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Most butthurt spud on this site

  1. #21
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support

    That was pretty funny.
  2. #22
    That was pretty funny.
    Spectral makes it too easy.
  3. #23
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Spectral makes it too easy.

    Mmm, you know it. Bashing Spectral brings glee to my heart. I hope he kills himself from all the victimisation some day soon.
  4. #24
    He's already dead from the neck up.
  5. #25
    -SpectraL coward [the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
    Only poll we ever had in M&A about you was to do with keeping you banned or not.

    That was only at the very end, when you Totse traitors finally managed to take over. Up to that point, even M&A polls had me as the solid favorite every time. You? Never.
  6. #26
    You know totse has been dead long enough that Totse Traitor is a null insult right?
  7. #27
    -SpectraL coward [the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
    You know totse has been dead long enough that Totse Traitor is a null insult right?
    Sorry. There's no statute of limitation on Totse traitors.
  8. #28
    Not legally. But its just sad you have been holding onto this for so long.
  9. #29
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    You? Never.

    Lol i know, best part is, you had to suffer my will regardless. In conclusion:

  10. #30
    -SpectraL coward [the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
    …I hope he kills himself from all the victimisation some day soon.
    Fat chance, kid. I've went the full mile and another mile for good measure with a lot uglier than you. I actually find you and your bed partner aren't even scary at all.
  11. #31
    Sorry. There's no statute of limitation on Totse traitors.
    So exactly what is your impotent ass going to do to enforce that statute.
  12. #32
    Fat chance, kid. I've went the full mile and another mile for good measure with a lot uglier than you. I actually find you and your bed partner aren't even scary at all.

    This just in! Spectral doesn't afraid of anyone. That's all people, as you were.
  13. #33
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Fat chance, kid. I've went the full mile and another mile for good measure with a lot uglier than you. I actually find you and your bed partner aren't even scary at all.

    Bed partner? In case you forgot, i like little girls, TDR is niether little nor a girl. Any cute nieces spectral?
  14. #34
    -SpectraL coward [the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
    Pretty obvious that this is merely a case of a select pack of career kidiots who've decided to make a shitload of -SpectraL threads and plaster them across the boards in some kind of feeble attempt to piss Lanny off. Yet another cowardly-flavored tactic. They can't just go head to head with the big, bad, old -SpectraL. No, sir. They have to resort to lame little duck and dives and transparent little girly games. But just remember, kidiots: two can play a game just as good as one. Consider this post a shot across your bows.
  15. #35
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Pretty obvious that this is merely a case of a select pack of career kidiots who've decided to make a shitload of -SpectraL threads and plaster them across the boards in some kind of feeble attempt to piss Lanny off. Yet another cowardly-flavored tactic. They can't just go head to head with the big, bad, old -SpectraL. No, sir. They have to resort to lame little duck and dives and transparent little girly games. But just remember, kidiots: two can play a game just as good as one. Consider this post a shot across your bows.

    Lmao, if anything Lanny joins in with the fun on a regular basis so your entire premise falls apart from the first sentence.
  16. #36
    Pretty obvious that this is merely a case of a select pack of career kidiots who've decided to make a shitload of -SpectraL threads and plaster them across the boards in some kind of feeble attempt to piss Lanny off. Yet another cowardly-flavored tactic. They can't just go head to head with the big, bad, old -SpectraL. No, sir. They have to resort to lame little duck and dives and transparent little girly games. But just remember, kidiots: two can play a game just as good as one. Consider this post a shot across your bows.
    I would suggest that you fire all of your guns at once and explode into space. Because I've just seen your 5 day forecast and it looks something like this.
  17. #37
    Steven African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Dissociator Spektrul

    yep lol
  18. #38
    Ghost Black Hole
    Nice ass
  19. #39
    Speedy Parker Black Hole
    Originally posted by Steven yep lol

    He hurt your butt so bad you bumped a 7 year old thread?
  20. #40
    Ghost Black Hole
    Fear is not anger
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