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THE MAGA PARTY!,,, the GOP is dead, republicans are going down with the dems,, get ready for THE MAGA PARTY lefty's

  1. stl1 Cum Lickin' Fagit
    Originally posted by stl1 Once again, you are incorrect, and I quote:

    "Rep. Ronny Jackson (R-TX), a former White House physician"

    First, he is a Representative.

    Second, he is a Republican Representative.

    Third, he formerly worked in the White House and no longer does. If he still has his license, it should be stripped from him for making a diagnosis without having ever tested.

    Haven't you tired yet of having your ass handed to you, Speculum?
  2. Originally posted by stl1 Once again, you are incorrect, and I quote:

    "Rep. Ronny Jackson (R-TX), a former White House physician"

    First, he is a Representative.

    Second, he is a Republican Representative.

    Third, he formerly worked in the White House and no longer does. If he still has his license, it should be stripped from him for making a diagnosis without having ever tested.

    Haven't you tired yet of having your ass handed to you, Speculum?

    Don't you have a fake and failed Russian hoax to attend to?

    By the way, Igor and Olga would like a word with you.
  3. stl1 Cum Lickin' Fagit
    Talking about mental illness...

  4. Originally posted by stl1 More babble…

    Four long years of your Russia hoax, day and night, seven days a week, 365 days a year. No apology. No remorse. No shame.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  5. stl1 Cum Lickin' Fagit
    If you watch my above video, you can see Rump begging Russia to find Hillary Clinton's e-mails.
  6. Originally posted by stl1 If you watch my above video, you can see Rump begging Russia to find Hillary Clinton's e-mails.

    It was just a joke. You know that, but you're way too dishonest and crooked to admit it. You treasonous commies have zero sense of humor.
  7. stl1 Cum Lickin' Fagit
    Still not sick and tired of getting your ass handed to you, eh?

  8. stl1 Cum Lickin' Fagit
    ABC News
    Alex Jones found liable in Sandy Hook defamation lawsuit

    Controversial radio and TV personality Alex Jones was found liable Monday for damages in a lawsuit brought by the parents of Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting victims.

    Judge Barbara Bellis found Jones liable for damages by default because Jones and his companies, like Infowars, showed "callous disregard" for the rules of discovery. She previously faulted the Infowars host for failing to comply with requests for documents and other procedures.

    The ruling sends the case to a jury to award the families damages without a civil trial. It is legal a victory for eight parents of Newtown victims who sued Jones for defamation after he called the elementary school shooting massacre a hoax.

    The plaintiffs earlier alleged a "yearslong campaign of abusive and outrageous false statements in which Jones and the other defendants have developed, amplified and perpetuated claims that the Sandy Hook massacre was staged and that the 26 families who lost loved ones that day are paid actors who faked their relative's deaths."

    The judge agreed with the families that Jones, Infowars and his other companies failed to turn over documents to the families that they would need to prove their case, as required by law.

    "The defendants were ordered to produce the documents," Bellis said during Monday's hearing, which was conducted remotely. "Discovery is not supposed to be a guessing game. What the Jones defendants have produced by way of analytics is not even remotely full and fair compliance."

    Jones was similarly defaulted in Texas for failing to turn over documents.

    The U.S. Supreme Court had declined to take up a petition from Jones earlier in April, who had challenged legal sanctions imposed on him by a court in Connecticut.

    "This callous disregard of their obligations to fully and fairly comply with discovery and court orders on its own merits a default against the Jones defendants," Bellis said.

    "While the families are grateful for the Court's ruling, they remain focused on uncovering the truth. As the Court noted, Alex Jones and his companies have deliberately concealed evidence of the relationship between what they publish and how they make money," Chris Mattei of Koskoff, Koskoff & Bieder, which represents the eight families suing Jones, said.

    "Mr. Jones was given every opportunity to comply but, when he chose instead to withhold evidence for more than two years, the Court was left with no choice but to rule as it did today. While today's ruling is a legal victory, the battle to shed light on how deeply Mr. Jones has harmed these families continues," Mattei said.

    The judge in Connecticut will hold a hearing in August to determine how much Jones will have to pay in damages.

    Twenty children and six staff members died in the Dec. 14, 2012, shooting at the Newtown, Connecticut, school at the hands of gunman Adam Lanza.
  9. Originally posted by stl1 ABC News
    Alex Jones found liable in Sandy Hook defamation lawsuit

    Controversial radio and TV personality Alex Jones was found liable Monday for damages in a lawsuit brought by the parents of Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting victims.

    Judge Barbara Bellis found Jones liable for damages by default because Jones and his companies, like Infowars, showed "callous disregard" for the rules of discovery. She previously faulted the Infowars host for failing to comply with requests for documents and other procedures.

