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Military Genius Zelensky wants Ukrainians to throw molotovs at Russian tanks

  1. Number13 African Astronaut [dispute my snotty-nosed seagull]
    Originally posted by Wariat Number13,

    You can't adopt a position on something when you don't have the facts. And you don't have them. So here are some facts for you. Read them (oh, I forgot, you're too lazy and not really interested). You might try it though. Imagine what it would feel like to actually really KNOW something for once in your life, instead of just pretending to know - or indeed pretending not to know which you also like to do.

    Both the Ukrainian government authorities and Russia-backed separatists in eastern Ukraine have held civilians in prolonged, arbitrary detention, without any contact with the outside world, including with their lawyers or families. In some cases, the detentions constituted enforced disappearances, meaning that the authorities in question refused to acknowledge the detention of the person or refused to provide any information on their whereabouts or fate. Most of those detained suffered torture or other forms of ill-treatment. Several were denied needed medical attention for the injuries they sustained in detention.

    Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch investigated in detail nine cases of arbitrary, prolonged detention of civilians by the Ukrainian authorities in informal detention sites and nine cases of arbitrary, prolonged detention of civilians by Russia-backed separatists. Their report details cases that took place mostly in 2015 and the first half of 2016.

    It's available all forty pages of it for you to read in PDF form but fear not, I won't send you the link.

    Literally nothing you just said except the countries has anything to do with the current conversation.

    Are you retarded? Autistic?

    Originally posted by Wariat And to get back to the present conflict, nothing in this world or beyond, justifies or excuses the scale of aggression and the fury visited upon Ukraine and its people by Russia.

    And also an illegitimate government attacking ethnic Russians in a breakaway state(agreements about which said government have reneged) with sanctioned nazi squads is certainly a justification for retaliation.
  2. Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    “ And also an illegitimate government attacking ethnic Russians in a breakaway state(agreements about which said government have reneged) with sanctioned nazi squads is certainly a justification for retaliation.”

    you mean like russian did to chechnya when it tried to break away or what wbout georgia? what vountry would not fo what ukraine did if a tegion broke away geom its country and was armed by th enemy or russia enemy of my people poland?
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  3. Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    it also annexed crimea by attacking it you retard. and no one agrees with you no single polish or european person besides loons or nuts would sgree with you or anyone in the free world with your sick views you halfwit.
  4. Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    i may be autistic but youre a monster a fiend a scum.
  5. Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    you support imperialism, you support rape, you support murder of civilians, you support brutality and war to annex countries or regions.
  6. Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    younscum support bombings of hospitals and throwing missles at civilian apartment buildings.
  7. Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    you should read the book imperium by a polish author and journalist and ask yourself why did he named russia or soviet union as imperium?
  8. Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    in fact you should read any book rwther than your garbage third world propaganda.
  9. Number13 African Astronaut [dispute my snotty-nosed seagull]
    Originally posted by Wariat “ And also an illegitimate government attacking ethnic Russians in a breakaway state(agreements about which said government have reneged) with sanctioned nazi squads is certainly a justification for retaliation.”

    you mean like russian did to chechnya when it tried to break away or what wbout georgia? what vountry would not fo what ukraine did if a tegion broke away geom its country and was armed by th enemy or russia enemy of my people poland?

    Please please learn to type properly.

    Both countries had every right to resist as breakaways.

    Now try and have an ounce of thought and overcome your dissonance to realise by bringing those up as a bad thing Russia has done you're actually arguing that Ukraine is in the wrong yourself.

    People that had their democratic vote overturned by force have every right to breakaway and are in the right, they are fighting for democracy by definition, for freedom, and therefore it's not good to kill them and attempt to ethnically cleanse them.

    It's a rather simple concept.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  10. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by Wariat And to get back to the present conflict, nothing in this world or beyond, justifies or excuses the scale of aggression and the fury visited upon Ukraine and its people by Russia.

    NATO encroachment within 400km of Moscow is an existential threat.

    If Russia were to use actual fury, the entire Ukraine would've been rubble in a matter of hours. As it stands they're still avoiding damaging civilian infrastructure and avoiding protracted battles and heavy fire support in residential areas. There are likely less than 100,000 Russian soldiers taking part in the operation.

    If Russia were going at it full force, even NATO force planners have stated they would be halfway across the EU inside of 72 hours and there's little that could be done about it.

    Originally posted by Wariat “ And also an illegitimate government attacking ethnic Russians in a breakaway state(agreements about which said government have reneged) with sanctioned nazi squads is certainly a justification for retaliation.”

    you mean like russian did to chechnya when it tried to break away or what wbout georgia? what vountry would not fo what ukraine did if a tegion broke away geom its country and was armed by th enemy or russia enemy of my people poland?

    neither of those things is true or relevant, and it shows that you don't know anything about either conflict.

    Have a look at how Sakaashvili was used in Georgia and later reused in the Ukraine though, it's pretty funny.

    Originally posted by Wariat it also annexed crimea by attacking it you retard. and no one agrees with you no single polish or european person besides loons or nuts would sgree with you or anyone in the free world with your sick views you halfwit.

    We've been through this before.

