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THE MAGA PARTY!,,, the GOP is dead, republicans are going down with the dems,, get ready for THE MAGA PARTY lefty's

  1. Technologist victim of incest
    Now I can go to sleep. I’m so relaxed.

    Ya see, this is my outlet. The anti maskers and anti vaxxers are in my face at work and I can’t say a word. I had to ask one to leave the other day. I’d love to tell them what dumbfucks they are, but I can’t. I get online and go postal on people like slowpoke, then I am at peace.

    Good night🛌
  2. frala Avant garde shartist
    Originally posted by Speedy Parker Of course not, "you people" never appreciate the sacrifices others have made for the freedoms you have and don't understand.

    I mean let’s be honest. What freedoms do you think you’ve really fought for? Ours? No essentially you gave up a portion of yours, and fought for oil and minerals and power and probably killed people in the process. Bc if the government wanted to fuck us all up the ass and take our freedom away they don’t need soldiers to stop someone overseas from doing that lol. They’d just do it.
  3. Speedy Parker Black Hole [my absentmindedly lachrymatory gazania]
    Originally posted by frala I mean let’s be honest. What freedoms do you think you’ve really fought for? Ours? No essentially you gave up a portion of yours, and fought for oil and minerals and power and probably killed people in the process. Bc if the government wanted to fuck us all up the ass and take our freedom away they don’t need soldiers to stop someone overseas from doing that lol. They’d just do it.

    I willingly gave up my rights under the constitution for a period of time to do my small part to preserve them for our future generations. No great thing is done by just a few men or one man. This country was built and secured by the daily small contributions of 100's upon 100's of millions of small people doing small things. Of course there has always been a small group of people who are cynical or think fuck it why should I put myself out. Guess what, we do it for you too.
  4. frala Avant garde shartist
    Originally posted by Speedy Parker I willingly gave up my rights under the constitution for a period of time to do my small part to preserve them for our future generations. No great thing is done by just a few men or one man. This country was built and secured by the daily small contributions of 100's upon 100's of millions of small people doing small things. Of course there has always been a small group of people who are cynical or think fuck it why should I put myself out. Guess what, we do it for you too.

    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  5. Speedy Parker Black Hole [my absentmindedly lachrymatory gazania]
    Originally posted by frala No

    Such a compelling argument.
  6. frala Avant garde shartist
    Originally posted by Speedy Parker Such a compelling argument.

    I’m not gonna argue with someone who is obviously brainwashed and thinks they’ve saved this goddamned country lol.
  7. Speedy Parker Black Hole [my absentmindedly lachrymatory gazania]
    Originally posted by frala I’m not gonna argue with someone who is obviously brainwashed and thinks they’ve saved this goddamned country lol.

    Who said anything about fighting for a country. I fought for the U.S Constitution. For an idea not a thing.
  8. frala Avant garde shartist
    Oh ok. Do you not think the constitution helps preserve the country?
  9. Speedy Parker Black Hole [my absentmindedly lachrymatory gazania]
    Originally posted by frala Oh ok. Do you not think the constitution helps preserve the country?

    No, I think it helps secure the freedoms given to us by our creator whatever/whoever that may be. I also believe that while far from perfect it is, to date, the single greatest document ever written in terms of lifting the masses out of poverty and creating an equal starting line for everyone who legally "enters the race".

    I'm sure you believe nothing of the sort. But if you lived under the vast majority of governments that have existed throughout history you would not have the freedom to have or express your beliefs if they did not agree with those of the government.
  10. frala Avant garde shartist
    Which is a roundabout way of saying the document helps preserve this country in its current state. The freedoms were given to us by the constitution and how it was written by men not our creator lol. Sigh. It’s not the Bible. The integrity of those men was questionable at best bc those mother fuckers could barely handle all the infighting.
  11. POLECAT POLECAT is a motherfucking ferret [my presentably immunised ammonification]
    Originally posted by Technologist Do you think anything you say can bother me? Seriously?? You look and act like a fucking troll.

    And you’re damn right I’m mad as fuck at people like you, ya sicken me. Trying to overturn our democracy. (And shut up with it’s a republic. It’s a fucking democratic republic ya dumbfuck.). I’ve had it with you rejects of society thinking you can just change the country entirely because society has shit on you freaks for years. I’m tired of you anti mask, anti vaxxer dumbasses. I’m fed tha fuck up and I’m mad as hell. You’re damn right I am.