    The ruling sends the case to a jury to award the families damages without a civil trial. It is legal a victory for eight parents of Newtown victims who sued Jones for defamation after he called the elementary school shooting massacre a hoax.

    The plaintiffs earlier alleged a "yearslong campaign of abusive and outrageous false statements in which Jones and the other defendants have developed, amplified and perpetuated claims that the Sandy Hook massacre was staged and that the 26 families who lost loved ones that day are paid actors who faked their relative's deaths."

    The judge agreed with the families that Jones, Infowars and his other companies failed to turn over documents to the families that they would need to prove their case, as required by law.

    "The defendants were ordered to produce the documents," Bellis said during Monday's hearing, which was conducted remotely. "Discovery is not supposed to be a guessing game. What the Jones defendants have produced by way of analytics is not even remotely full and fair compliance."

    Jones was similarly defaulted in Texas for failing to turn over documents.

    The U.S. Supreme Court had declined to take up a petition from Jones earlier in April, who had challenged legal sanctions imposed on him by a court in Connecticut.

    "This callous disregard of their obligations to fully and fairly comply with discovery and court orders on its own merits a default against the Jones defendants," Bellis said.

    "While the families are grateful for the Court's ruling, they remain focused on uncovering the truth. As the Court noted, Alex Jones and his companies have deliberately concealed evidence of the relationship between what they publish and how they make money," Chris Mattei of Koskoff, Koskoff & Bieder, which represents the eight families suing Jones, said.

    "Mr. Jones was given every opportunity to comply but, when he chose instead to withhold evidence for more than two years, the Court was left with no choice but to rule as it did today. While today's ruling is a legal victory, the battle to shed light on how deeply Mr. Jones has harmed these families continues," Mattei said.

    The judge in Connecticut will hold a hearing in August to determine how much Jones will have to pay in damages.

    Twenty children and six staff members died in the Dec. 14, 2012, shooting at the Newtown, Connecticut, school at the hands of gunman Adam Lanza.

  10. stl1 Cum Lickin' Fagit


    Here's the Reader's Digest condensed version:

    Alex Jones is a lying scumbag and is going to have to pay for his lies and inability to be able to back up his claims that he makes solely to enrich himself.

    I hope you didn't strain yourself reading a single sentence!
  11. Originally posted by stl1 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^


    Here's the Reader's Digest condensed version:

    Alex Jones is a lying scumbag and is going to have to pay for his lies and inability to be able to back up his claims that he makes solely to enrich himself.

    I hope you didn't strain yourself reading a single sentence!

    Alex Jones will soon be exonerated.
  12. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    Originally posted by stl1 ABC News
    Alex Jones found liable in Sandy Hook defamation lawsuit

    Controversial radio and TV personality Alex Jones was found liable Monday for damages in a lawsuit brought by the parents of Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting victims.

    Judge Barbara Bellis found Jones liable for damages by default because Jones and his companies, like Infowars, showed "callous disregard" for the rules of discovery. She previously faulted the Infowars host for failing to comply with requests for documents and other procedures.

    The ruling sends the case to a jury to award the families damages without a civil trial. It is legal a victory for eight parents of Newtown victims who sued Jones for defamation after he called the elementary school shooting massacre a hoax.

    The plaintiffs earlier alleged a "yearslong campaign of abusive and outrageous false statements in which Jones and the other defendants have developed, amplified and perpetuated claims that the Sandy Hook massacre was staged and that the 26 families who lost loved ones that day are paid actors who faked their relative's deaths."

    The judge agreed with the families that Jones, Infowars and his other companies failed to turn over documents to the families that they would need to prove their case, as required by law.

    "The defendants were ordered to produce the documents," Bellis said during Monday's hearing, which was conducted remotely. "Discovery is not supposed to be a guessing game. What the Jones defendants have produced by way of analytics is not even remotely full and fair compliance."

    Jones was similarly defaulted in Texas for failing to turn over documents.

    The U.S. Supreme Court had declined to take up a petition from Jones earlier in April, who had challenged legal sanctions imposed on him by a court in Connecticut.

    "This callous disregard of their obligations to fully and fairly comply with discovery and court orders on its own merits a default against the Jones defendants," Bellis said.

    "While the families are grateful for the Court's ruling, they remain focused on uncovering the truth. As the Court noted, Alex Jones and his companies have deliberately concealed evidence of the relationship between what they publish and how they make money," Chris Mattei of Koskoff, Koskoff & Bieder, which represents the eight families suing Jones, said.

    "Mr. Jones was given every opportunity to comply but, when he chose instead to withhold evidence for more than two years, the Court was left with no choice but to rule as it did today. While today's ruling is a legal victory, the battle to shed light on how deeply Mr. Jones has harmed these families continues," Mattei said.

    The judge in Connecticut will hold a hearing in August to determine how much Jones will have to pay in damages.

