2022-04-10 at 3:45 AM UTC
victim of incest
[my adversative decurved garbo]
More govt is never the answer
2022-04-10 at 6:34 AM UTC
There are random angry black guys just yelling "Racist" at whites but one just started saying he was going to kill a group of Chinese .
Walnut Creek isn't all white but it's mainly rich people and ever since George Floyd was killed by that stupid cop, they have targeted wealthy communities using flash mob social media aps and smash and grab. Not all people of color but majority are and the anti white male campaign by politicians like Kamala Harris seems to direct flash mobs to the wealthiest communities.
I was walking tonight in Walnut Creek crossing in a crosswalk with 4 others and a guy aimed right for me and a guy tugged on my shirt but lost grip and this fucker laid into his horn and missed me by inches, then he flipped me off but almost hit a restaurant worker crossing a second intersection many 20 feet away by inches. She said he flipped her off. My car was parked but the dash cam seemed to have turned off however in had a cam inside pointing backwards and may have caught his plates from the front. I'm sure the last 3 digits was 415
She and I am going to press charges if in have a video, I have to check if a video got corrupt in front to rescue regarding her incident, however I witnessed it as well. But if the rear cam sees him trying to strike me, I'm gonna see who this was, part of my stalker re personal issue.
If the driver had someone in the car of interest, he can choose to take the charge alone or start chirping.
There was a guy there which may have rc a pause.
I've seen this happen before
2022-04-10 at 6:39 AM UTC
My camera seems to drop frames or skip video files or missing files in sequence when shit of interest have occured.
I turn off wifi. I hate that exist because anyone can fuck with recording , the wifi was turned back on