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So a while ago a girl went missing in my area.

  1. #1
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I suppose it's been a couple years. Now this wouldn't be too strange or anything people go missing all the time. Now the peculiar thing was, she actually lived a couple of blocks away from me. At the time i thought nothing of it until after a while when a local TV station did a report on the case. The had an interview with the boyfriend as well, and as it happens i used to be friends with the guy. Like ten years ago or some shit, but i still recognized him and a mutual friend who i was still friends with at the time confirmed it was the guy. Months went by and at some point her bike and keys were found and the area in which they were found was searched by police. It was quite the wooded place so they even brought special units from the military and shit.

    After searching for a couple of days nothing was found until an as of then unidentified person mailed some of her belongings to police but after that the leads stopped and the case went cod for a year. Then later someone was arrested for an unrelated crime and upon searching his home more of the girls belongings were found and it was quickly suspected that they had inadvertently caught her killer, the thing is, this guy literally lived two streets from my home. He eventually led police to the body and she was found. But it gets weirder still. A couple weeks ago i was talking to a buddy i went to high school with. For some reason the subject of the missing girl came up and he said: Oh yeah, remember how she used to go to school with us? And i was like, what? for real? He said yeah, don't you remember? And i was like no?

    So then i thought back to high school, and you need to understand i had a standard group of friends i used to hang out with at high school, five guys and three girls. And i remembered each and every one of their names except for this one girl, i did remember she kinda had a crush on me but i actually had a crush on another girl at that time so nothing ever came of it. The more i thought about it the more i realized the girl in my memory fit the description of the murdered girl, it was rather odd i couldn't recall her name for the life of me and then i thought dang.

    Dang... When i think of it it all feels rather bizarre.
  2. #2
    I had a similar experience. There was this one girl in my class named Yukari Hirai and she went with me and another guy to an arcade because she had a crush on him. My friend was being a total fag and ignoring her while playing an arcade game, so she walked away. I found her near some steps and tried talking her into coming back inside, but then all of a sudden a blue flame ate her entire body and she disappeared. When I went back to class the next day, no one remembered her. It was weird.
  3. #3
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I had a similar experience. There was this one girl in my class named Yukari Hirai and she went with me and another guy to an arcade because she had a crush on him. My friend was being a total fag and ignoring her while playing an arcade game, so she walked away. I found her near some steps and tried talking her into coming back inside, but then all of a sudden a blue flame ate her entire body and she disappeared. When I went back to class the next day, no one remembered her. It was weird.

    Shakugan no shana. My story really happened though, i'd show you the pictures and the news articles but i don' t want to dox myself.
  4. #4
    mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Is this one of those deals where we have to forward it to ten people within 24 hours or the murdered girl is going to haunt us forever?
  5. #5
    hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    I really don't care who you are Sophie, but you gave me enough details that if I were so inclined to, I'd be able to figure out where you lived (general area) pretty quick. If I were inclined even further, being you said this was near you (I'd go within a two mile radius once I found the location of the murdered girl and the guy who killed her) and I'd certainly sort you out. Public records are awesome. I was homeschooled and it became kinda a hobby for me. Nobody (at least IRL) gets away with giving me a fake name, nor do I even need a name. My friend used to sell shit at the farmers market and met this guy and only had a first name (turned out it was his middle name anyway), and a city where he lived like 5 years before, and that he worked in a computer repair shop when he lived there- that was all the info I had- swear to god, I was calling her back 30 minutes later to confirm with her if the sex offender registry picture was him or not (I never met him, she made friends and just got a weird vibe about him that unnerved her even though he was very nice and she had no reason to suspect him being a kiddie fucker). Now, I'm much too busy to even entertain the idea (remember, this shit was a hobby of mine in my teens, I like the challenge even to this day) of hunting you down (even if I did find your real info ect. I wouldn't do anything with it other than maybe tease you) but I believe, if someone were wanting to find you really, really badly, you gave enough details of the case and your relationship to her that I already know whatever highschool she attended, so did you. Also that you live relatively close to where she went missing. You have in other posts mentioned things that aren't really identifying, but that could certainly aid in narrowing you down. I'd admit that it would take a fuckload of time to invest in (idk, I've gotten lucky before too and I'm good at finding shit about people with just little tendrils of info like you've provided without names quickly, especially if they've ever been arrested), but I believe it could be done. The hardest part would be the language barrier and I'm not familiar with how ya'll go about with public records (property appraisers, arrest records, court records, highschool year books are where I begin looking for my prey). I'm just some bored person in the US anyway, there are people who are much better than metoo. Just thought I'd mention that in case you have people who want to know who you are and your PI. As for the topic here, that is strange. Wonder if the killer isn't a serial. He coulda just dropped the ball with her yet had otwr victims he didn't keep evidence from... Why did he do it? If its random, I'd be inclined to think he either has more victims he got away with or he was early in his killing spree.
  6. #6
    instance #15
  7. #7
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I really don't care who you are Sophie, but you gave me enough details that if I were so inclined to, I'd be able to figure out where you lived (general area) pretty quick. If I were inclined even further, being you said this was near you (I'd go within a two mile radius once I found the location of the murdered girl and the guy who killed her) and I'd certainly sort you out. Public records are awesome. I was homeschooled and it became kinda a hobby for me. Nobody (at least IRL) gets away with giving me a fake name, nor do I even need a name. My friend used to sell shit at the farmers market and met this guy and only had a first name (turned out it was his middle name anyway), and a city where he lived like 5 years before, and that he worked in a computer repair shop when he lived there- that was all the info I had- swear to god, I was calling her back 30 minutes later to confirm with her if the sex offender registry picture was him or not (I never met him, she made friends and just got a weird vibe about him that unnerved her even though he was very nice and she had no reason to suspect him being a kiddie fucker). Now, I'm much too busy to even entertain the idea (remember, this shit was a hobby of mine in my teens, I like the challenge even to this day) of hunting you down (even if I did find your real info ect. I wouldn't do anything with it other than maybe tease you) but I believe, if someone were wanting to find you really, really badly, you gave enough details of the case and your relationship to her that I already know whatever highschool she attended, so did you. Also that you live relatively close to where she went missing. You have in other posts mentioned things that aren't really identifying, but that could certainly aid in narrowing you down. I'd admit that it would take a fuckload of time to invest in (idk, I've gotten lucky before too and I'm good at finding shit about people with just little tendrils of info like you've provided without names quickly, especially if they've ever been arrested), but I believe it could be done. The hardest part would be the language barrier and I'm not familiar with how ya'll go about with public records (property appraisers, arrest records, court records, highschool year books are where I begin looking for my prey). I'm just some bored person in the US anyway, there are people who are much better than metoo. Just thought I'd mention that in case you have people who want to know who you are and your PI. As for the topic here, that is strange. Wonder if the killer isn't a serial. He coulda just dropped the ball with her yet had otwr victims he didn't keep evidence from… Why did he do it? If its random, I'd be inclined to think he either has more victims he got away with or he was early in his killing spree.

