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THE MAGA PARTY!,,, the GOP is dead, republicans are going down with the dems,, get ready for THE MAGA PARTY lefty's

  1. POLECAT POLECAT is a motherfucking ferret [my presentably immunised ammonification]
    if u voted for biden this shit show is on you commies
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  2. Originally posted by Netflxchillr how about some "world" news…
    not slathered with/in all the fake American BIDEN media narratives.

    Whoever's "happy" with this- "Biden's America…" can we see a- BIG… Whoo-hoo!!

    @ STl1 & Technoligist
    - your boy, BIDEN, is sucking the BIG "DONKEY" DICK.

    LMAO endorsed.
  3. stl1 Cum Lickin' Fagit
    Records rebut claims of unequal treatment of Jan. 6 rioters

    It's a common refrain from some of those charged in the Jan. 6 riot at the U.S. Capitol and their Republican allies: The Justice Department is treating them harshly because of their political views while those arrested during last year's protests over racial injustice were given leniency.

    Court records tell a different story.

    An Associated Press review of court documents in more than 300 federal cases stemming from the protests sparked by George Floyd’s death last year shows that dozens of people charged have been convicted of serious crimes and sent to prison.

    The AP found that more than 120 defendants across the United States have pleaded guilty or were convicted at trial of federal crimes including rioting, arson and conspiracy. More than 70 defendants who've been sentenced so far have gotten an average of about 27 months behind bars. At least 10 received prison terms of five years or more.

    The dissonance between the rhetoric of Capitol rioters and their supporters and the record established by courts highlights both the racial tension inherent in their arguments — the pro-Donald Trump rioters were largely white and last summer’s protesters were more diverse — and the flawed assessment at the heart of their claims.

    “The property damage or accusations of arson and looting from last year, those were serious and they were dealt with seriously, but they weren't an attack on the very core constitutional processes that we rely on in a democracy, nor were they an attack on the United States Congress,” said Kent Greenfield, a professor at Boston College Law School.

    To be sure, some defendants have received lenient deals.

    At least 19 who have been sentenced across the country got no prison time or time served, according to the AP’s review. Many pleaded guilty to lower-level offenses, such as misdemeanor assault, but some were convicted of more serious charges, including civil disorder.

    In Portland, Oregon — where demonstrations, many turning violent, occurred nightly for months after a white Minneapolis police officer killed Floyd — about 60 of the roughly 100 cases that were brought have been dismissed, court records show.

    Most of those defendants received deferred resolution agreements, under which prosecutors promise to drop charges after a certain amount of time if the defendant stays out of trouble and completes things like community service. Some Jan. 6 defendants have complained it's unfair they aren't getting the same deals.

    But President Joe Biden’s Justice Department has continued the vast majority of the racial injustice protest cases brought across the U.S. under Trump and has often pushed for lengthy prison time for people convicted of serious crimes. Since Biden took office in January, federal prosecutors have brought some new cases stemming from last year's protests.

    Conservatives have sought to equate the attack on the Capitol with the Black Lives Matter protests, accusing Democrats of being hypocrites for not denouncing the violence after Floyd’s death as loudly as the Jan. 6 insurrection. And some Republicans have seized on the handling of the protest cases in Portland to suggest that the Jan. 6 defendants are being politically persecuted.

    That has not been borne out when comparing the sentences that federal judges have given to Jan. 6 defendants and those who are accused of crimes during the protests against police brutality across the country.

    Only a handful of the nearly 600 people who've been charged in the insurrection have received their punishments so far, and just three people have been sentenced to time behind bars. The vast majority of the most serious cases — involving those accused of assaulting police officers or conspiring to block the certification of Biden's victory — remain unresolved.

    The catalysts for the riot and the demonstrations for racial justice were also fundamentally different.

    The mob of Trump supporters whipped up by the former president's lies about the election descended on the Capitol and pushed past police barriers, assaulted officers, smashed windows and sent lawmakers running in a stunning attempt to overturn the presidential election.

    The demonstrations after Floyd’s death were largely peaceful calls to address racial inequality and police brutality that occasionally turned violent. In some cities, protests descended into chaos after dark, with people smashing windows, looting stores, setting fires and assaulting officers.

    William Barr, who as attorney general led the Justice Department last year under Trump, pushed federal prosecutors to aggressively go after protesters who caused violence. Defense lawyers complained that many of the cases belonged in state court — punishments are typically lighter there — and accused Justice Department officials of carrying out a politically motivated effort to stymie the demonstrations.

