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I got my Covid Booster 101f temp

  1. Quick Mix Ready Dark Matter [jealously defalcate my upanishad]
    Let me explain my last post. it's a bit gnarly-afied

    dont feel like editing it. Umm.. Apparently there was a second variant of Mono in the mid-late 1990s. like 1997. it was a more rare version that had started showing up in mainly colleges (because of the kissing disease) however its not always transferred by kissing or sex. it can be caught by someone sneezing in an elevator.

    I have no fucking clue on how I got it. My late wife at the time never got sick. but it was killing college students with Encephalitis, meningitis or whatever the brain infection disease is called.

    it was the more deadly EBV variant. I remember freaking out I might get a fucking brain infection and heard it's really fucking painful and a shitty way to die. I was getting fucked up migraine headaches. I barely got headaches most of my life with the exception of less pain and more light sensitivity and tunnel vision type of migraine. this was hardcore HEAD-ACHE. Like I couldn't sleep for days but wanted to sleep so bad.

    You don't know how fucking bad this shit was. I never recooped from it. Although I still believe that days before, a tick was piercing into my belly fat. I woke up with the sheets, blanket and pillow cases off of the bed and my then wife standing over me.. I was like "how did you remove everything" and she said "I just pulled everything off of your fat ass. btw, You have a tick on your stomach. and walked out to go wash the sheets and pillow cases. and my shirt and pants I had on. she stipped me down and I didn't wake up.

    She then came back in and removed the head of the tick that broke off. about 3-4 days later I got so fucking sick.

    I read that back then, the method of testing for Mono was the exact same as for testing Lime disease. (or is it Lyme disease?)
    we had shitloads on our dog, but they were the grosser kind that looked like white maggots. bigger bodies, probably pregnant females. but the one I had looked like a bed bug or a ladybug.

    I think I typed this story out already. anyways the "Blood wash" method? anyone here a lab worker? confirm this story. they did this flesh blood wash. they ran blood over a piece of flesh they take from the back of your throat and check for some positive reaction and then base their finding on your symptoms of what disease it was. And Mono was moving its way around. however, so was Lime disease. there was an outbreak and I believe it was a fairly new thing to the west coast. started in New York or some shit.

    so the same positive or "Reactive" status would of been done for Lime Disease as well. this was a preliminary test. so a second form of test which is expensive and most doctors on an HMO plan would not request it. they would say Mono or Lime disease.. it doesnt matter. we'll just keep an eye on you. Well I was fucking sick for almost an entire year. went from 220 pounds back then to 168 pounds. which is the weight I was in 9th grade.

    got down to a 30 size waistline. I was a 36 less than a year before that.

    I want to know if a person can check to see if they ever had Lime disease even a quarter of a century earlier. is it possible with modern science? is there a marker for someone who had Lime Disease or is it still based on symtomatic results of being explosed and symptoms and not a real test?

    Please answer me or look it up. I can't find shit on it. I want to know If I ever had Lime disease and if so, if it really was a lab created virus that the conspiracy nuts claim. I have been sleepy and depressed ever since I got the disease. I was so full of energy prior to that. loved life. was getting good at playing synths and composing music by ear. layer sound tracks on a crappy analoge tape cassette.

    Im bored af right now. I need sex. Gigi can't because of a surgery she got. So don't think I would cheat on her. Im not a pig.

    But Im not married either.

    call me a piece of shit. I care little. I was a good man

    why am I still talking at you. stop reading this if you don't approve.

    Heil Hitler or some shit you nazi faggots
  2. Bradley Florida Man
    Originally posted by Quick Mix Ready Let me explain my last post. it's a bit gnarly-afied

    dont feel like editing it. Umm.. Apparently there was a second variant of Mono in the mid-late 1990s. like 1997. it was a more rare version that had started showing up in mainly colleges (because of the kissing disease) however its not always transferred by kissing or sex. it can be caught by someone sneezing in an elevator.

    I have no fucking clue on how I got it. My late wife at the time never got sick. but it was killing college students with Encephalitis, meningitis or whatever the brain infection disease is called.

    it was the more deadly EBV variant. I remember freaking out I might get a fucking brain infection and heard it's really fucking painful and a shitty way to die. I was getting fucked up migraine headaches. I barely got headaches most of my life with the exception of less pain and more light sensitivity and tunnel vision type of migraine. this was hardcore HEAD-ACHE. Like I couldn't sleep for days but wanted to sleep so bad.

