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wut did u dream about last night

  1. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by Lodger Free The majority of humankind lack food of spiritual morality and will remain the walking red representing the dead.

    Eyes of red. Late night wonderers.

    blood for the blood god
  2. the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    i just woke up and i diont remember my dream. FUCK society this should be illegal. Sick of this gay world
  3. Pillpopper Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood i just woke up and i diont remember my dream. FUCK society this should be illegal. Sick of this gay world

    Leave the United States of amerifags and have a better life somewhere else. Seems pretty damn simple.
  4. I landed a helicopter with my bro at the airport but a bunch of pettyfags we're having fun in the sun in the LZ. I was like ohh you're playing rug of war at the airfield huh guys?

    I was crawling around fonas crawlspace and the openings were juuuuust big enough to fit through.. tight cheeks. I could not locate any plumbing WUT so ever. Then I crawled through a weird opening and found a massive abandoned building inside a building which was a project his dad built and Gabe up on - It was to be a containment area for fonas cousin.

    Wandering the countryside with an old acquaintance there was a lot of elevation changes on dirt roads and ditches flowing a shit ton of water someone was kayaking a rural ditch.

    Then we showed up to math class late and I had no frocking clue wut the teacher was explaining, I felt some doom like there's no way I'm gonna pass
  5. the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    Originally posted by Pillpopper Leave the United States of amerifags and have a better life somewhere else. Seems pretty damn simple.

    why dont YOU, niGGER
  6. Kafka sweaty
    It was that I was male and in some house, writing letters to my wife. The back garden was a rectangle with trees surrounding it, the sky was grey and at the bottom of the garden was a swingset and a nun with no face was sitting on one. She was messing with my head, making me forget things like who I was sending the letters to. In the basement was a broken dolls house, then the nun got me in a headlock and it went black.
  7. I had a dream that a gay black man was judging me about my choice of hairdryer 😑
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  8. Kafka sweaty
    I think taking smart drugs everyday is affecting my dreams because they don’t feel like my dreams:

    My dad’s village, abandoned flats, broken antique mirrors. Bus station, Danielle, amber, dressed goth, striped socks, platform wedges, blue/black dress, party, cig break, fucked some girl then gave her a hug. Me and Lauren, blue and orange lipstick, mimes, climbed castle ruins, people after us, kissed, Daniel waiting for us. I was on the phone leaving the party, London streets, world about to end, saw flames, person on phone told me to get out of there, went into a 20s style cafe, upstairs, people had no idea what was about to happen, I sat beside a man I didn’t know, my friend comes running in with bars of Temazepam for us all, we hold hands.
  9. I was at my old job in England again, I was on the loading dock with one of the guys who I used to work with and he was receiving a big shipment of fresh bread that he'd ordered for some party he was having..the bread looked and smelled really good.
  10. smokemon Houston
    Last night dream:

    It all started with my best friend's mom and my mom arguing. I was observing them argue. They got mad and started catfighting, throwing girly punches and pulling each other's hair. After a minute or two of them fighting, my friend's mom got my mom in a headlock and was choking her out. I was like "Oh HELL NAW," and ran up and punched his mom really hard in the face. After I hit her, she let go of my mom and stated angrily "I'm calling the police!" As she took out her phone and dialed 911, I ran. The whole rest of the dream I was running through random neighborhoods I didn't recognize trying to evade the police. Kind of like in GTA, as I ran I could hear police radio chatter in my head. At one point I went up to a bystander and tried to ask him where the fuck I was, but after I asked him he was like "Wait, aren't you that guy the police are after" I randomly produced a revolver pistol from my waistband and shoved it in his face. He ran off scared and I continued my way cutting through people's backyards and stuff. After awhile, I found a deck in someone's backyard and hid under the deck. While I was hiding there, I pulled out a phone and was trying to figure out where the hell I was looking at a map on the phone screen. Then the dream suddenly ended while I was looking at the map.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  11. A short road had been built into Montana, maybe a mile long, and a few stores were being built - most notably an apartment building and a massive sporting goods store like a Bass Pro or Cabela's. Everyone was driving around on fold-up three wheel trucks.

    Later on I found a previously unknown-to-me shelf under my chin it was like a cave big enough to put a beer can and it was really gross like something off rin and stumpy with dry skin and pimples and stubble. I had to shave it but I was afraid of all the bumps which were obviously going to get massacred by the razor
  12. Lodger Free African Astronaut
    Originally posted by frala I had a dream that a gay black man was judging me about my choice of Cawk sizes 😑

    FTFY Dr Freud
  13. Lodger Free African Astronaut
    Joos halpd me kill the false Rev 3:9 Commie Olagards Joos outta Russia

    The false joos wore Black and the real ones wore white and I had a checkered hat
  14. the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    In my dream I remember mass starvation. People were fighting with cats for food but that cats had a system you see they worked with the dogs

    against the rats

    the rats were BIG AND FAT and could kick the shit out of a cat and group up on them so the cats had to mainly live off of bugs because of how hungry and angry the rats are but they teamed up with the dogs so the dog would come in there and tear the rats apart and for their trouble they got to carry home one fat rat each and the cats seemed to be in charge of the whole operation

    I don't know why the dogs just didn't eat the cats and the rats but maybe the cats could beat them up or something
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  15. Kafka sweaty
    I was a hitchhiker and in some flat. There was a guy in a tiger suit laying on the sofa, I knew he was dead but he could still talk. Someone asked me if I wanted a lift home and I said no. Then tiger suit guy went and jumped out the window, killing himself. I ran out, downstairs, the flats turned into a hospital and I was a nurse. Outside his brains were all over the pavement and I started throwing up.
  16. Rape Monster Naturally Camouflaged
    chased a woman and stabbed 2 death
  17. Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    Originally posted by RIPtotse I dreamt of this chik named Kafka and she loved to lick some guy named maciej's asshole
  18. Lodger Free African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Lodger Free The majority of humankind lack food of spiritual morality and will remain the walking red representing the dead.

    Eyes of red. Late night wonderers.

    Originally posted by aldra blood for the blood god

    fucking hell. I have been blacking out and dont remember posting this. woke up in my car but I thought I got out of my car and went to bed to wake up in the car

    weird shit. maybe I got a brain tumor.

    our world is not real. so it doesn't matter what any of us do . maybe Kr0z, Justin Malace, Sploo, Poast etc etc got a head start on us all. we're all here in the final hours so will probably all wake up in the respawn as childhood neighbor friends.

    hopefully on a better planet with better looking humans
  19. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by Lodger Free our world is not real. so it doesn't matter what any of us do . maybe Kr0z, Justin Malace, Sploo, Poast etc etc got a head start on us all. we're all here in the final hours so will probably all wake up in the respawn as childhood neighbor friends.

    are you familiar with Gnosticism or heretical Christian dualism
  20. Lodger Free African Astronaut
    Originally posted by aldra are you familiar with Gnosticism or heretical Christian dualism

    Isn't that a masonic lucifarian thingamabob?

    The ex husband of my sister and father of her kid was one

    I think. Someone in the fam hinted towards it
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