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So a while ago a girl went missing in my area.

  1. #21
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Dude, I don't have the time ATM to hunt you down. I don't care to either, what would I do with the info anyway? Nothing other than a PM (lol sadly I forgot they don't work) and be all 'i know who u r niggerrrr'. And yes, I thought of that too, of course Is be assuming you didn't lie and also why I said I'd work in a two mile radius (you said the girl was close and the guy was 'literally' two streets over). A lot of dectectiving revolves around assumptions to get the ball rolling. I've got nothing against you, Sophie. I posted that as a friendly heads up, and while I feel you're smart enough to cover your ass, even the best have been known to drop the ball on little dumb shit like that. If I get more time in the near future, I'll see what I can do and share any findings privately with you.

    If aldra couldn't do it, i doubt you can. And aldra is a cyba nigga, anyway, you know how to contact me. Plus, what will people/police/whoever find if they find my location? Except for me, worst that could happen would be a punch in the face lol.

    In cryptography i trust as far as any illegal material is concerned.
  2. #22
    hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Well, you underestimate me and public records. If I wanna know, I know. If it was ever publicly reported, I fucking know I can find out- I might gain a second language in the process and it might take a while, but I am stubborn like that. You know how many records I had to go through of people in federal prison and every local jail in Texas for this one guy who burnt me on a meth deal years and years ago? Omfg... Looking for this stupid tattoo on his hand- I found that nigger. It took me 3 weeks. I was home schooled and while the rest of you were busy looking at porn, going to high school, I spent my time reading court dockets, statutes, finding out about public records, and just generally being a nosy person. Find out this sort of shit is a hobby of mine and I've been doing it a long time. It recently occurred to me I probably should be a detective or investigator, as nosy of a bitch as I can be. My point to you was, I don't know if you have people who would be interested in finding more about you, but if you did, well, Im pretty sure they could find our depending on how inclined they were to finding you. I havent even tried to look atm, but Im fairly confident I could garner a lot of information just on the bit you posted if I tried.
  3. #23
    aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    and yet you still haven't worked out paragraphs
  4. #24
    hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    I've got more important shit going on than worrying babout you having paragraphs. Someone told me but when it takes long enough for the page to load on my phone I'm not gonna fuck around taking longer when I can just post like this.
  5. #25
    aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    oh right, fair enough. I noticed that myself, when posting from mobile it doesn't accept linebreaks
  6. #26
    I always post from a phone

    The only time it goes wrong is when you try to view massive mobile upload photos on a computer or you format the post wrong so the words are to the left and picture to the right instead of words on top picture on bottom
  7. #27
    You tryna dox me brah?

    Turn your frown, upside down, Eva Braun.

    I think it's blatantly clear that you killed her. I mean, c'mon.

    "No uhh, pff, I suddenly don't remember one of my few closest friends from school Nope , never seen her." *wakes up wearing the girl's clothes and make up*
  8. #28
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Turn your frown, upside down, Eva Braun.

    I think it's blatantly clear that you killed her. I mean, c'mon.

    "No uhh, pff, I suddenly don't remember one of my few closest friends from school Nope , never seen her." *wakes up wearing the girl's clothes and make up*

    At least some part of your post is true. You can figure out which one. Also what would be my motive?
  9. #29
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Well, you underestimate me and public records. If I wanna know, I know. If it was ever publicly reported, I fucking know I can find out- I might gain a second language in the process and it might take a while, but I am stubborn like that. You know how many records I had to go through of people in federal prison and every local jail in Texas for this one guy who burnt me on a meth deal years and years ago? Omfg… Looking for this stupid tattoo on his hand- I found that nigger. It took me 3 weeks. I was home schooled and while the rest of you were busy looking at porn, going to high school, I spent my time reading court dockets, statutes, finding out about public records, and just generally being a nosy person. Find out this sort of shit is a hobby of mine and I've been doing it a long time. It recently occurred to me I probably should be a detective or investigator, as nosy of a bitch as I can be. My point to you was, I don't know if you have people who would be interested in finding more about you, but if you did, well, Im pretty sure they could find our depending on how inclined they were to finding you. I havent even tried to look atm, but Im fairly confident I could garner a lot of information just on the bit you posted if I tried.