    You don't know how fucking bad this shit was. I never recooped from it. Although I still believe that days before, a tick was piercing into my belly fat. I woke up with the sheets, blanket and pillow cases off of the bed and my then wife standing over me.. I was like "how did you remove everything" and she said "I just pulled everything off of your fat ass. btw, You have a tick on your stomach. and walked out to go wash the sheets and pillow cases. and my shirt and pants I had on. she stipped me down and I didn't wake up.

    She then came back in and removed the head of the tick that broke off. about 3-4 days later I got so fucking sick.

    I read that back then, the method of testing for Mono was the exact same as for testing Lime disease. (or is it Lyme disease?)
    we had shitloads on our dog, but they were the grosser kind that looked like white maggots. bigger bodies, probably pregnant females. but the one I had looked like a bed bug or a ladybug.

    I think I typed this story out already. anyways the "Blood wash" method? anyone here a lab worker? confirm this story. they did this flesh blood wash. they ran blood over a piece of flesh they take from the back of your throat and check for some positive reaction and then base their finding on your symptoms of what disease it was. And Mono was moving its way around. however, so was Lime disease. there was an outbreak and I believe it was a fairly new thing to the west coast. started in New York or some shit.

    so the same positive or "Reactive" status would of been done for Lime Disease as well. this was a preliminary test. so a second form of test which is expensive and most doctors on an HMO plan would not request it. they would say Mono or Lime disease.. it doesnt matter. we'll just keep an eye on you. Well I was fucking sick for almost an entire year. went from 220 pounds back then to 168 pounds. which is the weight I was in 9th grade.

    got down to a 30 size waistline. I was a 36 less than a year before that.

    I want to know if a person can check to see if they ever had Lime disease even a quarter of a century earlier. is it possible with modern science? is there a marker for someone who had Lime Disease or is it still based on symtomatic results of being explosed and symptoms and not a real test?

    Please answer me or look it up. I can't find shit on it. I want to know If I ever had Lime disease and if so, if it really was a lab created virus that the conspiracy nuts claim. I have been sleepy and depressed ever since I got the disease. I was so full of energy prior to that. loved life. was getting good at playing synths and composing music by ear. layer sound tracks on a crappy analoge tape cassette.

    Im bored af right now. I need sex. Gigi can't because of a surgery she got. So don't think I would cheat on her. Im not a pig.

    But Im not married either.

    call me a piece of shit. I care little. I was a good man

    why am I still talking at you. stop reading this if you don't approve.

    Heil Hitler or some shit you nazi faggots

    Why can't you masturbate and nut on her face even if she had surgury.

    What kinda surgury prvents you from giving head?

    Don't you massage your dying girlfriend gigi while you wank?

    Gigi is the name of the half animal half primate beings the Annunaki to start the cold mining process.
  3. Quick Mix Ready Dark Matter [jealously defalcate my upanishad]
    Originally posted by Bradley Why can't you masturbate and nut on her face even if she had surgury.

    What kinda surgury prvents you from giving head?

    Don't you massage your dying girlfriend gigi while you wank?

    Gigi is the name of the half animal half primate beings the Annunaki to start the cold mining process.

    Why you insensitive piece of fucking shit.

    This is why I wont give you my number. You're a real heartless cunt. respect your elders.
  4. Bradley Florida Man
    Originally posted by Quick Mix Ready Why you insensitive piece of fucking shit.

    This is why I wont give you my number. You're a real heartless cunt. respect your elders.

    I'm telling you to have sex with your mentally disabled and physically damaged fat girlfriend so you have a better life and you take it as me not respecting my elders?

    Are you too fat to fuck or is she or something?


    also she is named after the annunaki slave race and you know it which is why you didn't refute it.

    The first time you hear my irl voice you now won't ever recognize it. You fucked up buddo
  5. Quick Mix Ready Dark Matter [jealously defalcate my upanishad]
    You're a wack job. You are fucking the weirdest mother fucker I have met online. You're so methed out and animated when you talked to me in tinychat (or whatever steam we were one at the time)

    telling me to move a little closer to the camera and then prntscrn me by having me move in a certain direction which showed my fat neck which is not that bad when standing normally.

    I take Thyroid meds. I had a goiter for years. my adams apple was enlarged when I had Hyperthyroidism before it became HYPOthyroidism

    I have cutting way back on fatty foods and anything with sugar in it.

