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STICK IT, Damn It!

  1. Q. What's the benefit of risking the injection of a highly-experimental mRNA gene therapy?

    A. Nothing.
  2. Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Q. What's the benefit of risking the injection of a highly-experimental mRNA gene therapy?

    A. Nothing.

    Have you ever had a day of fun in your whole life Spectral?
  3. Originally posted by stl1 And god knows you are the poster child for abnormal.

    god made me the way i m.
  4. stl1 Cum Lickin' Fagit
    Gee, what a surprise!

    Vinny is a member of the "NOT MY FAULT" let themselves off the hook for their own ignorant behavior crowd.

    I'm shocked.
  5. the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    Originally posted by Ghost "It came from Wuhan China, a little dangerous virus,

    Covid Covid –,

    If you inhale the mysterious droplets, you will fall with

    bloody vomit from your mouth,

    Covid Covid Covid, the biological weapon.

    'Song of Covid, the Brave "In the peaceful night of Wuhan City

    People can be killed, even with our own hands,

    The place is full of dead bodies all over,

    There! Inhale Covid, Covid,

    Spread Covid Spread Covid! Immediately virions will fill the place.

    Spread! Spread! Covid, the Brave, Covid."

    Originally posted by Ghost We will keep this virus alive forever by any means. It is our ultimate and most potent weapon against SOCIETY ITSELF

  6. Originally posted by stl1 Gee, what a surprise!

    Vinny is a member of the "NOT MY FAULT" let themselves off the hook for their own ignorant behavior crowd.

    I'm shocked.

    ↑ scientific masochist
  7. Donald Trump Black Hole
  8. the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    WATCH: Arnold Schwarzenegger and Alexander Vindman tell Americans: “Screw your freedoms”
  9. stl1 Cum Lickin' Fagit

    All of the morons


    A shot or be terminated

    New York Daily News
    Arnold Schwarzenegger: You’re an ‘absolute moron’ if you make masks political
    Brian Niemietz

    Arnold Schwarzenegger still makes time to let the dumbbells know who’s boss. He also may have lost some fans with an offhand comment about “freedom,” saying only a “moron” or “schmuck” would make taking protective measures against coronavirus political.

    The actor and former California governor urged anti-vaxxers and anti-maskers to put the country first during a Wednesday CNN appearance, as COVID-19 continues its deadly spread. He also told stressed that with freedom comes responsibility.

    “There is a virus, here,” the 74-year-old bodybuilder said. “It kills people.”

    The “Terminator” star was joined by whistleblower and former colonel Alexander Vindman, whom he praised as “my hero” for testifying in former president Donald Trump’s first impeachment hearing. Schwarzenegger called on all Americans to vax, mask, social distance and not view those protective measures as a personal threat.

    “‘Well my freedom is being kind of disturbed here,’” Schwarzenegger said, impersonating anti-vaxxer excuses. “Screw ‘your’ freedom. Because with freedom comes implications and responsibilities.”

    While he said people are free not to wear masks, he also said, “You’re a schmuck for not wearing a mask because you are supposed to protect your fellow Americans around you.”

    According to Schwarzenegger, much like the way he dedicated his life to building muscles, medical experts like NIAIA director Anthony Fauci have committed themselves to virology and should be taken seriously. He also made the analogy that a stoplight is a temporary restriction of personal freedom, but blowing through one to make a political statement isn’t very smart. Same goes for wearing a mask, says Schwarzenegger, who served as California’s governor from 2003 to 2011 as a Republican.

    “Anyone making it a political issue is an absolute moron who can’t read,” he said.

    Schwarzenegger, throughout the discussion, talked about the importance of bringing the divided nation together, which he punctuated by saying, “the key thing now is how do we stay, as America, internationally competitive.”

    He also warned that America’s rival nations are “not asleep” and will continue moving forward aggressively, even if the U.S. allows itself to be slowed by political infighting.

    Schwarzenegger’s tough talk annoyed many subscribers to his YouTube channel, many of whom weighed in to say they were upset about his “screw your freedom” comment.

    “He get the money and fame. He can buy what he want. Now he supports to take away the peoples freedom,” wrote one critic. “Without verified evidence and fact... He should have his freedom taken.”

    Another commenter called the interview, “How to destroy your fan base 101.”
  10. the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    Originally posted by stl1 Arnold Schwarzenegger: You’re an ‘absolute moron’ if you make masks political

    *Proceeds to politicize vaccines and mask wearing*
  11. stl1 Cum Lickin' Fagit
    I prefer where he says “Anyone making it a political issue is an absolute moron who can’t read.”

    It's like Arnold is here with me encouraging me onward to do even more copying and pasting!

    I'LL BE BACK ! ! !
  12. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Originally posted by AngryOnion I did read the article.
    People are getting heart inflammation from the "vaccine".

    There is no attempt to identify causation in the paper you linked. It's sorta assumed (which is pretty questionable) based on these two papers which are cited:

    Here's some quotes from them:

    Question Should myocarditis be considered a potential adverse event following immunization with messenger RNA (mRNA) COVID-19 vaccines?

    Findings In this case series of 23 male patients, including 22 previously healthy military members, myocarditis was identified within 4 days of receipt of a COVID-19 vaccine … these episodes occurred against the backdrop of 2.8 million doses of mRNA COVID-19 vaccines administered.

    Recognition of the substantial morbidity associated with COVID-19 infection, including risk of cardiac injury, and the strong effectiveness of immunization in preventing infection provide important context for this topic. Concerns about rare adverse events following immunization should not diminish overall confidence in the value of vaccination.

    Post-immunization myocarditis is a known rare adverse event following other vaccinations, particularly following smallpox vaccination

    ^ This seems to be the only reason anyone is even asking this question in the first place as the incidence rate is so low that it wouldn't otherwise even warrant investigation. So scary "experimental gene therapy"'s greatest indictment here is that maybe it poses the same risk another widely administered vaccine with decades of history of use in human children.

    The benefits of vaccination significantly exceed possible risks. Individuals and physicians are encouraged to follow the guidance of the CDC Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices

    In light of this, what do you honestly think the policy implications of this study should be?
  13. Originally posted by frala Have you ever had a day of fun in your whole life Spectral?

    I invented fun.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  14. Originally posted by Donald Trump

    Damned Doctors... always messing up the narrative. You'd think they were health experts or something.
  15. Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ I invented fun.

    Well then you wouldn’t be such a pussy when it comes to putting unknown/foreign substances into your body.
  16. Originally posted by frala Well then you wouldn’t be such a pussy when it comes to putting unknown/foreign substances into your body.

    You want to see me do The Chicken or something?
  17. stl1 Cum Lickin' Fagit
    PhD's are doctors of Philosophy, Mr. G. I. M. Alotofun.
  18. Originally posted by stl1 PhD's are doctors of Philosophy, Mr. G. I. M. Alotofun.

    Any actual doctors with PhD's at all?
  19. stl1 Cum Lickin' Fagit
    All PhDs are doctors.

    Medical doctors are not (normally) PhDs.
  20. Originally posted by stl1 All PhDs are doctors.

    Medical doctors are not (normally) PhDs.

    So, you're saying they aren't smart.
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