly save the bullshit "left", "right" political bifurcation.

    "right wing" people think you have a right to defend yourself. If attacked by 1,000,0000 wild jahooties, you have a right to kill them all to defend yourself.

    "left wing" people think you need to give up your own life to spare your attackers. A monstrous belief system, but when "left wing" people have their religion tested they almost never believe their own bullshit.

    Look at how "left wing" "israelis" treat the Palestinians whose land and homes they have stolen, for instance. You will always see "left wing" Americans whinge about the genocide of the natives, but you will never see a "left wing" American actually give the land and houses they own back to the natives, or even paying rent.

    How many people do you have a right to kill to defend your own life? You don't have rights. You can kill as many people as you can get away with, no more, no less.

    This will seem like a dumb question but is this similar to pro-life conservatives that would never adopt a child even though theyre adamant that all children be born?
  16. #96
    Originally posted by mmQ This will seem like a dumb question but is this similar to pro-life conservatives that would never adopt a child even though theyre adamant that all children be born?

    You'll have to explain a bit more. Neither the left nor right wing positions in the example I illustrated involve telling someone else what to do with the lives entrusted to their care.

    I generally dislike the anti-abortion right, they have been caught lots of times getting abortions for their own daughters who have sex with various minorities. As bad as they are though, the pro-abortion left are pure poz.

    I think kids should be inspected on birth. Dopey or malformed children should be thrown off a cliff or whatever. Cold as it sounds I don't have a problem with that shit.

    We also need to encourage smart people to breed, cos people are getting dumber each and every year. Present company excepted, of course. But goddam are dumb people breeding.

    I know people have been saying that since 420 or 1420 or 1820 or so, but it happens to be true.
  17. #97
    mmQ Lisa Turtle
    I guess that's why I said its a dumb question. You said the that left wing Americans will cry about the genocide of natives but also not give their homes and land to them and it just made me think of right wings that will cry about abortion but also not do anything to support the influx of new unaborted babies that need homes.
  18. #98
    troon African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Steven Would you rape an infant? A little 1yr old baby boy or baby girl? Would you do that if I paid you $2,000,000??

    Kill yourself if the answer is yes.

    Why are you moralfagging so hard? Do you dream of raping babies?
  19. #99
    Originally posted by mmQ I guess that's why I said its a dumb question. You said the that left wing Americans will cry about the genocide of natives but also not give their homes and land to them and it just made me think of right wings that will cry about abortion but also not do anything to support the influx of new unaborted babies that need homes.

    So left wing people are unwilling to accommodate people they claim to support when it leads to personal discomfort, and also right wing people are unwilling to accommodate people they claim to support when it leads to personal discomfort

    It kinda reveals how bullshit all these luxury beliefs are. When you can claim to support stopping abortions because you don't like the idea of vacuuming a sweet innocent babby out of a womb, but you don't have to support that babby when it grows up to be a strong independent bisnessman just like his daddy.

    Or you can import infinte Afghan refugees, who claim to be 12 years old, but you can't cope when they start worshipping Allah and getting angry about not being assigned submissive kaffar blonde Swedish wives even though they're 39 already and long past the age they settled down.

    So you need to have a low tolerance for that shit. It has nothing to do with lefty righty shite.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  20. Steven African Astronaut
    Originally posted by mmQ I'm talking to you right now. Now I'm being patronized.

    In killing myself it's Stevens fault everyone just want y'all to know that. Goodbye forever

    Please don't. DM me.
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