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THE MAGA PARTY!,,, the GOP is dead, republicans are going down with the dems,, get ready for THE MAGA PARTY lefty's

  1. Technologist victim of incest
    Originally posted by POLECAT in our country we swore an oath to protect the land and the constitution from enemy's within as well as foreign and if you think we don't have a right to redress out elected servants when they go against the people's will ur just dumb as fuck

    Who’s “we”? When did “we” swear an oath to protect our country? I must have missed that day in school😂
  2. Speedy Parker Black Hole [my absentmindedly lachrymatory gazania]
    Originally posted by frala Separation of church and state exists for a reason guys lol

    Originally posted by Speedy Parker Why don't you tell us what you think that reason is.

    Originally posted by frala I don’t know it’s only the first amendment in the constitution that you helped God write so why don’t you tell us lol.

    Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

    Now you have really stepped in it. You said it not me. So why don't you tell us what you mean. To make it easier on you I have posted the 1st Amendment for your reference. So please illustrate what you think the reason for separation of church and state is. That, and since you mentioned it, tell us where in the 1st Amendment that is laid out.
  3. Stepped in what? Your plate of copy pasta? Oh heaven forbid.
  4. Originally posted by POLECAT we have a country because our fore fathers wanted to worship Jesus freely

    We have a country bc those greedy niggers didn’t want to pay taxes but sure were willing to kill a bunch of other niggers to make you pay taxes. Don’t put the Lord’s name in nunna that now.
  5. POLECAT POLECAT is a motherfucking ferret [my presentably immunised ammonification]
    lala is a commie, also she is a commie because she is complacent in the overtaking of our country by Marxist communist actors attempting to remove the power of the people through movements like politically correct BLM and other bullshit entity's who don't want the people to have a republic. they want to be taken care of but they don't realize they are also the enemy of the ones in power in the globilist movement. 80 to 90% depopulation is the plan of the elites,, thats more than just trump supporters thats a lot of lefty thinking fools not willing to look at the past recordings of elites talking about there plan to save the world that are gonna get kilt to achieve there goals .

    I want to win this fight,, BUT if we don't win I wanna stay alive long enough to watch them realize how fucked they are
  6. Do you think fighting on the Internet is going to overthrow the government? (No)

    Also overthrowing the government might be a good thing (I’m not completely against overthrowing a corrupt government) but you can’t guarantee that the new system will be prosperous and principled. We’ve seen that before.

    As far as anything else you said I don’t know bc well I don’t really think it applies to me.
  7. the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    murder a politician you pussy faggots
  8. Speedy Parker Black Hole [my absentmindedly lachrymatory gazania]
    Originally posted by frala Do you think fighting on the Internet is going to overthrow the government? (No)

    Also overthrowing the government might be a good thing (I’m not completely against overthrowing a corrupt government) but you can’t guarantee that the new system will be prosperous and principled. We’ve seen that before.

    As far as anything else you said I don’t know bc well I don’t really think it applies to me.

    Who is fighting? Are you fighting? I don't think you have ever fought.
  9. Originally posted by Speedy Parker Who is fighting? Are you fighting? I don't think you have ever fought.

    I was just referring to this lol

    Originally posted by POLECAT I want to win this fight

    I’m sorry, would you like me to try and rewrite the preamble? You little freedom fighter you.
  10. Speedy Parker Black Hole [my absentmindedly lachrymatory gazania]
    Originally posted by frala I was just referring to this lol

    I’m sorry, would you like me to try and rewrite the preamble? You little freedom fighter you.

  11. stl1 Cum Lickin' Fagit
    YouTube Removes Verified, Unofficial ‘Fox News’ Channels That Pushed Disinformation
    Jordan Liles

    YouTube removed multiple channels named “Fox News” and “Fox News Alert” following an Oct. 1 Snopes investigation that found the channels were pumping out disinformation to millions of subscribers.

    But these channels were not managed by or affiliated with the Fox News Channel. They had a combined total of millions of subscribers, and several of them even had YouTube verification badges. They likely received that special status in the past based on previous non-political content. Based on our own recent reporting of a similar network on Facebook, all of the YouTube channels appeared to be managed from outside of the U.S.

    The YouTube channels in question posted lengthy videos from real shows that were broadcast on Fox News. However, the thumbnails for the videos were altered to push disinformation that falsely claimed U.S. President Joe Biden was either dying or going to jail, and that former U.S. President Donald Trump was coming back to the White House this year. This was similar to a debunked QAnon conspiracy theory that recently led to federal authorities worrying of potential violence from Trump supporters when such disinformation inevitably failed to come true.