    I used to work out and I developed a strong muscular neck lifting barbells over my head. this is why it got flabby as well as the thyroid issue.

    I been picked on about it for years. Even my own Pulminologist told me to use a towel and pull up on my jawline while opening and closing my mouth to firm the flabby neck. however My neck wont get smaller. its like your skull. if you gain a shitload of weight but then lose a shitload, your head is still fat and massive. look at the Weather Guy Al Roker. WTF.

    Another good example is another Al, Rev. Al Sharpton.

    You cant lose that once you gained it. everything else will shrink to highschool days. if you were thing in highschool.

    most of you MOON PERSONs are like 30 percent heavier than teens in the 1980s. When you guys were teens in the late 90s or Early 2k most of you were sick and out of shape af.

    why is that? Blame the Boomers

    Im tired. Didn't sleep last night. Fuck you and have a nice morning
  6. Head of the WHO comes out yesterday to say countries are "using boosters to kill kids". The sheeple continue to chew their cuds and stare blankly.
  7. Quick Mix Ready Dark Matter [jealously defalcate my upanishad]
    and just to show I wasn't picking on Black men name Al, Look at Drew Carrey. he's another example of Fat guys with massive head-Syndrom after losing a shitload of weight.

    However He is a pretty good Game Host on the Price is Right. I didn't like him at first cause Bob Barker ran it for 4 fucking decades or whatever.

    But when fat people lose weight, they're not funny anymore. they want to be "Normal" people because they don't have to compensate their annoying fatness by being funny and acceptable by the beautiful people.

    Fuck the Beautiful People. they don't belong on NIS
  8. Quick Mix Ready Dark Matter [jealously defalcate my upanishad]
    Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Head of the WHO comes out yesterday to say countries are "using boosters to kill kids". The sheeple continue to chew their cuds and stare blankly.

    OK wacko. Source or it never happened. No, Not Source. Reputable Source.
  9. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition

    it's a part of the Emergency Use Authorisation Agreement, specifically the PREP declaration

    The declaration provides immunity from liability (except for willful misconduct) for claims:

    of loss caused, arising out of, relating to, or resulting from administration or use of countermeasures to diseases, threats and conditions
    determined by the Secretary to constitute a present, or credible risk of a future public health emergency
    to entities and individuals involved in the development, manufacture, testing, distribution, administration, and use of such countermeasures

    basically it's up to you to prove they wilfully did the wrong thing, and good luck with that

    oxy never got an EUA or a PREP declaration
  10. Originally posted by Quick Mix Ready OK wacko. Source or it never happened. No, Not Source. Reputable Source.

    How about straight from the horse's mouth?
  11. Quick Mix Ready Dark Matter [jealously defalcate my upanishad]
    Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀

    Dude, you're taking it out of context. he's saying the risk is too fucking high. not purpoasly doing this to kill children

    I was saying this shit 2 years ago. I said Why not put all 65 and above in Hotels, isolate all of them and give them the booster shots when they find one. let the rest of the people burn through it.

    but then 30 year olds, 40, 50 and then 20 and teens and kids all started dying with different strains then variants.

    so shrug. we may have delayed the disease by going back and forth with mask mandates. and not doing shit for the first 6-8 months
  12. Originally posted by Quick Mix Ready Dude, you're taking it out of context. he's saying the risk is too fucking high. not purpoasly doing this to kill children

    I was saying this shit 2 years ago. I said Why not put all 65 and above in Hotels, isolate all of them and give them the booster shots when they find one. let the rest of the people burn through it.

    but then 30 year olds, 40, 50 and then 20 and teens and kids all started dying with different strains then variants.

    so shrug. we may have delayed the disease by going back and forth with mask mandates. and not doing shit for the first 6-8 months

    You do realize that a noble effort that kills kids is the same result as intentionally killing kids, don't you?
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  13. Quick Mix Ready Dark Matter [jealously defalcate my upanishad]
    Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ How about straight from the horse's mouth?

    Again, you take his words and put it in a more negative conotation. He was saying the risk are too high for children. Many have died. or enough of them to not find benefits in giving the vaccine to children under a certain age.

    you make it sound like there was a plan to murder kids. as to thin the herd out a bit. I mean come on.
  14. The New World Order is killing the very young and the very old, in plain sight. They call these "eaters", because they take more from society than they provide. The best slaves are those between 20-40 years of age, the rest can be eliminated. That's the plan. That's what they are doing right now.
  15. Quick Mix Ready Dark Matter [jealously defalcate my upanishad]
    Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ You do realize that a noble effort that kills kids is the same result as intentionally killing kids, don't you?