    Just this month, a man was sentenced to four years behind bars and ordered to pay what his attorney said is likely to exceed $1.5 million in restitution after pleading guilty to inciting a riot last spring in Champaign, Illinois.

    Shamar Betts, who was 19 at the time, posted a flyer on Facebook on May 31, 2020, that said “RIOT @ MarketPlace Mall" at 3 p.m. and instructed people to bring “friends & family, posters, bricks, bookbags etc.” He participated in the looting, went live on Facebook during the riot and bragged about starting it, authorities said. More than 70 stores were looted, and the riot caused $1.8 million in damage, prosecutors said.

    Betts' lawyer, Elisabeth Pollock, said Betts was frustrated about police brutality across the U.S., had lost his job because of the coronavirus outbreak and never intended to hurt anyone. Prosecutors pushed for the maximum punishment of five years in prison and the maximum restitution amount for Betts, who had no criminal history, she said.

    “They took into account not a single mitigating factor: nothing about how he grew up, nothing about about how the George Floyd protests had affected the community, nothing about how the pandemic had affected Shamar personally and the community. There was absolutely no quarter given to him at all,” his attorney said in an interview.

    In another case this month, an Illinois man was sentenced to nearly nine years behind bars for lighting a Minneapolis cellphone store on fire in June 2020. A Charleston, South Carolina, man who livestreamed himself looting a store downtown was sentenced to two years in prison.

    In the Capitol riot, dozens of defendants have been charged only with misdemeanors, and a standard plea deal has allowed many to plead guilty to a single count of demonstrating in the Capitol.

    An Indiana woman who admitted illegally entering the Capitol but didn’t participate in any violence or destruction avoided jail time, and two other misdemeanor defendants got one and two months of home confinement. Two other people who were locked up pretrial were released after pleading guilty to misdemeanors and serving the maximum six-month jail sentence.

    Only one defendant convicted of a felony has received his punishment so far. Paul Hodgkins, who breached the U.S. Senate chamber carrying a Trump campaign flag, was ordered to serve eight months behind bars.

    The political fighting over the cases comes as some Republicans in Washington have tried to downplay the attack on the Capitol, with many of them portraying the siege as a mostly peaceful protest despite the shocking violence that unfolded on live TV.

    In a letter to Attorney General Merrick Garland in June, Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, and four other Republican senators expressed concern about “potential unequal administration of justice” in how prosecutors have responded to the Jan. 6 riot and the Black Lives Matter protests.

    Despite “numerous examples of violence” during last year’s protests, they said “it appears that individuals charged with committing crimes at these events may benefit from infrequent prosecutions and minimal, if any, penalties" and claimed the Justice Department's “apparent unwillingness” to punish them stands in "stark contrast to the harsher treatment" of the Capitol defendants.

    One Jan. 6 defendant has similarly accused the Justice Department of selective prosecution based on different political viewpoints, comparing his case with how the department has handled charges stemming from the Portland protests.

    Garrett Miller, of Texas, was wearing a T-shirt that said, “I Was There, Washington D.C., January 6, 2021,” when he was arrested. Prosecutors say Miller posted threatening messages on Twitter directed at Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, a New York Democrat, after the riot. His lawyer said Miller isn’t trying to excuse his actions.

    “Nevertheless, Mr. Miller should not be treated differently based upon the political views he espoused viz-a-viz the political views espoused by the Portland rioters,” his attorney, F. Clinton Broden, wrote in recent court papers.

    Federal prosecutors say Miller hasn’t presented any evidence that his case was politically motivated.

    They also rejected comparisons between Miller’s actions and those of the Portland defendants, “who — despite committing serious offenses — never entered the federal courthouse structure, impeded a congressional proceeding, or targeted a specific federal official or officer for assassination.”

    One Portland defendant who recently received a deferred resolution agreement was accused of using a wooden shield and hoses to hit an officer in the head. Another was accused of punching an officer in the side of her face. Other cases were dismissed after defendants agreed to plead guilty to similar charges in state court, records show.

    “Our approach depends on the circumstances of the charged offense and unique characteristics of each defendant, rather than on any across-the-board standard being applied to all cases,” said Kevin Sonoff, spokesman for the Oregon U.S. attorney’s office.

    Meanwhile, in Utah this month, a federal judge sentenced 25-year-old Lateesha Richards to nearly two years in prison for tossing a pair of basketball shorts onto an overturned, burning patrol car and hurling a baseball bat toward police officers during a May 2020 protest in Salt Lake City. There’s no evidence that the bat struck anybody.

