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Military Genius Zelensky wants Ukrainians to throw molotovs at Russian tanks

  1. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by Donald Trump Literally everyone wants Azov dead. The Russians, the Ukrainians, the jedis, even western Nat-Soc respecter types just plain don't like Azov.

    honestly not surprised; the volunteer battalions ran hogwild since their inception and haven't really been under anyone's direct control.

    Like I mentioned before, Tornado/Hurricane is a good/terrible example - after spending a year or so extorting, raping and mutilating everyone they could get their hands on, they mined and fortified their base and shot at anyone who came to arrest them. None have been arrested and many still serve with other units.

    If it weren't so much a threat to their power I wouldn't be surprised if the government welcomed Russia liquidating them. Remember that Zelensky came to power on the platform of reconciliation with the Eastern regions and Russia, and tried to implement the Minsk and Frankfurt agreements before getting his knuckles rapped by the engine behind the throne.
  2. MOSCOW, 17 April. /TASS/. The Investigative Committee of Russia opened a criminal case on the demolition of the monument to Marshal Zhukov in Kharkov. This was reported to journalists on Sunday in the press service of the UK.

    Military operation in Ukraine. Online
    Military operation in Ukraine.
    "The Main Investigation Department of the Investigative Committee of Russia on the fact of the demolition of the monument to Marshal G.K. Zhukov initiated a criminal case on the grounds of a crime under Part 4 of Article 354.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (insulting the memory of the defenders of the Fatherland, committed by a group of persons by prior conspiracy)", - noted in SC.

    According to the investigation, on Sunday in Kharkov, a group of people from among the members of the nationalist armed formations of Ukraine, using special equipment, demolished a monument to the Soviet commander Zhukov. "These criminal actions are directed against the interests of Russia in the field of preserving the historical memory of the activities of the USSR during the Second World War and the decisive role in the victory over fascism," the UK stressed.

    Really weird. Kharkov is in Ukraine and under Ukrainian administration. I certainly haven't heard the Russians either claim or conquer it yet.

  3. Interesting. Even if they wanted peace, Ukraine is still financially fucked without money from the west. The west will only give Ukraine money so long as the slaughter continues.
  4. Originally posted by Donald Trump

    Interesting. Even if they wanted peace, Ukraine is still financially fucked without money from the west. The west will only give Ukraine money so long as the slaughter continues.

    They sold their soul to the Devil.

  5. Someone's making money, and why not? Zelensky makes money from the transit of Russia gas across his territory, even today.
  6. Number13 African Astronaut [dispute my snotty-nosed seagull]
    I'd really like to know how many of the weapons actually get in to the hands of the troops and aren't just immediately fenced to some 3rd world shithole.
  7. BTW cos my post above wasn't clear, that's a LDPR soldier over-head pressing the NLAW.
  8. Originally posted by Number13 I'd really like to know how many of the weapons actually get in to the hands of the troops and aren't just immediately fenced to some 3rd world shithole.

    Given the amount of ManPADs that have been supplied I suspect the next decade will be eventful for commercial aviation.
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  9. Originally posted by Donald Trump BTW cos my post above wasn't clear, that's a LDPR soldier over-head pressing the NLAW.

    The effective firing range for an NLAW is 800 meters. With two turreted Howitzers and 10 machine guns firing simultaneously, you'd be turned into human hamburger before you got within 12,000 meters for the Howitzers and 1000 meters for the MG151 cannons.
  10. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ The effective firing range for an NLAW is 800 meters. With two turreted Howitzers and 10 machine guns firing simultaneously, you'd be turned into human hamburger before you got within 12,000 meters for the Howitzers and 1000 meters for the MG151 cannons.

    that's not what they're for

    NLAWs are pretty useless in a general sense just for how long they take to deploy, start up and lock before you can fire them
  11. Originally posted by aldra NLAWs are pretty useless in a general sense just for how long they take to deploy, start up and lock before you can fire them

    How long do they take?

    I know they are so expensive almost no one gets to actually fire one - maybe that's a feature rather than a bug?