    How long has the Crimea been Ukrainian?
    How long has it been Russian?
    What did the Ukraine ever do to support it, outside of the naval base that's been wholly supported by Russia since the fall of the Soviet Union?
    How many times did they run referendums to secede from the Ukraine (with over 80% voting for every time) before Russia brought in soldiers to make it binding?
  11. Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    it doesnt matter howmlong crimea used to be russian. thwts like saying if alaska was russian longer than the us had it they should be able to jsut annex it and attack the us. or that hawaiians should be able to break away and become independent just because they have u.s. support. geopolitics and the world doesnt work this way plus they now tried to twke kiev and went deep into ukrainian territory even the un said this they invaded the geigraphical sphere of a sovereign country so it has nothing to fo with some region going independent but russias imperialistic ambitions they always had. secondly just look up bucha. what does that have to do with sinply some military operation or narrative you claim.
  12. Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    poland didnt exist for 130 yrs and germany or hitler claimed it was child of versilles so everyone else including france and brittain according to your logic were wrong to intervene and declare war on hitler then right? as stalin and hitler had every right to attack it and divide it?
  13. Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    from polishforums:

    “ In two years, the Nazis killed 10,000 civilians in Mariupol. And the Russian occupiers killed over 20,000 Mariupol residents in two months. Over 40,000 people were forcefully removed," Mariupol Mayor Vadym Boychenko said, according to the city council.

    The Russians are the new Nazi's. Symbolism and actions, not much of a difference. All should be lined up and shot immediately after trial.”
  14. Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    the same guy i quoted above just wrote this on polish forums and hes an american apparently living in krakow poland:

    “ You should probably quit smoking what ever you are smoking because it is definitely not allowing you to see clearly. The past is a Russian disaster, the present is a Russian disaster, and the future will be more of the same. Your culture is retarded, and designed to eliminate the intelligent. It is a barbaric country with almost no values other than those that are consumer driven. People are meat and nothing more. It has been this way since the Romanovs. New names, new political phrases, always the same actions and results. You and your country will die this time around though, and China will swoop in and take Siberia when you are too weak to defend it. Russia will be a small portion of what it is today, and it will be a ball less neutered country as it should be.”
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  15. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by Wariat it doesnt matter howmlong crimea used to be russian. thwts like saying if alaska was russian longer than the us had it they should be able to jsut annex it and attack the us. or that hawaiians should be able to break away and become independent just because they have u.s. support. geopolitics and the world doesnt work this way plus they now tried to twke kiev and went deep into ukrainian territory even the un said this they invaded the geigraphical sphere of a sovereign country so it has nothing to fo with some region going independent but russias imperialistic ambitions they always had. secondly just look up bucha. what does that have to do with sinply some military operation or narrative you claim.

    answer the questions and you'll understand a bit better.

    Originally posted by Wariat from polishforums:

    “ In two years, the Nazis killed 10,000 civilians in Mariupol. And the Russian occupiers killed over 20,000 Mariupol residents in two months. Over 40,000 people were forcefully removed," Mariupol Mayor Vadym Boychenko said, according to the city council.

    The Russians are the new Nazi's. Symbolism and actions, not much of a difference. All should be lined up and shot immediately after trial.”

    Originally posted by Wariat the same guy i quoted above just wrote this on polish forums and hes an american apparently living in krakow poland:

    “ You should probably quit smoking what ever you are smoking because it is definitely not allowing you to see clearly. The past is a Russian disaster, the present is a Russian disaster, and the future will be more of the same. Your culture is retarded, and designed to eliminate the intelligent. It is a barbaric country with almost no values other than those that are consumer driven. People are meat and nothing more. It has been this way since the Romanovs. New names, new political phrases, always the same actions and results. You and your country will die this time around though, and China will swoop in and take Siberia when you are too weak to defend it. Russia will be a small portion of what it is today, and it will be a ball less neutered country as it should be.”

    why do you think polish retards shitposting means anything

    those numbers are absurd and not backed up by anything
  16. Number13 African Astronaut [dispute my snotty-nosed seagull]
    Don't believe that propaganda but do believe this propaganda
  17. Originally posted by Wariat the same guy i quoted above just wrote this on polish forums and hes an american apparently living in krakow poland:

    “ You should probably quit smoking what ever you are smoking because it is definitely not allowing you to see clearly. The past is a Russian disaster, the present is a Russian disaster, and the future will be more of the same. Your culture is retarded, and designed to eliminate the intelligent. It is a barbaric country with almost no values other than those that are consumer driven. People are meat and nothing more. It has been this way since the Romanovs. New names, new political phrases, always the same actions and results. You and your country will die this time around though, and China will swoop in and take Siberia when you are too weak to defend it. Russia will be a small portion of what it is today, and it will be a ball less neutered country as it should be.”

    Great quote.

  18. Ukraine are dropping grenades from DJI drones.
  19. Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    Feom polish forums:

    “ The orcs killed a woman and tied her child who was alive to her corpse. They put an explosive mine between them.

    When rescue workers tried to save the child, the mine detonated.

    Путин Хуйло”
  20. Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    Aldra wrote „as As it stands they're still avoiding damaging civilian infrastructure and avoiding protracted battles and heavy fire support in residential areas.”

    You must be jokin.
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