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China hate thead (aka: Thanks China for fucking up the world)

  1. These morons actually trust their government and medical authorities. Total suckers for punishment. The more of them that get themselves offed this planet, the better for the rest of us.
  2. the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    I trust science and the almighty dollar.

    Here is how you solve all pubic discourse regarding pandemic and the vaccine;

    Don't give it out for free. make it only available for purchase. Now nobody can complain.
  3. Originally posted by vindicktive vinny scientists, like dogs, dont bite the hand that feeds them.

    1. They bite the hand that feeds them all the time.

    For example that's pretty much what defined Clair Patterson's entire career, biting the hand of the oil industry that paid for his geological research. And he's the reason we now understand the dangers of lead poisoning and leaded gasoline.

    2. Suppressing and fabricating science doesn't work, has never worked and will never work. There's no one hand that feeds scientists, there is always another hand that will be happy to cannibalize the first if they're lying.

    your mistaking 'commonly approved' for 'right'.

    You're mistaking "baseless denial" with "reasonable doubt".

    andrew anglin. alex jones.

    donald, jay, trump.


    People being banned from internet forums isn't a matter of freedom of speech.

    no, thats how herd consensus works.

    No, that's how specialization works. You don't have any credentials in medicine so you're best off trusting a doctor. You don't have any credentials in flying an airplane so you trust a pilot.

    the same way i dont have a degree in material sciences and mechanical engineering but is stacking my lives onto my bikes as i ride it at high and dangerous speed across the highway.

    but i dont argue about how they should have forged its alloy wheels or temperer their springs.

    Yet there's people who have those degrees and they do argue how to forge their alloys and temper their springs, and you should trust those people to know what they're talking about rather than lying to you about it in a grand bike conspiracy.

    Which is what you're doing when you stake your life on your bike because you have enough reason to believe it can accomplish such things without knowing exactly why.
  4. Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood Just because you emergency approve something doesn't mean it's tested to be perfectly safe.

    It's tested to be very safe, just not fully so. And it just needs to be more safe than spreading COVID anyway.

    People are dying from it which makes people not want to take it.

    More people are dying from the spread of the virus.

    It's not the right or wrong thing it's a choice, has nothing to do with your weird inconsistent leftist morality.

    There are right and wrong choices, taking the vaccine and wearing a mask is the right choice because there is no reason not to get it, it costs nothing, it is extremely safe and it prevents the spread of the virus.

    Just because someone doesn't take the vaccine doesn't make them a bad person.

    Yes they are.

    The only exception is when they have a specific medical condition that prevents them from taking it, in which case other people should be taking the vaccine for their sake.

    if they were safe they wouldn't need to be "emergency" approved

    Yeah they would, because they don't have multiple years to wait when people are dying by the thousands daily. It would be required if you wanted to respond to any novel disease quickly without the luxury of waiting years while letting millions die.

    and it wouldn't be an internet meme that they have microchips in them.

    Yeah it would and it did and the reason is because of conspiracy misinformation bullshit.

    It's not big pharmas fault. The company isn't forcing people to take the vaccine, the government is.

    Nobody is being forced to take the vaccine.

    Why the fuck do you even have an FDA when they just get in the way of a life saving vaccine.

    Because the FDA does more than approve emergency vaccines, and they provisionally approve the lifesaving vaccines when it is necessary. This shows the FDA working as intended.

    They had to bypass FDA regulations to get it made and distributed.

    The Emergency Use Authorization was already an existing provision for emergency situations. Why would you just lie?

    I agree the government totally fucked up every step of the pandemic but that has nothing to do with your gay retard left right HURR DURR ITS PUTIN politics.

    Why blame Putin when you can blame Trump? In America it was explicitly and exclusively the fault of the American right.

    Never said it was, never said anything about 4chan or your mainstream media parrot whatever the fuck you are talking about.

    Sure you do, everything is "litty" and "zaint zattex" with you because you smoke weed all day, this is all just an internet meme to you.

    I am not right wing so stop trying to drag me into your gay little 2 party mental retardation.

