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Kyle Rittenhouse: Am I missing something?

  1. Fuck yeah hes gay he blew clean through 3 dudes and didnt bat an eyelash

    Rittenhouse for Folsom Street Fair grand marshall 2022
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  2. Its so fantastic that one pussy got half his arm blown off.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  3. Originally posted by General Butt.Naked The prosecution got fucking teabagged today. Defense got Giage Grosskreutz to admit he was only shot after he faked surrender and pointed the gun at rittenhouse.

    I wish i could fast forward through this whole gay farce to see all the buttmad when he gets acquitted and gets a brand deal with an AR15 manufacturer

    giga facepalm

    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  4. Speedy Parker Black Hole [my absentmindedly lachrymatory gazania]
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Dude has quite the mommas boy face doesn't he.

    He's twice the man you are
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  5. I absolutely love how many lefties are seething over this. They hate justice when it happens to fall in the favor of people who don't support or align with their causes, and even some of the dumbest among them can see clearly now that Kyle isn't going to go down for murder.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  6. Speedy Parker Black Hole [my absentmindedly lachrymatory gazania]
    When be is found not guilty will get a statue like the criminal George Floyd?
  7. Speedy Parker Black Hole [my absentmindedly lachrymatory gazania]
  8. Quick Mix Ready Dark Matter [jealously defalcate my upanishad]
    Originally posted by aldra retarded

    they tried to pretend they didn't understand the questions so they wouldn't have to answer, but eventually let slip they were moving cars between dealerships and claiming tax/insurance/whatever multiple times or something

    I haven't seen the video, just what other people have said, it's why I asked

    I was simply speculating without getting deep into looking at it. I watch most shit people post but I was just wondering if they pretended not to speak English (which I understood) but this would mean they couldn't sell cars legally if they couldn't convey to english customers which most Americans usually speak or have a translator. but usually, the fucking business owners or manager knows the first language.

    never mind. I'm feeling like shit. but I cant sleep. I'm wired and tired at the same time and the room is spinning. didn't sleep last night, slept the last 2 days straight. I guess I Finally caught up on sleep but I'm also feeling sick like I'm hung over and didn't drink yesterday
  9. Quick Mix Ready Dark Matter [jealously defalcate my upanishad]
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny giga facepalm

    is that the prosecutor or defense? Maybe he's laughing
  10. Speedy Parker Black Hole [my absentmindedly lachrymatory gazania]
    Originally posted by Quick Mix Ready is that the prosecutor or defense? Maybe he's laughing

    It is the prosecution.
  11. Quick Mix Ready Dark Matter [jealously defalcate my upanishad]
    haha didn't see the video just yet.

    WOW. I have never seen this before in any testimony in court tv. never. that's two people who just contradicted themselves and the Prosecutor needs an entire bottle of Advil relief.

    And Kyle is holding back smirks hard. He should be removed from the court room before his young ass fucks up and laughs and it backfires. His defense lawyer needs to ask that Kyle remain in hold or whatever they do when they don't want their client to be present.

    He could still get some time. for bringing a gun he shouldn't have had as an underage kid and firing it in city limits. but it will probably be 90 days or time spent and 3 years probation or 7 or whatever.

    also, he will be sued for shitloads of money. He's not walking free without regrets. this will scar his mind probably (if he has a soul) and will probably be paying off a lawsuit most of his life to come.

    but he can also get a book deal out of it and pay most of his lawsuit off with that.
  12. Quick Mix Ready Dark Matter [jealously defalcate my upanishad]
    Where is the photo of the Defense guy laughing with his head back. someone needs to do a side by side. that is kind of funny but a mockery of the court system too.

    still.. someone will have a collage of shit with memes galore.
  13. Speedy Parker Black Hole [my absentmindedly lachrymatory gazania]
    Originally posted by Quick Mix Ready haha didn't see the video just yet.

    WOW. I have never seen this before in any testimony in court tv. never. that's two people who just contradicted themselves and the Prosecutor needs an entire bottle of Advil relief.

