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Fona's Fourth of July Weekend

  1. #21
    BeeReBuddy motherfucker [pimp your due marabout]
    Today is not going as well as I had hoped.
    All I have managed to do is lay in bed and sulk in my self created despair.

    I feel as though now would be a good time to implement some simple goals to motivate myself into action.

    Change the air enhancement on my car.
    Why? Cuz it probably needs changed.
    Will that help? Yes because I will have a clean air enhancement and such a simple task should bring me enough satisfaction upon completion to continue using my momentum to achieve more goals.

    Goal: Drop off my mom's birthday present.
    Why?: Cuz her birthday was last Monday and I think I should probably drop it off.
    Will that help?: Yes because one of my love languages is giving and that will make me feel happy to make her happy.

    Goal: Put together a kid's bike for my niece.
    Why?: Cuz her birthday is next weekend and this big ass box has been sitting in my living room for 2 weeks.
    Will that help?: Yes because I wont have to do it later.

    Goal: Go to my friends house and hang out with him.
    Why?: Because he wants me too and he has a Dreamcast.
    Will that help?: Yes because I want to play Power Stone.

    Those are my goals for today.

    Bonus goals include cutting my hair so I don't look like I am in 6th grade. Paying bills so that my credit continues to improve. Walk my cat because it is funny watching her in a harness as she just falls over and plays dead.

    Bumping to the top!
  2. #22
    BeeReBuddy motherfucker [pimp your due marabout]
    Air enhancement changed.
    It was quite easy to do and I am happy.
    The old was was in decent shape but there were some clods of dirt sitting in the airbox that I didn't need in there and removed.
    Overall a great success.
    I am proud of myself and am going to move on to cutting my hair and taking a shower because I am a filthy fucking animal.
  3. #23
    BeeReBuddy motherfucker [pimp your due marabout]
    Cut my hair, showered and dressed.
    Heading to grab some food and go to my mom's house for a bit.
    My day has been jumpstarted by that gnome.
  4. #24
    Fonaplats victim of incest [daylong jump-start that nome]
    Got to my mom's house and gave her a birthday present that she already had one of...
    Assembled a bicycle for my niece but i gotta get grease.
  5. #25
    STER0S Space Nigga [the disappointingly unanticipated slab]
    that sucks you gotta move out of your apartment.
    that appeared to be one of the better ones you've lived in.
  6. #26
    Originally posted by Fonaplats Assembled a bicycle for my niece but i gotta get grease.

    you can just use ky jelly.

    its good for the bike and the niece.
  7. #27
    BeeReBuddy motherfucker [pimp your due marabout]
    I ended up going to my buddy's house after visiting at my moms.
    My buddy and I just hung out and I was going to go back over later but I went home and fixed dinner and took a nap.
    I just woke up.
  8. #28
    Fonaplats victim of incest [daylong jump-start that nome]
    Been playing some minecraft this morning.
    There is stuff i need/want to do today and I will have limited time to do them as I have to go to work tonight.
    I think I will wait until 7 and jump in the shower.
    Going to get back to minecraft now.
    Anyone want to play on our Realms server?

    Also, wth is my 486?
  9. #29
    port congestion.
  10. #30
    BeeReBuddy motherfucker [pimp your due marabout]
    Today sucks.
    Chell was yelling at me for not going to see her gma with her.
    I just felt really weird about it and didn't want to go but then she yelled at me a bunch and made me feel bad.
    Played more Minecraft and then left to get some food.
    Saw a car fire.
  11. #31
    BeeReBuddy motherfucker [pimp your due marabout]
  12. #32
    Quick Mix Ready Dark Matter [jealously defalcate my upanishad]
    Originally posted by BeeReBuddy Went to the store with Chell and got TP along with a few other things.
    Then I took her to the tanning bed.
    After that we hit up the pet store and another grocery so she could look for keto bread.
    And lastly we stopped at Chipotle where I got a big chicken burrito and I went home and ate it.
    Now I am super full and about to play video games.

    I thought you got a studio apt. Why r u with chell?
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