    No but you are a victim of right wing propaganda and conspiracy theory, clearly. This is exactly the issue with basing your whole life around the internet.

    If you think liberty, capitalism and being against government regulation is a right wing 4chan meme you are a fucking retard.

    Capitalism has nothing to do with it, it's just that nothing you're saying makes any sense and you're spewing out whatever BS comes to mind and tossing it at the wall because that's what you heard on 4Chan.

    Are you against the FDA and its actions or not?
  5. Mike David from Redbar Radio has a love affair going with the FDA, a criminal organization, corrupt to the core.
  6. Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Mike David from Redbar Radio has a love affair going with the FDA, a criminal organization, corrupt to the core.

    Do you have any evidence for your conspiratorial claims?
  7. Originally posted by Mike David from Redbar Radio Do you have any evidence for your conspiratorial claims?

    Do you have any evidence for your wild love affair?
  8. Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Do you have any evidence for your wild love affair?

    No because I don't have one. Do you have any evidence for anything you are saying at all?
  9. Originally posted by Mike David from Redbar Radio No because I don't have one.

    That's just not true. You are enamored and in awe of the FDA. You hang onto every word they say, as if it's the last love you will ever have.
  10. Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ That's just not true. You are enamored and in awe of the FDA. You hang onto every word they say, as if it's the last love you will ever have.

    Sounds like you don't have any evidence of anything.
  11. Originally posted by Mike David from Redbar Radio Sounds like you don't have any evidence of anything.

    The fact remains that you trust your life with government agencies and you believe every word they say without question. That alone should alert you that you have severe cognitive issues.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  12. Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ The fact remains that you trust your life with government agencies and you believe every word they say without question. That alone should alert you that you have severe cognitive issues.

    So true, but if he was smart enough to have self doubt he wouldn't trust the government - any government.
  13. Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ The fact remains

    No it doesn't.

    that you trust your life with government agencies

    No I don't.

    and you believe every word they say without question.

    No I don't.

    That alone should alert you that you have severe cognitive issues.

    No it shouldn't because I don't. You have no evidence behind any of your assertions.
  14. Originally posted by Donald Trump So true

    No it isn't.

    but if he was smart enough to have self doubt he wouldn't trust the government - any government.

    I don't.
  15. Originally posted by Mike David from Redbar Radio No I don't.

    No I don't.

    No it shouldn't because I don't.

    Oh, but you do, and your posts make that painfully clear and obvious. You don't even question authority. And you also think the government cares about you one fig, which is actually a delusion you suffer from. Clearly.
  16. BummyMofo African Astronaut
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny negroids are enverminous

    in africa,

    in US

    in UK

    and in haytee.

    if this isnt becoming of a vermin then i dont know what is.

    meanwhile the world is getting fucked with a chinaman dick

    I like where this thread is going, guys. Keep it up.

    You retarded communists can keep defending your shitty ideology.
  17. Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Oh, but you do

    No I don't.

    and your posts make that painfully clear and obvious.

    No they don't because it's a baseless assertion.

    You don't even question authority.

    Yes I do.

    And you also think the government cares about you one fig,

    No I don't.

    which is actually a delusion you suffer from. Clearly.

    No I don't so clearly it's not.

    Now it's clear you have no evidence for your assertions. Why would you continue to lie and make false allegations? Do you just lie as a habit?
  18. Originally posted by Mike David from Redbar Radio No I don't.


    No they don't because it's a baseless assertion.

    the script

    Yes I do.

    and talking points

    No I don't.

    doesn't change

    No I don't so clearly it's not.

    the facts

    Now it's clear you have no evidence for your assertions. Why would you continue to lie and make false allegations? Do you just lie as a habit?

  19. Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Parroting

    the script

    and talking points

    doesn't change

    the facts


    The fact is that you are tossing out baseless assertions without any evidence or basis in fact.
  20. Originally posted by Mike David from Redbar Radio The fact is that you are tossing out baseless assertions without any evidence or basis in fact.

    No amount of evidence would ever be good enough for a determined fool.
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