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This is why Poland can be a scary place guys

  1. #21
    Why call the cops. Just fight like a man and bury the fucker.
  2. #22
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson No, that's brandishing…waving your gun around is illegal. Too many people used their weapons to threaten people when such a threat was not necessary. The rule is you only draw your weapon if you are going to use it…anything else "as a warning" is deemed threatening/brandishing/deadly conduct.

    Now obviously people still do this and I'm sure in certain circumstances you wouldn't be charged…but in your scenario of someone running at you with a knife you'd just shoot them as you would have a right to do…you wouldn't waste your time waving it around hoping they'd stop.

    Waving your gun to "scare someone" though is brandishing…I've had that happen to me a couple of times on the freeway where some road rage action is going on and the other driver held up their gun etc.

    ETA: One nogga held up a toy gun with the fucking orange thing still on the end of it

    ETA2: btw, I have insurance to cover me if I shoot someone and the victim or family sue me…the insurance is like $10 a month and covers you for legal expenses in such an event for upto a million bucks (or some figure like that).

    what about the scenario some offduty bouncers running at you toattack you?
  3. #23
    Originally posted by Wariat what about the scenario some offduty bouncers running at you toattack you?

    Their job doesn't change anything.

    Off duty bouncer
    off duty mailman
    off duty machinist

    doesn't matter
  4. #24
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    yea but if they charge you without weapons out I mean.
  5. #25
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    or maybe on themselves. Like couldnt they later claim you should unarmed man simply approaching you without cause? How would you prove anything?
  6. #26
    Originally posted by Wariat yea but if they charge you without weapons out I mean.

    Again I'd just drive away.
    Again you don't "brandish" your weapon...if you draw it you shoot it. If you shoot it you better be in a position where your life could reasonably be considered "at risk"
  7. #27
    btw my instructor trained me...(as the cops are trained) if you do shoot someone, shoot to kill, not injure. The head or heart.

    Officially you shoot to kill to stop the threat, an injured person is still a threat. Unofficially you shoot to kill to avoid the "victim" suing you later on
  8. #28
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson btw my instructor trained me…(as the cops are trained) if you do shoot someone, shoot to kill, not injure. The head or heart.

    Officially you shoot to kill to stop the threat, an injured person is still a threat. Unofficially you shoot to kill to avoid the "victim" suing you later on

    In China, whenever they accidentally run over someone, they always back over the body a couple of times to avoid paying a lawsuit for life.
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