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Alcohol is the shit
2015-08-01 at 4:52 AM UTCWhat kind of alcohol do you drinks, what brands do you like?
I just turned of age not long ago, I've been enjoying rum. So far admiral nelson's spice rum is the tastiest I've found. I am not too fond of white rum although it's better for mixed drinks, bacardi limon is really fucking good with any sort of juice but it's pretty faggy. I've not had too much experience with whiskeys yet that aren't absolute shit but I'm gonna give it a go next time I decide to buy a bottle probably. Not fond of beer, port wine is delicious though. -
2015-08-01 at 5:22 AM UTCRed bull with Grey Goose
2015-08-01 at 5:30 AM UTCYee blood, alcohol is dope as fuck. Grats on turning 21 (or whatever, do any states have a under-21 drinking age anymore?). Don't overdo it too often, my first love in booze was dark rum but I had this experience where for some reason I drank until I passed out and woke up hung over a fuck and threw up every night for a week shortly after turning 21 and I still can't drink dark rum almost a year later.
My advice is to try and find a cheap red wine you like. Hard to find a cheaper drunk than red wine. Probably don't want to drink it all night long but it's good for maintaining a solid buzz after harder drinks. Gin and tonic is way better than you think it is, has a weird reputation but it's a fan-fucking-tastic drink. Every whiskey you can afford that isn't shit is going to either be Jameson (try it, I think it's shitty but form your own opinion) or a bourbon (Jack is very different than most bourbons you'll taste, just fyi. Drink snobs shit on JD from dusk to dawn. I don't really like it, but fuck people who are too good for a drink). Old Crow and Evan Williams are my recs in that department.
Try a vodka but be sure you've given other stuff an earnest try before deciding it's your liquor. It's another thing booze aficionados shit on but I honestly tend to agree. When you haven't drunk enough to tell alcohol-burn from taste vodka will seem pretty good in that it gets you fucked up with a minimum of fucking around but I think if it's the only thing you're drinking you're really missing out (and people who drink vodka with any regularity usually only drink vodka). There's a lot more enjoyment to be had from even shitty whiskeys and wines than there is from nice vodka IMO. -
2015-08-01 at 6:06 AM UTC
My advice is to try and find a cheap red wine you like. Hard to find a cheaper drunk than red wine. Probably don't want to drink it all night long but it's good for maintaining a solid buzz after harder drinks.
(and people who drink vodka with any regularity usually only drink vodka). IMO.
Red wine makes me puke EVERY SINGLE TIME. No joke... Grey goose is the shit. You can't find a smoother vodka. Only vodka I ever drink
2015-08-01 at 6:24 AM UTCGHBcohol is the tastiest and most pleasant I've had, I'd highly recommend trying it out, it's so easy. Standard alcohol feels like shit to me, it's an awful drug. Genetic variation effects drug response, something that most dullards seem to have never considered in their lives.
2015-08-01 at 7:02 AM UTC
Red wine makes me puke EVERY SINGLE TIME. No joke… Grey goose is the shit. You can't find a smoother vodka. Only vodka I ever drink
Grey goose is way too expensive for just being smooth. If you're dead set on a vodka, pick up some absolut and pick like the citrus kind (or another flavor, but citrus is best IMO) if you want smooth. For less than half the price you can get smooth plus a good taste in a bourbon. If you want something you can drink fast go for one of the honey/bourbon things. Evan Williams' honey offering is tasty as fuck if you like sweet drinks and 70 proof to boot although it's a little too sweet for my tastes (give it a shot tho, if you like GG you'll probs like this stuff). If you want something you can drink straight but don't want to man up and learn to love whiskey then an 80 proof gin will go down a lot like vodka except less burny and actually taste good (if you pick the right gin (gordon's 4 lyfe, but there are prolly better choices if you're not mixing it)).GHBcohol is the tastiest and most pleasant I've had, I'd highly recommend trying it out, it's so easy. Standard alcohol feels like shit to me, it's an awful drug. Genetic variation effects drug response, something that most dullards seem to have never considered in their lives.
Fair enough. I remember you trash talked my beloved booze last time you brought it up as a pleb drug but genetic or even environmental differences could account for a lot of the difference in enjoyment. Your last post in TRT was actually inconclusive about your GHB brewing experiment, you said you'd try again. Have you? What was the outcome? If it's not too involved I'd be down to do a DIY. Shrooms are probs on the backburner until I can get in contact with someone I know has a good line on reliable spores (a few months away), so GHB could be something interesting to keep in my closet until then. -
2015-08-01 at 7:31 AM UTC
GHBcohol is the tastiest and most pleasant I've had, I'd highly recommend trying it out, it's so easy. Standard alcohol feels like shit to me, it's an awful drug. Genetic variation effects drug response, something that most dullards seem to have never considered in their lives.
Me and my x did GHB one night. I was sober when we started dosing, but she had already been drinking alcohol. Right after she dosed, she passed out and started going into convulsions. Me and a friend had to rush her to the hospital. We pulled up and she was immediately rushed into emergency. We parked my car. As soon as I walked back to the emergency room I passed out right in front of some paramedics.. Next thing I knew I was on a stretcher myself. I lost consciousness again while being rolled into the ER. When I woke up my ex was already awake standing over me crying. She had a knot on her forehead the size of a golf ball. I was so fucked up while I was carrying her to my car she slipped from my hands and hit the concrete..lol. A nurse came in and lectured us about the dangers of GHB. Telling us how many people she'd seen die from GHB overdoses. That was the last time i did that shit. -
2015-08-01 at 7:41 AM UTC
Grey goose is way too expensive for just being smooth. If you're dead set on a vodka, pick up some absolut and pick like the citrus kind (or another flavor, but citrus is best IMO) if you want smooth. For less than half the price you can get smooth plus a good taste in a bourbon. If you want something you can drink fast go for one of the honey/bourbon things. Evan Williams' honey offering is tasty as fuck if you like sweet drinks and 70 proof to boot although it's a little too sweet for my tastes (give it a shot tho, if you like GG you'll probs like this stuff). If you want something you can drink straight but don't want to man up and learn to love whiskey then an 80 proof gin will go down a lot like vodka except less burny and actually taste good (if you pick the right gin (gordon's 4 lyfe, but there are prolly better choices if you're not mixing it)).