    And Kyle is holding back smirks hard. He should be removed from the court room before his young ass fucks up and laughs and it backfires. His defense lawyer needs to ask that Kyle remain in hold or whatever they do when they don't want their client to be present.

    He could still get some time. for bringing a gun he shouldn't have had as an underage kid and firing it in city limits. but it will probably be 90 days or time spent and 3 years probation or 7 or whatever.

    also, he will be sued for shitloads of money. He's not walking free without regrets. this will scar his mind probably (if he has a soul) and will probably be paying off a lawsuit most of his life to come.

    but he can also get a book deal out of it and pay most of his lawsuit off with that.

    Be could easily counter sue and win.
  14. Quick Mix Ready Dark Matter [jealously defalcate my upanishad]
    BTW Im neutral. I dont think he should of been outside with a gun however he had the right to defend himself. and the other three were the aggressors (2?) who ran up on him. Skateboard guy Dead, This dude with a pistol (Why is he not in Jail?) and what looked to be a third dude ready to punch Kyle. of course he could have been running up to pull the other guy back.

    How come the guy with the blow forearm off isn't in Jail. or is he?
  15. Speedy Parker Black Hole [my absentmindedly lachrymatory gazania]
    Originally posted by Quick Mix Ready BTW Im neutral. I dont think he should of been outside with a gun however he had the right to defend himself. and the other three were the aggressors (2?) who ran up on him. Skateboard guy Dead, This dude with a pistol (Why is he not in Jail?) and what looked to be a third dude ready to punch Kyle. of course he could have been running up to pull the other guy back.

    How come the guy with the blow forearm off isn't in Jail. or is he?

    He was unlawfully carrying a concealed weapon and has not been charged.

    Wbat makes you think a person should not be outside with a gun?
  16. Quick Mix Ready Dark Matter [jealously defalcate my upanishad]
    Originally posted by Speedy Parker Be could easily counter sue and win.

    Yeah, maybe. Yes California is nucking futts of a state right now. but it looks like new laws passed by Supreme Court is in favor for Californians to start open carry again and maybe even make it easier for concealed weapons and hopefully "Stand your ground" laws become closer to that of Texas.

    If old Chinese women in Oakland and San Francisco start carrying concealed weapons legally, the hoodrats will think twice about robbing and beating them. and in some cases killing them. week after week in Oakland. its not whites with hate crime on Asians it's honestly mostly Blacks doing it or other Asians as an opportunity and not hate crime.

    I think Californians (mostly democrats) will start seeing a different light soon. guns don't kill people. evil people do. or stupid fucking parents who leave guns out for their children to find unlocked and preloaded.
  17. Originally posted by Speedy Parker Be could easily counter sue and win.

    If the person you are suing has no money then what do you win?

    Meanwhile there are a zillion rich jedis willing to work pro-bono for antifas, refugees, or anyone who makes life a little bit worse for whoever jedis identify as their ethnic identities.
  18. Speedy Parker Black Hole [my absentmindedly lachrymatory gazania]
    Originally posted by Donald Trump If the person you are suing has no money then what do you win?

    Meanwhile there are a zillion rich jedis willing to work pro-bono for antifas, refugees, or anyone who makes life a little bit worse for whoever jedis identify as their ethnic identities.

    A counter suit is not about cashing in. It is about keeping others from cashing in on you.
  19. Quick Mix Ready Dark Matter [jealously defalcate my upanishad]
    Originally posted by Speedy Parker He was unlawfully carrying a concealed weapon and has not been charged.

    Wbat makes you think a person should not be outside with a gun?

    They should as business owners. Kyle was a bit young. I mean that is their state law. I don't think it should be. If he is capable of serving in the US military at 17 then he should be allowed to be a civilian guard as well. I didn't make the rule there or California.

    However, the guy who got shot in the arm, the guy dead and one other all had felony convictions (or one was accused publicly.. maybe that's why). but if you have a felony conviction, what the fuck are YOU doing with a gun? I thought they take that rights away from you.
  20. Originally posted by Speedy Parker A counter suit is not about cashing in. It is about keeping others from cashing in on you.

    Enjoy counter suing a gang with infinite money.
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