    Richards initially was charged with an arson count that carries a mandatory minimum sentence of five years in prison, but she avoided that possibility with a deal under which she pleaded to a charge of civil disorder.

    The judge said Richards’ actions were dangerous and put hundreds of peaceful protesters in harm’s way. Richards didn’t start the fire that engulfed the police vehicle, but she did “add fuel to the flames,” he added.

    Defense attorney Alexander Ramos, who had pushed for the judge to sentence Richards to the one year in jail she has already served, said the Floyd protesters appear to be getting even more scrutiny than comparable “run-of-the mill” cases.

    “If it didn’t have this political background, I think more people would have been let out,” Ramos told the AP.

    On the same day in May, Kelsey Donnel Jackson traveled to downtown Charleston, South Carolina, with a cousin to join a protest over Floyd’s killing. Hours later, as other protesters began flipping tables and taunting police officers, Jackson lighted a shirt on fire and tossed it onto the trunk of a vandalized police car.

    Jackson also vandalized businesses and public property, assaulted two people and streamed a video of himself on Facebook Live in which he held a handgun and made threatening statements about police, according to prosecutors.

    He was sentenced this summer to two years in prison after pleading guilty to maliciously damaging a police vehicle with fire.

    Jackson's lawyer wrote in court documents before his sentencing that many people who stormed the Capitol “with the clear intent to disrupt a session of Congress and overturn a lawful election” were charged only with misdemeanor offenses.

    “We do not make reference to unrelated conduct in other jurisdictions in order to minimize (Jackson’s) conduct and culpability, but rather to point out that similar (and more egregious) conduct that was very obviously intended to intimidate law enforcement and interfere with government operations has been treated in a less heavy-handed manner elsewhere,” his attorney wrote.
  4. the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    protesting is illegal now?
  5. Anyone notice how the more bullshit the article the longer it is?
  6. POLECAT POLECAT is a motherfucking ferret [my presentably immunised ammonification]
    we the people have the ultimate power!
    being negligent of the 50 state constitutions is no excuse if you do not know the laws that protect us from government over reach they will over reach every time, 8o % of the people don't believe the constitutions have the power they actually have and that is why we are in this situation. WAKE THE FUCK UP PEOPLE!!!
  7. POLECAT POLECAT is a motherfucking ferret [my presentably immunised ammonification]
  8. stl1 Cum Lickin' Fagit

    Anthony Fauci is

    Going to accept your

    Apology for not having gotten the vaccine sooner

    Covid-19: This is how to prevent another 100,000 deaths by December, Fauci says
    By Amanda Sealy and Hollie Silverman, CNN

    With nearly 100,000 Americans hospitalized with Covid-19 and infections surging among the unvaccinated population, it's possible another 100,000 people could die from the virus by December, according to a recent University of Washington model.

    "What is going on now is both entirely predictable, but entirely preventable," Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, told CNN's Jake Tapper Sunday, saying the outcome of the model is possible. "We know we have the wherewithal with vaccines to turn this around."

    Around 80 million eligible Americans are still not vaccinated -- the very group that could help turn the pandemic around, Fauci said.

    "We could do it efficiently and quickly if we just get those people vaccinated. That's why it's so important now, in this crisis that we're in that people put aside any ideologic, political or other differences, and just get vaccinated," he said.

    But with a daily average of 155,000 newly reported infections, many hospitals are buckling under the weight of another surge.

    Across the south last week, many hospitals were reporting oxygen shortages amid a rise in hospitalizations from the virus.

    Among those hospitalizations were pediatric patients, which have also been increasing since students returned to classrooms in some areas.

    Thousands of children were in quarantine over the past week due to Covid-19 exposure, creating an uncertain start to the school year as officials, teachers and parents weigh safety precautions.

    Vaccines a possibility for children under 12 in coming months
    While vaccines are currently the best defense against the spread of the virus, they have not yet been approved for those under the age of 12.

    For these children, masking and vaccination of the adults and teens around them are their only protection. But that could change in the coming months.

    Pfizer is working to file data that would help authorize its vaccine for those ages 5 to 11, Dr. Scott Gottlieb, former commissioner of the US Food and Drug Administration, said Sunday on CBS.

    Gottlieb, who is on the board of Pfizer, said the drug maker could be in a position to file the data for authorization "at some point in September."

    He went on to say that Pfizer could then file the application for Emergency Use Authorization for this age group "potentially as early as October."

    Gottlieb told CBS's Ed O'Keefe Sunday that "we have to throw everything we can" at minimizing cases among school children.