To tell you the truth I'm not much of a drinker. Only when I'm speeded up. Like right now..:D It's either goose or johnie walker red. Can't remember last time I bought something different. Right now I've been pounding some Heinekens.
2015-08-01 at 7:46 AM UTC
Me and my x did GHB one night. I was sober when we started dosing, but she had already been drinking alcohol. Right after she dosed, she passed out and started going into convulsions. Me and a friend had to rush her to the hospital. When we pulled up she was immediately rushed into emergency. Then we parked my car. As soon as I walked back to the emergency room doors I passed out right in front of some paramedics.. Next thing I knew I was on a stretcher myself. I lost consciousness again while being rolled into the ER, and when I woke up my ex was already awake standing over me crying. She had a knot on her forehead the size of a golf ball. I was so fucked up while I was carrying her to my car she slipped from my hands and hit the concrete..lol. A nurse came in and lectured us about the dangers of GHB. Telling us how many people she'd seen die on GHB overdoses. That was the last time i did that shit.
Alright, now what went wrong in this scenario?
2015-08-01 at 7:55 AM UTCNot supposed to mix it with alcohol, right? This was years ago and I've only did it a total of maybe 5 times. I've also heard it's hit females differently. Is that true? The few times I did it always made me feel like I was drunk and on x..Thats the best way to describe it.
2015-08-01 at 7:56 AM UTC
Alright, now what went wrong in this scenario?
Not supposed to mix it with alcohol, right? This was years ago and I've only did it a total of maybe 5 times. I've also heard it hits females differently. Is that true? The few times I did it always made me feel like I was drunk and on x..Thats the best way to describe it. -
2015-08-01 at 3:24 PM UTCMeh i'm not really a fan of alcohol but when i do drink it i like to keep it classy.
It's like Southern Comfort but over 9000 times better.
Armagnac is tasty as fuck as well. It's some typa Cognac.
And i have been known to enjoy some Heineken or Warsteiner beer. But i usually drink hard likkah if anything.
Bacardi is alright for mixing. -
2015-08-01 at 5:07 PM UTCseeing §m£ÂgØL shitty is funny. I like jameson as far as liquor goes, but I don't drink it often. My favorite brew is probably shiner black.
2015-08-01 at 5:47 PM UTCShiner anything. haven't tried the prickly pear yet though.
2015-08-01 at 5:51 PM UTC
Fair enough. I remember you trash talked my beloved booze last time you brought it up as a pleb drug but genetic or even environmental differences could account for a lot of the difference in enjoyment. Your last post in TRT was actually inconclusive about your GHB brewing experiment, you said you'd try again. Have you? What was the outcome? If it's not too involved I'd be down to do a DIY. Shrooms are probs on the backburner until I can get in contact with someone I know has a good line on reliable spores (a few months away), so GHB could be something interesting to keep in my closet until then.
I don't recall saying it was inconclusive, I may have mentioned that it hadn't been verified, but later found that it had a few months ago: https://www.reddit.com/r/Drugs/comments/2zwt6d/ghb_via_fermentation_analyzed/
Also plan to continue testing various methods to find the optimal one. Reading about secondary fermentation and bottom vs. top fermenting yeasts, how some can continue the process for much longer and begin to beak down more complex sugars, I'm going to try ale yeast with 10g MSG per liter left for at least two weeks, one for a month, and see if there's a noticeable difference.
It's extremely easy, I outlined the process before, it's just like homebrewing cheap liquor from sugar water except you add MSG as well.Not supposed to mix it with alcohol, right? This was years ago and I've only did it a total of maybe 5 times. I've also heard it hits females differently. Is that true? The few times I did it always made me feel like I was drunk and on x..Thats the best way to describe it.
Also, concentrations, they can vary drastically per batch, such as 10 fold, which may have been the main factor, along with impurities, which is why I'd highly recommend a reputable darknet vendor, along with proper measurement, a syringe with millimeter measurements, not "caps". -
2015-08-01 at 6:46 PM UTC
Shiner anything. haven't tried the prickly pear yet though.
meh its alright. I'm not into the fruity flavors that much, but at least they aren't overtly -
2015-08-02 at 5:56 AM UTC
… If you're dead set on a vodka, pick up some absolut and pick like the citrus kind (or another flavor, but citrus is best IMO) if you want smooth
took ur advise and got a bottle of absolutt citron...Doin the pineapple/orannge/addie's mix...
2015-08-02 at 6:32 AM UTCSkyy vodka is pretty smooth and is a great price.
2015-08-03 at 7:38 PM UTCBud Light
2015-08-08 at 8:27 AM UTCI buy alcohol from the store where I work. Accounting for the employee discount, I've learned that, after downgrading in brand, I can get 750mL for a price that implicitly advertises "buy 16, get 2 free" and I have no problem meeting my end of this arrangement. Still, working full time for their regime I feel that a just labor policy would see that I'm compensated with as much as I need provided that my work performance doesn't suffer.