    Verified YouTube channels are pushing altered thumbnails on Fox News videos on accounts called Fox News Alert.
    Despite the verification badge and Fox News logos, this was not an official Fox News YouTube channel.
    We found several different YouTube channels named “Fox News” or “Fox News Alert” that may have been managed by the same people. They were removed between Oct. 1-3, after we contacted a YouTube spokesperson for comment about our findings. A message was added to all of the accounts that were removed, saying: “This account has been terminated due to multiple or severe violations of YouTube’s policy against spam, deceptive practices, and misleading content or other Terms of Service violations.”

    A study of the Fox News clips that were posted to the channels showed that the videos likely received a combined total of at least tens of millions of views. This does not include views for other non-political videos on the same accounts.

    While the channels above were removed, at least one remained. As of Oct. 4, the one channel that prompted our investigation was still available with its more than 883,000 subscribers. We were initially tipped off by a TikTok video. In that video, a TikTok user showed that he was recommended a video in his YouTube “Home” feed that came from a suspicious yet verified YouTube channel, “Fox News Alert.”

    The YouTube channel shown in the TikTok video has since changed its name to “FoBIRD,” and no political content was publicly visible. It appeared that someone managing the account may have changed the visibility status of the political videos to be unlisted or private, as there was a clear discrepancy of tens of millions of views between the total view count on the channel’s “About” page versus the total view count after we added up the numbers for all of the publicly visible videos.

    A Sept. 17 archive from the Wayback Machine confirmed that the “FoBIRD” channel did indeed previously post political disinformation, as shown in the TikTok video. This credible snapshot on the Internet Archive preserved what the YouTube account looked like on that day, providing evidence of the conduct in which the channel had been engaged.

    As of Oct. 1, a YouTube spokesperson told us it was investigating the channels. We will update this story if we receive further information on the removal of these channels.
  12. There goes any unbiased integrity Youtube had...fucking lol

    The way of the democrat, cancel culture.
  13. The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  14. stl1 Cum Lickin' Fagit
    Originally posted by POLECAT I'm still here cuz the Patriots never give up we never quit we never take a knee, we stand for truth and the AMERICAN way


    What you are is a blowhard who can't be trusted to stand behind his own promise.

    You demonstrate yourself to be untrustworthy while attempting to wrap himself in the American flag.

    Take the blinders off and take a good hard look in the mirror.
  15. Originally posted by stl1 WRONG and DELUSIONAL!

    What you are is a blowhard who can't be trusted to stand behind his own promise.

    You demonstrate yourself to be untrustworthy while attempting to wrap himself in the American flag.

    Take the blinders off and take a good hard look in the mirror.

    Personal attacks.

    What a bleeding heart liberal does when he doesn't have a valid counter argument

    The same people who ask for trannies, feminists and niggers to be accepted and not bullied..but then attempt to bully/stifle anyone who disagrees with them.

    Fucking lol.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  16. stl1 Cum Lickin' Fagit
    Originally posted by Technologist Do you think anything you say can bother me? Seriously?? You look and act like a fucking troll.

    And you’re damn right I’m mad as fuck at people like you, ya sicken me. Trying to overturn our democracy. (And shut up with it’s a republic. It’s a fucking democratic republic ya dumbfuck.). I’ve had it with you rejects of society thinking you can just change the country entirely because society has shit on you freaks for years. I’m tired of you anti mask, anti vaxxer dumbasses. I’m fed tha fuck up and I’m mad as hell. You’re damn right I am.

    Now GTFO my country you disgusting traitor.

    Quit sugar coating it, darlin'.
  17. Speedy Parker Black Hole [my absentmindedly lachrymatory gazania]
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Personal attacks.

    What a bleeding heart liberal does when he doesn't have a valid counter argument

    The same people who ask for trannies, feminists and niggers to be accepted and not bullied..but then attempt to bully/stifle anyone who disagrees with them.

    Fucking lol.

    On this we agree 100%
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  18. stl1 Cum Lickin' Fagit
    Originally posted by Speedy Parker I willingly gave up my rights under the constitution for a period of time to do my small part to preserve them for our future generations. No great thing is done by just a few men or one man. This country was built and secured by the daily small contributions of 100's upon 100's of millions of small people doing small things. Of course there has always been a small group of people who are cynical or think fuck it why should I put myself out. Guess what, we do it for you too.

    Daddy, did you lose your nose in the war or was that from the cocaine?
  19. Originally posted by stl1 Daddy, did you lose your nose in the war or was that from the cocaine?

    My point validated.
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