    And I still don't understand why the launcher looks so retarded, or what the launcher does vs what the missile does.
  12. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    not sure about specifics, only that there have been a lot of complaints from Ukrainian soldiers and Russian armor hasn't had many problems with it. Almost all Ukrainian armor kills have been thanks to their domestic Stugna ATGM

    as I understand it, the launcher itself does all the targeting work, programs the path, fires, then sends guidance information and course corrections to the missile via radio
  13. Originally posted by aldra not sure about specifics, only that there have been a lot of complaints from Ukrainian soldiers and Russian armor hasn't had many problems with it. Almost all Ukrainian armor kills have been thanks to their domestic Stugna ATGM

    as I understand it, the launcher itself does all the targeting work, programs the path, fires, then sends guidance information and course corrections to the missile via radio

    Thought it was F&F, you just point it in the general direction of a tank and it kills whatever it detects. Guess that's just Swedish Saab marketing working overtime. No surprise. It looks like a piece of shit and it flies like a piece of shit.

  14. Apparent pic of Moskva. Note no storm, no radar tower, etc.
  15. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    yeah I think I saw an MoD release the other day that admitted hull damage
  16. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    something amusing I read the other day - remember when NATO was pressuring Turkey not to let Russian ships pass through the Bosphorous? They succeeded given that part of the agreement governing Turkey's control over the waterway states that they should block participants of an active war. So Turkey blocked NATO warships as well.
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  17. Originally posted by aldra honestly not surprised; the volunteer battalions ran hogwild since their inception and haven't really been under anyone's direct control.

    Like I mentioned before, Tornado/Hurricane is a good/terrible example - after spending a year or so extorting, raping and mutilating everyone they could get their hands on, they mined and fortified their base and shot at anyone who came to arrest them. None have been arrested and many still serve with other units.

    All that time and not even one anti-semitic "hate crime".
  18. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    calls to mind that time ISIS accidentally fired a rocket into israel, then called to apologise
  19. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition

    Interview with an officer in the Russian Black Sea Marines. Google translate does a decent job:

    Therefore, today I do not count them killed - this makes no sense. Let's destroy everyone! Today I, first of all, take care of my fighters. Each of them is worth its weight in gold. And for "Azov" in the Russian army there are enough remote means of destruction. Calmly, methodically and without any glory for them. Urban disinfection of rats…

    You don’t need to wind yourself up with the inaccessibility of Azovstal. The fact that there are shelters, autonomous life support systems and engineered defenses does not mean anything. Königsberg was no worse fortified! Have taken!
    With the help of prisoners, their main lairs were revealed. We know with whom we are fighting, do we know what they have left there? They all are in the same mood as at Hitler's headquarters before the end.

    We tried a special operation - it did not work. They underestimated the degree of brainwashing of Ukrainians, and the real scale of Ukraine's preparation for war with Russia. They wanted bloodlessly and quickly. As a result - a huge amount of chaos and confusion in the early days. But we have mostly solved the main tasks of the first stage anyway. The offensive potential of the Armed Forces of Ukraine was destroyed, all the main army groups were chained to the spot and suffered heavy losses. In most directions, the Armed Forces of Ukraine have gone on the defensive and only in a few are they trying to counterattack.
    In the field, they fight poorly. Our superiority in artillery and aviation is immediately evident. They fight steadfastly where they were able to create powerful fortified areas where they can sit out underground. Near the Donbass, they have to be stormed because the fortified area is pressed against the city limits, and they are constantly hollowing out the city. In other places, I think we will simply bypass and block them, performing tasks to move forward, and we will deal with them later according to all the rules of martial art.
    The Armed Forces of Ukraine are beginning to experience a shortage of trained personnel. All combat-ready units have been in battle for a long time and suffer losses. Professional soldiers are dying and out of action - contract soldiers and officers, who have been trained and coached for several years, including foreign instructors. Replenishment comes, practically, untrained. If for the infantry this problem can be solved by several weeks of fighting and a high percentage of losses “for study”, then it will not work to compensate for specialists - artillerymen, weapon operators, tankers with such a “form” of training. So far, it has not been possible to build a full-fledged training system in the rear - in the western regions. There is a serious problem with heavy weapons - tanks, self-propelled guns have become scarce. There are no more full-fledged mechanized units. And this means that even the slightest bit of a serious counteroffensive cannot be organized.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  20. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by Donald Trump

    Apparent pic of Moskva. Note no storm, no radar tower, etc.

    Most pro-Russian analysts I've read seem to think it was sabotage rather than a missile hit (the ship was close to shore presumeably on demining duty), but that does look like a hole close to the sealine. makes sense given the NEPTUNES are based on Soviet sea-skimming models (like the famous EXOCET hits).

    hard to tell for sure without a better photo though
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