    "I don't think that we should be going into the school year lifting the mitigation that may have worked and probably did work last year to control outbreaks in the school setting, until we have firm evidence on what works and what doesn't," he explained, adding measures such as frequent testing and putting students in social pods "are probably the two most effective steps schools can be taking."

    Schools that have been successful in mitigating spread include those that frequently test, contact trace, and set quarantine protocols when a positive case is detected.

    "Using masks and improving ventilation is also going to be very important. And finally, getting kids vaccinated. About 50% of kids who are eligible to be vaccinated, have been vaccinated. So there's still a lot of work we can do there, getting parents more information trying to encourage parents to vaccinate their children," Gottlieb added.

    Fauci echoed those sentiments when he told CNN Sunday he would support a mandate for school children to be vaccinated should the FDA approve use of the vaccine in those under 12.

    "I believe that mandating vaccines for children to appear in school is a good idea," Fauci said.

    He pointed out that this wouldn't be out of the question, saying that schools already have many vaccine mandates in place.

    "This is not something new. We have mandates in many places in schools, particularly public schools that if in fact you want a child to come in -- we've done this for decades and decades requiring (vaccines for) polio, measles, mumps, rubella, hepatitis. So this would not be something new, requiring vaccinations for children to come to school," he explained.

    Boosters and treatments
    Those who are already vaccinated will still likely need a booster shot to fight the spread of new variants.

    Starting the week of September 20, those who received their second shot eight months ago should be eligible for their third, according to Fauci, who noted there is flexibility in the plan based on the data that is available.

    On Wednesday, Pfizer began submitting data to the FDA for approval of a third dose of its Covid-19 vaccine.

    "There is no doubt in my mind that we need to give individuals who received the two doses of mRNA, a third boost. There's no doubt based on the data we've seen," Fauci explained

    The possibility of a third dose comes as many hospitals face an uptick in hospitalizations and a decrease in supplies, with cases in the south increasing as available oxygen -- a key component in treating those with the virus -- has decreased.

    "We've had some very challenging situations over the last couple of weeks, where hospitals have had their oxygen deliveries disrupted with hours delay, putting them in a situation where they've had very low oxygen supplies," Mary Mayhew, president and CEO of the Florida Hospital Association, told CNN. "Hospitals are using 3-4 times the amount of oxygen they would normally use," she added.

    Another ongoing challenge in the fight against Covid has been misinformation, the latest example of which has people taking anti-parasitic medicine in an attempt to fight the virus.

    Fauci urged those considering taking the drug Invermectin -- which is used to treat parasites such as worms and lice in humans and is used by veterinarians to de-worm large animals -- to avoid it.

    "Don't do it," he said on CNN's "State of the Union" Sunday. "There's no evidence whatsoever that that works and it could potentially have toxicity ... with people who have gone to poison control centers because they've taken the drug at a ridiculous dose and wind up getting sick, there's no clinical evidence that indicates that this works."

    The CDC already sent out a warning about the drug, saying it has seen an increase in reports of severe illness caused by the drug to poison centers.
  9. the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    just ban the unvaccinated from hospitals, problem solved
  10. Originally posted by Donald Trump Anyone notice how the more bullshit the article the longer it is?

    Because they have to compensate for the lack of factual information by wearing you down with reams of opinionated garbage.
  11. stl1 Cum Lickin' Fagit
    Most things worth knowing about require more than 4 words and don't fit on a baseball cap.
  12. the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    Originally posted by stl1 Most things worth knowing about require more than 4 words and don't fit on a baseball cap.

    you mean like this

  13. stl1 Cum Lickin' Fagit
    In your case, she would be wearing the "I'm With Stupid" shirt.
  14. Imagine considering highly political articles as being news.
  15. Originally posted by stl1 Most things worth knowing about require more than 4 words and don't fit on a baseball cap.

    You are totally unreasonable, obstinate and severely uneducated.
  16. POLECAT POLECAT is a motherfucking ferret [my presentably immunised ammonification]
    imagine believing anything the media tells you after finding out Obammy abolished the law against propaganda, making it ok to lye to the people to get a result that benefits the narrative
  17. Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ You are totally unreasonable, obstinate and severely uneducated.

    he said most things.

    ask him to list the things that worth knowing about that doesnt require more than 4 words and can fit on a baseball cap.
  18. stl1 Cum Lickin' Fagit
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny he said most things.

    ask him to list the things that worth knowing about that doesnt require more than 4 words and can fit on a baseball cap.

  19. Originally posted by stl1 ORANGE MAN BAD

    only 1 ?
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