    Now GTFO my country you disgusting traitor.

    its not your country, you are a commie dumbfuck brainwashed titless old whore
  12. POLECAT POLECAT is a motherfucking ferret [my presentably immunised ammonification]
    Originally posted by Technologist Shut the fuck up with your semantics ya dumbfuck.

    I don’t give two shits about your service ya asshole. We definitely found out that there are plenty of you freaks that have served, doesn’t mean shit when you’re a traitor to the country you fucking piece of filth.
    in our country we swore an oath to protect the land and the constitution from enemy's within as well as foreign and if you think we don't have a right to redress out elected servants when they go against the people's will ur just dumb as fuck
  13. Speedy Parker Black Hole [my absentmindedly lachrymatory gazania]
    Originally posted by frala Which is a roundabout way of saying the document helps preserve this country in its current state.

    I don't say things in a roundabout way. I say exactly what I mean. What you are really saying is that is how you view it. So speak for yourself and don't try to twist my meaning.
    Originally posted by frala The freedoms were given to us by the constitution and how it was written by men not our creator lol.

    Apparently you have comprehension problems. The freedoms are given by our creator period full stop. The men who wrote the constitution merely recognized those freedoms and declared them inalienable in a document that was made law.

    Originally posted by frala Sigh. It’s not the Bible.

    If it was I would wipe my ass with it. That is how a I treat fiction.

    Originally posted by frala The integrity of those men was questionable at best bc those mother fuckers could barely handle all the infighting.

    Look out folks we got a 1619er here LAMO.
  14. POLECAT POLECAT is a motherfucking ferret [my presentably immunised ammonification]
    Originally posted by frala Which is a roundabout way of saying the document helps preserve this country in its current state. The freedoms were given to us by the constitution and how it was written by men not our creator lol. Sigh. It’s not the Bible. The integrity of those men was questionable at best bc those mother fuckers could barely handle all the infighting.

    the constitution was derived from our human rights found in the KJBible and the magna carta, in god we trust, the bills of rights is our freedoms and the rest of it outlines the powers and limitations of the government .
    Thomas Jefferson said we have a republic as long as we can keep it, he said that because he knew as soon as the constitution was signed
    people in government were already trying to tare it down and take our power over the government away.

    we have a country because our fore fathers wanted to worship Jesus freely
  15. POLECAT POLECAT is a motherfucking ferret [my presentably immunised ammonification]
    Originally posted by Speedy Parker I don't say things in a roundabout way. I say exactly what I mean. What you are really saying is that is how you view it. So speak for yourself and don't try to twist my meaning.

    Apparently you have comprehension problems. The freedoms are given by our creator period full stop. The men who wrote the constitution merely recognized those freedoms and declared them inalienable in a document that was made law.

    If it was I would wipe my ass with it. That is how a I treat fiction.

    Look out folks we got a 1619er here LAMO.

    you have no idea how disappointed I am in her, I used to think she was smert, now I know she is just another dumbass hoe, she just lucky I have a soft spot for dumbass hoes
  16. frala Avant garde shartist
    Separation of church and state exists for a reason guys lol
  17. Speedy Parker Black Hole [my absentmindedly lachrymatory gazania]
    Originally posted by frala Separation of church and state exists for a reason guys lol

    Why don't you tell us what you think that reason is.
  18. frala Avant garde shartist
    Originally posted by Speedy Parker The freedoms are given by our creator period full stop. The men who wrote the constitution merely recognized those freedoms

    Well yeah sure we are naturally given a lot of freedoms and then they are all taken away and we are given a set of rules to live by dressed up in a semi decent package. Sure, in comparison to other countries, we have it better, and in comparison to others, some might say we are doing worse. That’s subjective. You obviously think this is the best place on Earth that you helped Paul build and that’s fine.
  19. POLECAT POLECAT is a motherfucking ferret [my presentably immunised ammonification]
    Originally posted by frala Separation of church and state exists for a reason guys lol

    yea and we know its cuz the Jesuits are set against God as they only answer to the dark lord and they have been skeeming for century's to take over and kill Christians and GOD.
    separation of church and state didn't even come into play till after the civil war ,, most likely it only came into play as requested by the queen when she bought this country after we were broke from the civil war.
  20. frala Avant garde shartist
    Originally posted by Speedy Parker Why don't you tell us what you think that reason is.

    I don’t know it’s only the first amendment in the constitution that you helped God write so why don’t you tell us lol.
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