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I can't even imagine how awesome it would be to have HUNDREDS of MILLIONS of dollars

  1. #1
    Well, actually, I kind of can...It would be FUCKING AWESOME!!!!!!!!l. HEAVEN ON EARTH!!!!!!!!
  2. #2
    could u imagine having hundreds of millions of hits of acid and also hundreds of millions pounds of KUSH? that would be better
  3. #3
    Dude you've been making these threads ever since zoklet like 5-6 years ago. Lol
  4. #4
    and you only just showed up here 1 -2 weeks
  5. #5
    I've been busy with work and shit the last couple years. I kind of gave up looking for another totse clone about a year after zoklet closed. I only found this place by accident when I did a google search on asteroid mining and it linked me to a thread here.
  6. #6
    oh, ok. fair nuff. We've had some imposters show up sorta recently.
  7. #7
    Yeah but Lanny already confirmed I'm real, I have his phone number from back when we were supposed to meet up at the SF Academy of Sciences one time, but then he texted me right before the meet to say he was actually a dude, so I ditched him and went and got laid instead.

    Anyway do you have a job? If so what do you do
  8. #8
    -SpectraL coward [the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
    You would soon grow extremely bored with being able to acquire anything without any effort whatsoever. You would begin to question life's base existence. You would grow disenchanted with the world. You would soon withdraw into a cocoon of quiet reflection. Friends and relatives would no longer know or recognize you. Nothing left to conquer. Nothing left to strive for. At the end, you would curse your great fortune, as one would curse the Monkey's Paw, if such a thing were ever to fall into one's personal possession.
  9. #9
    Originally posted by -SpectraL You would soon grow extremely bored with being able to acquire anything without any effort whatsoever. You would begin to question life's base existence. You would grow disenchanted with the world. You would soon withdraw into a cocoon of quiet reflection. Friends and relatives would no longer know or recognize you. Nothing left to conquer. Nothing left to strive for. At the end, you would curse your great fortune, as one would curse the Monkey's Paw, if such a thing were ever to fall into one's personal possession.

    ^ This is what poor people think so they don't feel bad about being poor.
  10. #10
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I'd probably buy an island Jeffrey Epstein style and chill there with lolis and a bunch of drugs.
  11. #11
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    And build an altar to Satan.
  12. #12
    infinityshock Black Hole
    you think so? why? what exactly would having all the money in the world do for anything? it'd just mean you could buy more shit. woopdee doooo
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  13. #13
    You people have no vision. It's not all about having more shit. If used the right way, that kind of money can build a multi generational empire and change the world forever. That amount of power is something that only a handful of people in history get to have. But no, let's just buy 30 pairs of limited edition Jordans and a fucking yacht.
  14. #14
    I got over 180 pairs of Js....
  15. #15
    infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by Horatio Abernathy I got over 180 pairs of Js….

    I have exactly none
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  16. #16
  17. #17
    RestStop Space Nigga
    "He who dies with the most toys wins"
  18. #18
    Yeah I'll be that rich soon. You can too if you stop being a cuck and go into chem business with me
  19. #19
    Originally posted by Fox Paws You people have no vision. It's not all about having more shit. If used the right way, that kind of money can build a multi generational empire and change the world forever. That amount of power is something that only a handful of people in history get to have. But no, let's just buy 30 pairs of limited edition Jordans and a fucking yacht.

    It doesn't even need to be that complicated. I think being born a rich shit is bad for your character but becoming rich is great for a number of reasons, the biggest of which are security and control.

    You don't have to worry about rent or a mortgage. You don't have to worry about bills. You don't have to worry about groceries. You can buy quality goods without thinking twice.

    You have the freedom to go wherever you want, whenever you want. You are not beholden to anyone else's whims. You have the freedom to do what you want, without sacrificing your quality of life whatsoever. Nobody has any leverage over you because at any point, you can tell them to fuck off and it won't affect your life very much.

    You have the freedom to expire whatever art or skill or hobby you desire.

    You have the flexibility to try your hand at different paths in life, including starting a new business on a small scale basically on a whim. Last summer I just bought 10,000 empty beer bottles and caps, a transfer pump, got labels printed, got a van and sold iced tea out of the back of the van at Florida football games, at the tailgates. It was fun, I got to see a lot of dope football and meet a lot of new people. It was very successful but I got bored so I shut it down without a second thought and moved on.

    This might sound cheesy but you can also afford to be magnanimous and altruistic. I've been donating to important humanitarian causes as well as the arts in various forms. I have a $1000/month budget for Patreons, to support cool people who make the internet great, and I separately patronize a really exceptional photographer who goes to the most incredible locations, which are difficult to access, in order to take stunning photographs and videos. I quietly pay for other table's meals at restaurants, carefully give nice gifts to people who I consider true friends, and work to benefit any community that I'm living in.

    Money is simply a tool. Now you could either use it to sit around fingering your asshole while the world passes you by, or you could live your dreams out with it. That's up to you.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  20. #20
    -SpectraL coward [the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
    Why would you start a business when you don't need money anymore?
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