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Alcohol is the shit
2015-08-10 at 7:22 PM UTCEvan Williams, $17 a liter. Dump large amount over ice, gulp like water, attempt to forget how bad life sucks, repeat.
2020-11-28 at 5:37 AM UTCThe following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
2020-12-15 at 10:46 PM UTCAlcoholics are the superior junkie
2021-03-31 at 3:20 PM UTCJack Daniels is great. I like mead, too
2021-03-31 at 3:32 PM UTC
2021-07-21 at 8:11 PM UTCI like brandy
2021-07-23 at 1:13 PM UTCWhat a childlike thread.The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
2021-08-11 at 10 PM UTC
Originally posted by The Self Taught Man What kind of alcohol do you drinks, what brands do you like?
I just turned of age not long ago, I've been enjoying rum. So far admiral nelson's spice rum is the tastiest I've found. I am not too fond of white rum although it's better for mixed drinks, bacardi limon is really fucking good with any sort of juice but it's pretty faggy. I've not had too much experience with whiskeys yet that aren't absolute shit but I'm gonna give it a go next time I decide to buy a bottle probably. Not fond of beer, port wine is delicious though.
I don't because alcohol is objectively the worst intoxication ever. -
2021-12-31 at 9:13 PM UTC
2021-12-31 at 9:21 PM UTCIs alcohol more the shit...or the vomit?
2022-01-01 at 12:54 AM UTCI'm a big league drunk, love cocktails, just bought a shaker set
I like mostly import lager type beer, Sapporo and Stella Artois are my absolute top, A nice pilsner, Faxe 8%. Not a fan of light beer or 'iced' beers and I don't much care for IPA's but I love homebrew
I enjoy drinking gin straight up ice cold, dat elderberry aftertaste and there are a few cocktail options
Rum of all varieties are good, except spiced rum like Captain morgons I fucking hate that shit always have since I was a teenager, I think it's trash. I like a good rum like Appleton or Kraken
Tequila, Vodka I don't usually buy unless I make cocktails. Same with whiskey/rye these days but when I was a teenager I mainly drank Canadian Club Rye
Wine, I don't really give a shit. People always give me their wine, I just drink wahtever, fruit wines are good. I know how to make a good plum wine. I refuse to drink sherry anymore though, fuck that shit.
These days I mostly drink Jager, Jager + beer or some kind or cocktails. also I enjoy cider and moonshine. I hate fireball I think its GARBAGE -
2022-01-01 at 5:37 PM UTCI found 2 open almost full beers, 3 unopened tall boy beers & a light beer small can.
prettyhappy, i forgot i got all this alcohol when i was drunk drivin -
2022-01-01 at 5:37 PM UTCif i made hooch would you guys drink it
2022-01-01 at 5:38 PM UTC
2022-01-01 at 5:52 PM UTCmine's better than grey goose
2022-01-01 at 5:53 PM UTC
2022-01-01 at 6:01 PM UTCreally i've heard of that but personally can't agree
i like all liquors except the sticky sugary ones like shnapps and that hoe ass creme liquor shit like kaluha and that milk one they put in coffee, everything else, from brandies, to fleischman's gin, to shit my friends make in a still, to shit my friends make in a garbage bag in the vent
Only thing that i really really hate honestly is cream & things that are way too sweet. When somethings too sweet though, i just cut it with water before mixing my drinks & have done my best to stay away from shots. Oh and light beer, that shits gay as fuck too (but i do drink it) -
2022-01-01 at 6:02 PM UTC
Originally posted by Bradley if i made hooch would you guys drink it
I'll drink any home brew
My uncle bill makes home brew wine, my dad makes moonshine, HTS dad makes beer and wine. Everyone gives me their booze, I don't know why. I don't even consider myself that much of a drinker, just a retard that abuses substances.The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire! -
2022-01-01 at 6:02 PM UTCrumchata is fucking gay and disgusting and every man i know who drinks rumchata with other men eventually tries being the penetrative homosexual partner,
if I had to imagine the gayest person in the world it would be a tweaker who drinks rumchata and plays dress up in women's clothing from good will
I've known a few -
2022-01-01 at 6:03 PM UTCAlcohol sucks and is the cause of just about every fucking problem I've had in my life.
So glad I'm sober.