2021-11-28 at 5:07 AM UTC
When I drink alcohol over the last year, I've noticed every now and then that I get flashes of anger that are so pronounced and make me say vile things to my loved ones. This often causes a build up of tension that eventually turns into the end of a lot of my relationships.
I previously went from 27 December 2015 - 2019 Spring, I started drinking wheni went through a break up.
Anyway, I need to get sober and get used to taking my medications on time, regularly. I thnk a lot of my anger stems from not reliably taking my anti depressant 150mg Venlafaxine. My body is all swollen and hurts so much. I need to get my shit together to be a good son.
2021-11-28 at 6:24 AM UTC
nah it's not that important just chill out
2021-11-28 at 1:11 PM UTC
real men learn how to cope with alcohols sloshing in their brains.
2021-11-28 at 1:29 PM UTC
whats wrong with coffee???
2021-11-28 at 1:40 PM UTC
turn around and run back into it again