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Rumsfeld warning fiction to facts

  1. #1
    Since there were in fact no WMD in Iraq a prediction was made which in fact reared it's ugly head. Is it for show?

    "We will probably have to stay indefinitly for at least 50 years and possibly up to a 100 to stabilise this part of the middle east (Afghanistan and Iraq)

    so one this Al Qaeda is captured (the Ace cards) a new control will pop up.. which lead to one and then to ISIS? I don't even follow the ISIS and Syrian events because it's like something that's real created by a made up story. they knew they could create so much anger that if one group falls, another will rise up.

    the people who made 9/11 profitable with the control of Iraq is still in control and hiding in plain site.

    They will create a bunch of related issues to make people say "This is important as well" or "You got it wrong, this is what is really happening". none of this should be happening. it's self prophetic almost. this was designed.

    The "Left" wasn't supposed to be violent and clashing but the "Place the flower in the rifle" kind of protest. the left clashing with the right shows everything has flipped since the rebellion days of your parents and grandparents.

    It's all designed by agitators who always show up at these protest so the MSM can steer off course.

    this gives reason to have FEMA camps in place. these places are real.
  2. #2
    infinityshock Black Hole
    jesus christ...youre more incoherent than usual
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