    Twenty children and six staff members died in the Dec. 14, 2012, shooting at the Newtown, Connecticut, school at the hands of gunman Adam Lanza.

    There was a time I thought it was a hoax of some kind too but I submit now it's just a really fucked and twisted thing. I saw some really convincing videos about someone named Nancy Haddad and the interior of the Lanzas home looked staged. Plus the pediatric mortician was super duper suspect. After they sued Alex Jones and looked like they were going to win I kinda thought otherwise, plus casting doubt on dead children is a a big tasteless gamble he clearly lost

    Alex Jones is a bretty kool gie but he's a bendover Israel cuck with Yid Kids who acknowledges he's just a caricature of himself at this point
  13. POLECAT POLECAT is a motherfucking ferret [my presentably immunised ammonification]
    nothing matters till we rectify the 2020 election
  14. Speedy Parker Black Hole
  15. POLECAT POLECAT is a motherfucking ferret [my presentably immunised ammonification]
    wasnt that the plan all along?,, let joe fuck it up then blame him for going senile but not be able to punish him cus he lost his mind ,,,

    get ready to a total breakdown of all internet and power folks
  16. Once the dems get too powerful the media turns on them, same thing with the reps.

    Don't trust me, look at history. It's like clockwork.
  17. POLECAT POLECAT is a motherfucking ferret [my presentably immunised ammonification]
    its still all ur fault doe
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  18. stl1 Cum Lickin' Fagit
    ABC News
    Trump allies pressed Defense Department to help overturn election, new book says

    In the aftermath of the 2020 election, some of Donald Trump's closest allies embarked on an unprecedented effort to get the Department of Defense to chase down outlandish voter fraud conspiracy theories in hopes of helping Trump retain power, ABC News Chief Washington Correspondent Jonathan Karl writes in his new book.

    In "Betrayal: The Final Act of the Trump Show," scheduled to be released today, Karl reports that former Trump national security adviser Michael Flynn and former Trump attorney Sidney Powell tried to enlist a Pentagon official to help overturn the election.

    According to the book, Flynn -- who had just received an unconditional pardon from President Trump after pleading guilty in 2017 to lying to the FBI during the Russia probe -- made a frantic phone call to a senior Trump intelligence official named Ezra Cohen (sometimes referred to as Ezra Cohen-Watnick), who previously worked under Flynn at both the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) and the National Security Council.

    "Where are you?" Flynn asked the DoD official, who said he was traveling in the Middle East.

    "Flynn told him to cut his trip short and get back to the United States immediately because there were big things about to happen," according to the book. Karl writes that Flynn told Cohen, "We need you," and told the DoD official that "there was going to be an epic showdown over the election results."

    Flynn, according to the book, urged Cohen that "he needed to get orders signed, that ballots needed to be seized, and that extraordinary measures needed to be taken to stop Democrats from stealing the election."

    "As Flynn ranted about the election fight, [Cohen] felt his old boss sounded manic," Karl writes in the book. "He didn't sound like the same guy he had worked for."

    "Sir, the election is over," Cohen told Flynn, according to the book. "It's time to move on."

    Flynn, according to Karl, fired back: "You're a quitter! This is not over! Don't be a quitter!"

    Karl writes that after a heated few minutes, Flynn hung up the phone -- and that was the last time the two men talked.

    "Betrayal" also reports that Sydney Powell, Flynn's former lawyer who was then advising President Trump, called Cohen shortly after the Flynn conversation and tried to enlist his help with one the most far-fetched claims about the election, involving then-CIA Director Gina Haspel.

    "Gina Haspel has been hurt and taken into custody in Germany," Powell told Cohen, pushing a false conspiracy theory that had been gaining steam among QAnon followers, according to the book. "You need to launch a special operations mission to get her," Powell said.

    Powell, according to the book, was pushing the outlandish claim that Haspel had been injured while on a secret CIA operation to seize an election-related computer server that belonged to a company named Scytl -- none of which was true.

    "The server, Powell claimed, contained evidence that hundreds of thousands, maybe millions, of votes had been switched using rigged voting machines. Powell believed Haspel had embarked on this secret mission to get the server and destroy the evidence -- in other words, the CIA director was part of the conspiracy," Karl writes.

    Powell wanted the Defense Department to send a special operations team over to Germany immediately: "They needed to get the server and force Haspel to confess," Karl writes.

    Cohen thought Powell sounded out of her mind, according to the book, and he quickly reported the call to the acting defense secretary.

    A CIA spokesperson subsequently debunked the claim, telling news outlets that "I’m happy to tell you that Director Haspel is alive and well and at the office.”

    Neither Powell nor Flynn responded to repeated requests for comment.
  19. Speedy Parker Black Hole
    Everything in books is always true
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