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Cooking with ZyclonB&BradleyB, Tinychat Cooking Show.
2015-07-23 at 3:03 PM UTCHi Everyone. Every Tuesday and Thursday morning (and normally every day but we'll plan for those days) I host a cooking show in Tinychat. (www.tinychat.com/tinybltc)
Basically I have like 7-8 years kitchen experience and have worked at a total of 4 restaurants, 5 if you count the taco bell. And managed one of them.
Anyway, it ruined my soul and I seen some shit but i learned how to make baller ass food. However I'm kinda poor right now and we don't get food stamps anymore so our card has to last us until either my mom or I decided to spend money on real food. Anyways, I will make delicious foods that you can watch me make, along with my (drunk) commentary. I also provide life advice, burn myself kinda often (doesn't really hurt that much) and yell at my dog for getting under foot.
I will always take suggestions!
Somethings I have done in the past:
Jalepeno Hot Dog Qeasadillas
Extra creamy, extra cheesy Macaroni and Cheese
Prison Burrito/Hook Up (Ramen and CHeetos and a bunch of ingredients)
All American Breakfast (with a slim jim cuz i ran out of meet)
Loaded Pancake Tacos (Strawberrys, Blueberries, whipped cream)
Those shitty ass polish pizza open faced sammiches.
Somethings I plan on doing int he future:
Slow cooked beer brots
Shredded pulled pork (slow cooked)
Really hooking up that shitty ass pizza you bought 5 for 10$
BBQ Squirrel (once my buddy is sober enough to shoot me like six of them)
Alfredo Pasta w/ whatever meat I have on hand, but instead of heavy whipping cream I'm using Ranch.
So come into Tinychat, I eat normally early so before noon central and you can always tellme to start. Anyway happy cooking.
Here's some photos to prove I'm not bullshitting:
The last thing I have on file was the polish pizza open faced sammich thing. If you don't know, Polocks are like the retarded brother you have to take care of cuz mom said that from day 1.
Anyway, it's primarily bread, mushrooms, cheese, with ketchup on top. I added meat and swiss cheese to the second one and it was way better.
done w/ a side of mac and cheese bites
i grew my own sage and cilantro last year
enjoy. And remember come to Tinychat in the morning or you're a fuck and make suggestions, nothing is too crazy. -
2015-07-23 at 3:11 PM UTCHow much does that cost at your place of employment?
2015-07-23 at 3:12 PM UTC
2015-07-23 at 3:17 PM UTC
How much does that cost at your place of employment?
Well currently I work fast food but over there. It didn't exist as an item. I jsut got bored and made it.
If a customer wanted it, I"d probably just charge them oh say for the steak sammich w/o fries so like 7.99$.
The Mac and Cheese bites are 6 for 4.29 which is ridiculous but I don't pay shit so......... -
2015-07-23 at 4:04 PM UTCI'm going to watch, just for the 'life advice'.
2015-07-23 at 8:18 PM UTCdamn i just missed that shit! what time does it air? i have class in the mornings but only for 2 hours
2015-07-23 at 9:53 PM UTCwhenever we want, no one came in today so it got canceled.
2015-07-24 at 12:56 AM UTC
2015-07-24 at 1:10 AM UTCI will request a baked potato around midnight CST tonight. Thanks in advance.
2015-07-24 at 1:27 AM UTCranch.....as a substitute in alfredo......................................................................................................................................
so, all this is going to be prison recipes, or what? -
2015-07-24 at 4:47 AM UTC
Ok I would like to make a request for the cooking show. I would like to see you make the following: a Baked Alaska.
Well I don't eat sweets, so this will not happen.I will request a baked potato around midnight CST tonight. Thanks in advance.
Tuesday's gonna be Full Loaded Mexican Potato Boats. Basically like a supreme baked potato.[FONT=inherit]ranch…..as a substitute in alfredo……………………………………. ………………………………………….. …………………………………..
so, all this is going to be prison recipes, or what?[/FONT]
And no, it's not going to be all prison recipies. I offered only 1 prison recipie (i know like 20) and you jump on that band wagon. Come for the life advice and I'll tell you what to do with yourself while I make a baked potato boat or whatever the fuck I Just called it. -
2015-07-24 at 4:41 PM UTC
Well I don't eat sweets, so this will not happen.
Tuesday's gonna be Full Loaded Mexican Potato Boats. Basically like a supreme baked potato.
And no, it's not going to be all prison recipies. I offered only 1 prison recipie (i know like 20) and you jump on that band wagon. Come for the life advice and I'll tell you what to do with yourself while I make a baked potato boat or whatever the fuck I Just called it.
heheheh you had to expect that someone would say it -
2015-07-24 at 5:16 PM UTCIf you want to have a cook along this is what you need.
Potatos: Get the big fatty ones, rinse that shit unless you want to eat dirt.
Salsa: If you're too poor to buy salsa just hit up the taco bell and take all their fire & verde sauce, mix together for win.
Cheese: Buy cheddar, you want cheddar.
Meat: IDGAF what kinda meat you use, just cook that shit done before hand. I'm not waiting for you to simmer it. I'm already going to have bacon I precooked.
Sour Cream: Totally optional.
Butter/Milk (You're making mashed potatos with the empties from the inside of the potato, or give that shit to your dog, up to you)
We're making something like this, it'll look a lot shittier and it wont' have the basil on top (I think that's basil) but it'll be tasty af.
Bring your own BBQ sauce for max results. -
2015-07-24 at 5:18 PM UTCTuesday (7/28), 11am Central www.tinychat.com/tinybltc
2015-07-25 at 6:19 PM UTCPlease do more prison recipes I need to know these
2015-07-28 at 5:33 PM UTCway to not show up to ur own cooking show. complete fail
2015-07-30 at 4:14 PM UTCHot dogs in quesadillas is a complete fucking abomination. When you break tradition in making ethnic foods, you're supposed to try to make it *better* not make it taste like oscar meyer shit. I can think of a million things I'd add to a quesadilla and a hot dog is not anywhere near my list, we keep the hot dog outside on a leash
2015-07-30 at 4:30 PM UTC
way to not show up to ur own cooking show. complete fail
probably food poisoning -_- -
2015-07-30 at 5:45 PM UTCsorry i wasn't in the show last Wednesday
I went to the ER on Tuesday night.
It was shitty.
Friday 11am Central. -
2015-07-30 at 5:45 PM UTCnevermind about 11am, we'll plan for Saturday 11am sorry about that everyone.