I've been watching the sky for years. There are a lot of UFOs hiding in plain sight. I'm not sure if it's one kind of entity mimicking a bunch of different forms, or whether there are just lots of different types. From all the UFOs I've seen, they sure as hell don't seem like little green men in machines, they seem spiritual in nature. I have documented fake UFO birds, fake UFO airplanes, and cloud-like entities.
There is lots of good footage of them if you look hard enough. I have taken a LOT of videos and pictures of sky entities. Some of them may be demons, or even what the Islamic people call "Jinn."
i'd think that was pretty rad, the idea that two intelligent species are native to one planet would appeal to me greatly. if i was put in charge of the investigation i'd appoint someone who knew what the fuck they were actually doing, first and foremost.
also i think we shud launch tardigrades in every conceivable direction and seed life throughout the galaxy to the best of our ability. it's our duty.
Originally posted by Tyrant
They are actually usually drones or satellites or airplanes or helicopters but they are too far away to identify with what we have on hand
What the fuck are you on about you fucking spastic make believe cunt?
what if it turned out that the plasmoid consciousness was our true concsiousness and our bodies are just antennae conducting the plasmoid signal into a fleshy form, essentially making it impossible to colonize any other planets without a way to also colonize them with our plasmabodies