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Memorial page

  1. SEGA Nigga Drive Tuskegee Airman
    Make a memorial page information thread, have everyone post their anecdotes and selected letters etc and I will make you a memorial essay you will be proud of.

    Leave the rest to me. I will post it as a thread and then Lanny can make it a dedicated page if he likes.

    Honestly though: a memorial page is a stupid idea and there is no reason it could not just be a Memorial thread. For example I post my essay as a Memorial thread. Then Sudo posts his obits (which he won't do, because he is too lazy and unmotivated to achieve any goal successfully). Then people post all their comments, photos, tidbits etc as they want as well and I update the master post with it.

    I don't know why you want it, let alone want it so bad that you would subordinate yourself to these cretin. You should have come to me. We can just make a thread and either gave it stickied or keep it bumped with regular activity like a TRT.

    I don't know why people go crying to Lanny for stupid wishlist shit like this. At least when I make suggestions, it's for actual site functionality or something, and it's usually something stupidly simple and I'll just say it and not pester anyone.

    Ok I guess I pestered a little for AMOLED theme but it wasn't like I was a dick to anybody. I even tried to submit a pull for the color changes but didn't know how to compile it, specially not from my phone that I did the PR from.
  2. SEGA Nigga Drive Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by frala Lol @ your comprehension skills being on par with Octavian’s.

    Nobody cares about my ass being kissed. I mean Garret said it was a dumb move, sure, but ultimately it is insignificant. Stop infighting, nagging, prove me wrong, and work towards getting the memorial page done.

    I don't have any problem getting the memorial page done, I was never even interested in one before my post today.

    And frankly I'm not really even interested in it now: so now we are going to have a shitty ass "memorial" button in the top navigation button list?

    We don't even need "About" or "Members" at the top of the page. They can be footers above the "Fork me hard" text. Nobody uses this shit 99% of the time. Put it in the footer. If you have the kind of stats and give enough of a shit, try to figure out how much use either buttons get over year compared to the other 2. I would be surprised if they, together, even made up 1% of the total clicks on each button. The other 5 are actually important navigation buttons.

    We need a special dedicated dead nigger storage MEMORIAL PAGE on this website now? What's wrong with a thread?

    Seriously, tell me what's wrong with a fucking Thread that is linked in the footer?

    Have your skulls gone soft?
  3. Originally posted by frala He has been asked previously. How about shutting the fuck up, fucking writing it, giving it to him, and he can incorporate it. Nobody needs compensation. Just the goddamn information. Shit.

    What a salty bitch over some petty shit 😂
  4. Lucrimosa African Astronaut
    We gonna sit around feeling sorry for ourselves? Cause we can do that if you'd like

  5. SEGA Nigga Drive Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Solstice What a salty bitch over some petty shit 😂

    She is on her period or just had an abortion or some shit, guaranteed.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  6. Quick Mix Ready Dark Matter [jealously defalcate my upanishad]
    Maybe just maybe

    GlowNiggas be like "They know too much or even they're slipping up and leaking nfo"

    and soooooooo

    I mean just because people do weird drugs lots it's still a hell of a lot of people to overdose, suicide and just die when most are under the age of 35. most around 25-30.

    Someone should contact and have them do a documentary on this place.
  7. Quick Mix Ready Dark Matter [jealously defalcate my upanishad]
    Luigi said he might work a Job at google cleaning the shitters.

    he never came back.

    Nile is MIA

    who else is missing.
  8. SEGA Nigga Drive Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Quick Mix Ready Maybe just maybe

    GlowNiggas be like "They know too much or even they're slipping up and leaking nfo"

    and soooooooo

    I mean just because people do weird drugs lots it's still a hell of a lot of people to overdose, suicide and just die when most are under the age of 35. most around 25-30.

    Someone should contact and have them do a documentary on this place.

    Originally posted by Quick Mix Ready Luigi said he might work a Job at google cleaning the shitters.

    he never came back.

    Nile is MIA

    who else is missing.

    You suck. Boo.
  9. Originally posted by Solstice What a salty bitch over some petty shit 😂

    Nigger you still scan the obits for Hydro. Don’t talk to me about salty lol.
  10. SEGA Nigga Drive Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by frala Nigger you still scan the obits for Hydro. Don’t talk to me about salty lol.

    What's wrong with that? People usually scan the obits to check whether someone they know has passed or not, or when. How is that salty?

    How else would we add Hydro to the list if she died/when she dies, for example?
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  11. SEGA Nigga Drive Tuskegee Airman
    When I die and Casper inherits my money and I'm added to the list, I hope you go and actually revisit some of the shit I say and consider that I am actually a prophetic and prescient figure who sees most clearly and only speaks the absolute truth.

    Not once have I told a lie. Not once have I accused anyone of anything I didn't have evidence of. And not once has any of you ever managed to measure up to me in any aspect.

    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  12. Well you know you’ve done your deed for the day when someone is making memes about you and writing diatribes about life legacies and inheritance money being left to an internet friend
  13. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    Originally posted by SEGA Nigga Drive When I die and Casper inherits my money and I'm added to the list, I hope you go and actually revisit some of the shit I say and consider that I am actually a prophetic and prescient figure who sees most clearly and only speaks the absolute truth.

    Not once have I told a lie. Not once have I accused anyone of anything I didn't have evidence of. And not once has any of you ever managed to measure up to me in any aspect.

    This post has so much fucking cringe Holy actual shit you can never take this post back

    On topic I found those pictures of Mark I was lookin for
  14. kamikaze pimp
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  15. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    Ytter_man died in a super gangster way but it was at the beginning of zoklet and there were already a bunch of other memorials but fuck it we can include his gangster ass
  16. DontTellEm Black Hole
    Casper inherits the money tho :)
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  17. Originally posted by frala Nigger you still scan the obits for Hydro. Don’t talk to me about salty lol.

    Because someone in a memorial thread asked about her and she's an IV drug addict who is deathly sick, and I'm probably the only person left here who knows her real name? Don't jerk yourself off too hard thinking you're witty, was just trying to verify for the thread.

    Why don't you mind your own fucking business anyway you outsider? These are people this group knew for years that you know nothing about. Sit this one out and quit trying to be miss hot shit.
  18. Fucking psycho cunt
  19. Originally posted by Solstice What a salty bitch over some petty shit 😂
  20. Originally posted by Sudo Ytter_man died in a super gangster way but it was at the beginning of zoklet and there were already a bunch of other memorials but fuck it we can include his gangster ass

    Didn't he literally like rob a bank and die in a shootout?
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