2022-07-25 at 9:59 AM UTC
Marine/Preteen Biologist
how hard it is to get it fully clean I mean you can wipe forever but once you put some water on it and put your finger on it and smell it you could tell its not clean this is why it surprised me how many women or girls like pesky travels and others literally licked it super clean. its weird how they wont drink piss or even suggest it and i feel weird trying to ask for it or never have but are willing to eat shit?
2022-07-25 at 2:27 PM UTC
It's a relatively small amount of fecal matter that most people aren't going to care about or notice if they're going to town on ur ass anyways. Drinking piss is something you do just to be gross for the hell of it, it's a conscious decision to let it out during sex or not. The shit particles are just there as part of the territory, which they basically accept when they do the act.
Why do I have to explain this to you, retard? If you aren't some immunocompromised AIDS type your body will neutralize the little shit germs you pussy
You talk a big game about ass play but still wanna be like "ewwww, poopie!" lmao get fucked amateur
2022-07-25 at 2:28 PM UTC
How about I make you suck me off after raping your manhole and then you can really complain about how much shit there is?
2022-07-27 at 12:33 PM UTC
I cant wait till wariat gets raped
2022-07-27 at 4:20 PM UTC
bradley B and wariat are the kind of guys that like sending dick pictures to random teenagers on facebook and don't care about age
2022-07-28 at 10:14 PM UTC
I don't do anything similar to that. I do send dick pics to other men tho