    Tell you what, if you email me my residential address, i might have some work for you.
  10. #30
    hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    I will keep that in mind, Sophie, just bear in mind it might be a while before I even get started to look, and again, investigating takes time and you will be the first European I've put my sights on, its possible I may fail, but I feel confident there are those out there who actually could if they wanted. We never know who it is we are corresponding with online, but at least from what I've posted here I hope you understand I am a mostly good person who doesn't have malicious intent at least to those who've caused me no harm- even asshole Bill Krozby... I think its funny when he fucks up and bullahit happens just for being a dipshit asshole with no sense of courtesy, but I really don't wish any particular bad upon him, nor would I go out of my way to bring bad upon him. That's why I said, when I get business taken care of here, I'll see what I can do and if I find anything, I'll keep it between us- consider it one friend to another friend showing a weakness in your armour, especially since you seem very proud of your untouchability- not because I ever would intend to use it to harm (unless you caused me or my family harm that is, but you seem like me- no reason to actually do that). All I ask if I do uncover your PI is this: give me credit for my investigative skills here. And well, if not meh.. I probably wouldnt want to admit some single mom in the US who was bored found me out either- I wouldn't take it personal, Id rather just help someone out and they be able to see and rectify their vulnerability- you seem like a decent human being for the most part who helps contribute knowledge they possess and would likely help someone if they asked for help in your range of knowledge. I really really fucking wish I could waste my time to prove a point, but I must stay focused on my mission I am on now- I like challenges like this. Fuck, I don't even have proper internet for the mission I'm on now, just my shitty shitty phone, but I am confident I will prevail in my task. As I said before I am only posting here to take breaks and destress as I go about all this. Wish me luck, because the faster this is resolved for me, the faster I can waste time here on a man hunt for you ; ).
  11. #31
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I will keep that in mind, Sophie, just bear in mind it might be a while before I even get started to look, and again, investigating takes time and you will be the first European I've put my sights on, its possible I may fail, but I feel confident there are those out there who actually could if they wanted. We never know who it is we are corresponding with online, but at least from what I've posted here I hope you understand I am a mostly good person who doesn't have malicious intent at least to those who've caused me no harm- even asshole Bill Krozby… I think its funny when he fucks up and bullahit happens just for being a dipshit asshole with no sense of courtesy, but I really don't wish any particular bad upon him, nor would I go out of my way to bring bad upon him. That's why I said, when I get business taken care of here, I'll see what I can do and if I find anything, I'll keep it between us- consider it one friend to another friend showing a weakness in your armour, especially since you seem very proud of your untouchability- not because I ever would intend to use it to harm (unless you caused me or my family harm that is, but you seem like me- no reason to actually do that). All I ask if I do uncover your PI is this: give me credit for my investigative skills here. And well, if not meh.. I probably wouldnt want to admit some single mom in the US who was bored found me out either- I wouldn't take it personal, Id rather just help someone out and they be able to see and rectify their vulnerability- you seem like a decent human being for the most part who helps contribute knowledge they possess and would likely help someone if they asked for help in your range of knowledge. I really really fucking wish I could waste my time to prove a point, but I must stay focused on my mission I am on now- I like challenges like this. Fuck, I don't even have proper internet for the mission I'm on now, just my shitty shitty phone, but I am confident I will prevail in my task. As I said before I am only posting here to take breaks and destress as I go about all this. Wish me luck, because the faster this is resolved for me, the faster I can waste time here on a man hunt for you ; ).

    Sure i promise i'll give you credit. You're on a mission, sounds exciting. Thanks for thinking i'm a decent person as well. Also, if you want me to think you're a decent person as well don't try to cover your ass by saying:

    [greentext]>I probably wouldnt want to admit some single mom in the US who was bored found me out either[/greentext]

    That's called poisoning the well, and it shows your lack of confidence more than it hides it.

  12. #32
    -SpectraL coward [the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
    And had you molested that girl at the time?
  13. #33
    hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Well, I didn't mean it to be an insult- its true, I am a single mom with no real incentive for this quest other than boredom. I am only confident SOMEONE could find you. I might not be that someone, but I look forward to trying with a positive outlook. I am confident only in myself that, in the US where I am familiar with looking, I could find most people. Tbh, the guy with the tattoo who burnt me, I give 80% credit to methamphetamine, 10% to dumb luck, and the remainder to the fact of how pissed off I was. Anyway... Wish me luck so I can get on the Sophie quest sooner rather than later. Gah... Wish I had some meth now to tackle this bullshit. Stress stress and more stress... Ive dicked off too much here today.
  14. #34
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    ^meth is not the answer you skank, nor is moving to brazil..
  15. #35
    Meth is the question. And the question is what is the question. Can I have a light please?.
  16. #36
    At least some part of your post is true. You can figure out which one. Also what would be my motive?
    That you woke up wearing make up?

    Your motive?.Good ol' insanity. Not everything needs a reason.
  17. #37
    -SpectraL coward [the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
    In case you guys missed the memo, Psycho (Sofie) is a proud, self-professed child molester.
  18. #38
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    In case you guys missed the memo, Psycho (Sofie) is a proud, self-professed child molester.

    Everyone is aware i like little girls. But you seem to forget, that sometimes, just sometimes, when the moon is in the seventh house and Jupiter aligns with Mars then peace will guide the lolis. And love will steer their hearts.
  19. #39
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    That you woke up wearing make up?

    Your motive?.Good ol' insanity. Not everything needs a reason.

    Yes make up. Also, psychopaths are not insane.
  20. #40
    AFJ Houston
    Everyone is aware i like little girls. But you seem to forget, that sometimes, just sometimes, when the moon is in the seventh house and Jupiter aligns with Mars then peace will guide the lolis. And love will steer their hearts.
    LMFAO!!! ...stealing this...
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