    This is assuming i didn't lie when i said i lived in the area. You'll get bonus points if you post a picture of the girl in question ITT.
  8. #8
    mmQ Lisa Turtle
    This is assuming i didn't lie when i said i lived in the area. You'll get bonus points if you post a picture of the girl in question ITT.

    I tried. My google searches for 'missing amsterdam girl keys and bike found' didn't turn up anything. :( I need more cluez pleaze.
  9. #9
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I tried. My google searches for 'missing amsterdam girl keys and bike found' didn't turn up anything. :( I need more cluez pleaze.

    Step your game up, son.
  10. #10
    mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Step your game up, son.

    I don't have any game.
  11. #11
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I don't have any game.

    Here's a hint, i don't live in Amsterdam.
  12. #12
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Micheal Myers is disqualified from playing, he is the only person on the internet who knows where i live and i know where he lives so if he tells anyone i'm taking the bus to come over and stab him.
  13. #13
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Ted Bundy, meer bitches meer money, ik zie die niggers lachen maar die shit is niet funny, heh. Ik moet het pakken, ik weet nog het was koud op de block, zonder money in me zakken, de politie op de fiets, de recherche is de hele dag op tappen. ben al jaren aan het huilen maar een nigger wil nu lachen. Money is nie alles zeggen rijken mensen, je kan nie op casino blijven stancen, ik heb een tijdje niet gebeden ik denk dat god me is vergeten, heel de dag in de boetiek, ik hang en hossel op de streets, je moeder gaat een paar jaartjes huilen als je schiet ben je klaar voor die pijn en die verdriet? Je kan morge lachen als je Sophie ziet.
  14. #14
    mmQ Lisa Turtle

    I don't know. Obviously that's not her. I switched my search to Netherlands and nothing is coming up. Lol. I don't even know why I'm trying to figure this out. I guess this is why I'm not a detective; I thought you lived in Amsterdam for crying out loud. Anyway, creepy story. Hopefully MM ignores your wishes and posts the story. :)
  15. #15
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support

    I don't know. Obviously that's not her. I switched my search to Netherlands and nothing is coming up. Lol. I don't even know why I'm trying to figure this out. I guess this is why I'm not a detective; I thought you lived in Amsterdam for crying out loud. Anyway, creepy story. Hopefully MM ignores your wishes and posts the story. :)

    HA. Isn't that Nathalie Holloway? She did get killed by a Dutch guy, Joran van der Sloot. He' s serving life in Peru for homicide.
  16. #16
    aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    I actually spent way too long on this and turned up nothing. The only recently discovered lady bodies didn't match your description - too old, found too quickly, was travelling by car.

    The best place to look would be the police page (, but majority of their data has no english translation and there are too many dutch words for 'murder', 'body', 'disappear' etc
  17. #17
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I actually spent way too long on this and turned up nothing. The only recently discovered lady bodies didn't match your description - too old, found too quickly, was travelling by car.

    The best place to look would be the police page (, but majority of their data has no english translation and there are too many dutch words for 'murder', 'body', 'disappear' etc

    You tryna dox me brah?

  18. #18
    That's....mildly interesting. Most people don't know anyone who was killed by a murderer.
  19. #19
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    That's….mildly interesting. Most people don't know anyone who was killed by a murderer.

    It is interesting isn't it? It's an abstract feel tbh fam.
  20. #20
    hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Dude, I don't have the time ATM to hunt you down. I don't care to either, what would I do with the info anyway? Nothing other than a PM (lol sadly I forgot they don't work) and be all 'i know who u r niggerrrr'. And yes, I thought of that too, of course Is be assuming you didn't lie and also why I said I'd work in a two mile radius (you said the girl was close and the guy was 'literally' two streets over). A lot of dectectiving revolves around assumptions to get the ball rolling. I've got nothing against you, Sophie. I posted that as a friendly heads up, and while I feel you're smart enough to cover your ass, even the best have been known to drop the ball on little dumb shit like that. If I get more time in the near future, I'll see what I can do and share any findings privately with you.
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