    Wow, You're really fucking wacked out.

    No. Not at all. they tried to do their best. but the amount of children or the youngest age group of y to x might have fewer deaths by letting the virus burn through rather than give them doses of the jab and find a percentage is higher in deaths from adverse reactions.

    But their heart was in the right place. Do you really believe every doctor in the world has become so demonic as to push for this to thin the population out?

    I believe there are some qwaks out there or Dr-Evil types but a fraction of a fraction of a fraction of 1 percent globally.

    most doctor honor their oath to save lives and not destroy them.
  16. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ You do realize that a noble effort that kills kids is the same result as intentionally killing kids, don't you?

    it doesn't make sense on any level; they're putting childrens' health at risk for no reason other than to look like they're doing something.

    Children without serious underlying conditions almost never see complications from COVID, and because the 'vaccines' don't prevent infection or spread they cannot stop children from catching the virus and spreading it to vulnerable family members. 'vaccinating' children serves no purpose, but studies have shown that boys specifically are around 10x more likely to see serious cardiopulmonary issues as a result of vaccination as they are to see complications from the virus itself.

    it's sick.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  17. Originally posted by Quick Mix Ready No. Not at all. they tried to do their best.

    Prove it. They know the chances of a child dying of Covid are about 0.0001%, and they know their chances of dying of an untested concoction are 10,000 times more than dying of Covid. Therefore, the deaths are nothing but intentional.
  18. Quick Mix Ready Dark Matter [jealously defalcate my upanishad]
    Yes, SpectraL I too believe in a form of an elitist "Illuminati" type out there. and a percentage of them are Doctors. and Money and Power is very important to them. and I bet other Doctors look at them with discontent and unprofessional but the majority of Government isn't that evil. Bush, Cheney, Powel, Rice, Hilary and Bill. sure. other nation leaders like Saudi Arabia with 0 tolerance of speaking out against the king. 0 Civil rights in Saudi Arabia. the turning of heads to Saudi Arabs writing checks to house the terrorist who attacked the US (probably aided by AI onboard in case they failed to glide the planes properly.. which is nearly impossible. But I digress.

    Without a doubt certain Fraternities (not college) of well known lodges. Bohemian types.. whatever

    but you act as if the entire medical field globally is in on thinning out the human population. if they do. it will be the next generation. by encouraging people not to bring more than 1 baby into the world. a volunteer 1 baby policy and not forced like Chinese. or some other method. but not kill existing people.

    if so, let me off this ride right now. Im done
  19. Bradley Florida Man
    Originally posted by Quick Mix Ready You're a wack job. You are fucking the weirdest mother fucker I have met online. You're so methed out and animated when you talked to me in tinychat (or whatever steam we were one at the time)

    telling me to move a little closer to the camera and then prntscrn me by having me move in a certain direction which showed my fat neck which is not that bad when standing normally.

    I take Thyroid meds. I had a goiter for years. my adams apple was enlarged when I had Hyperthyroidism before it became HYPOthyroidism

    I have cutting way back on fatty foods and anything with sugar in it.

    I used to work out and I developed a strong muscular neck lifting barbells over my head. this is why it got flabby as well as the thyroid issue.

    I been picked on about it for years. Even my own Pulminologist told me to use a towel and pull up on my jawline while opening and closing my mouth to firm the flabby neck. however My neck wont get smaller. its like your skull. if you gain a shitload of weight but then lose a shitload, your head is still fat and massive. look at the Weather Guy Al Roker. WTF.

    Another good example is another Al, Rev. Al Sharpton.

    You cant lose that once you gained it. everything else will shrink to highschool days. if you were thing in highschool.

    most of you MOON PERSONs are like 30 percent heavier than teens in the 1980s. When you guys were teens in the late 90s or Early 2k most of you were sick and out of shape af.

    why is that? Blame the Boomers

    Im tired. Didn't sleep last night. Fuck you and have a nice morning

    Dude you have one of the fattest necks i've ever seen. You don't go from having an overworked thyroid, taking tons of pills and molesting kids as the cub scout leader, do 20 years and prison nd tell me ur fat fucking neck isn't from weighted balls smacking your chin

    also do you use your cell phone for calls to the SOcil Security Administration Paul
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